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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The 11th Annual Greatest Games Event - The Discussion Thread

Ka-pi96 said:
The_Liquid_Laser said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Some more hints.

#50 An incredibly popular racing game that for the first time featured anti-gravity sections. Mario Kart 8 (guessed by Mnementh)

#49 Horse armour!
How has nobody got this yet? It's like the most infamous DLC of all time!

#48 Technically the 3rd game in the series, but also not a sequel. This time on a moon!
It added lasers to the huge arsenal of weapons that you could loot and shoot.

#47 This one is a sequel. It featured many different blade colours. It had the standard blue, red and green which were popularised by the movies. But also interesting ones such as orange and silver.
Had a morality system. One that actually ended up being a proper light vs dark one too.

#46 This entry in a long running franchise finally added a 4th playable kingdom. There are no longer just 3 kingdoms.
"Do not pursue Lu Bu!"

#45 Sony ruined this once awesome game.
The 1st of 2 MMOs based on this popular franchise.

#44 IMO one of the best FPS games on the PS3, and WAY better than its predecessor.
You went from the defender in the first game to the invader in this one.

#43 There were other great parts to this game, but to me the very best was all of the minigames. I just loved things like licking up sushi, splashing up and down, tossing snakes and so on.
Or hypnotising each other, hardening when rocks are fired at you, following a pink fairy's dance instructions etc.

49. Skyrim?

48. Return of the Jedi?

45. Everquest?

#49 is very close, but it's not Skyrim.

Nope on the other two.

49. Oblivion?

45. Star Wars Galaxies?

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Kantor said:

44) God of War (2005)

Continuing on a theme of the 40-something games, this is probably my least favourite in the mainline series (we don't talk about Ascension) but the one that started off the whole mad adventure and therefore deserving of a special place in my heart and on my list. I like how we get a glimpse into Kratos's past, setting the tone somewhat for a more pensive protagonist later in the series. I also really liked the temple sequence, and remember how awestruck I was when I saw Cronus crawling past with it on his back - for a PS2 game the technical achievement was incredible, even if later surpassed by its sequel.

It's weird...I hated the original trilogy (And we don't talk about ascension), but GOW 2018 is one of my all-time favourite games. 

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Haven't edited my post yet (I'll do it when we reach day 40) but my game #44 isCall of Duty 4: Modern WarfareI'd played the series a few times before (still have my copy of CoD2 that came with my Xbox 360) and a few games after. I've since lost interest in the series for the most part but CoD 4 was something special. It was THE online game in my home for a long time. The campaign was masterfully done, as well. That was a great time to be a gamer. I'd gladly play Modern Warfare over pretty much any fps released before or since.

Supermario28 said:

Some more hints

45. Some say it's a Zelda for 18+ ||| Darksiders ||| guessed by Mnementh

44. a) The main character has to take back his own castle from an evil relative.

      b) This game is part of a very very popular franchise

43. a) In this game, Audie seems to be a tribute to a real person

     b) Audie is a wolf

42. This game is the first in the serie's timeline ||| The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword ||| guessed by The_Liquid_Laser

41. a) Living together in peace, the inhabitants of an island are always full of joy thanks to a tree. But everything is taken away

     b) The tree is stolen, and one inhabitant, of desired color, has to go through a 6 pages Storybook to get it back.

44 is Fable 3? Haven't played that in so long but it feels right.

Runa216 said:
Kantor said:

44) God of War (2005)

Continuing on a theme of the 40-something games, this is probably my least favourite in the mainline series (we don't talk about Ascension) but the one that started off the whole mad adventure and therefore deserving of a special place in my heart and on my list. I like how we get a glimpse into Kratos's past, setting the tone somewhat for a more pensive protagonist later in the series. I also really liked the temple sequence, and remember how awestruck I was when I saw Cronus crawling past with it on his back - for a PS2 game the technical achievement was incredible, even if later surpassed by its sequel.

It's weird...I hated the original trilogy (And we don't talk about ascension), but GOW 2018 is one of my all-time favourite games. 

Oh don't worry, GoW 2018 is much higher up the list  

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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#45 The Battle for Wesnoth
guessed by Ka-pi96
platform Linux
release year 2005
developer/publisher David White and others
genre turn-based tactics with RPG elements
links Wikipedia
download and play for free (for PC)
Steam (for free)
past years 2019: #35, 2018: #26, 2017: #22

As a fan of turn-based strategy and tactics games The Battle for Wesnoth is a game right up my alley. You play missions on a hex based map, where you position your troops and fight the enemy not unlike Fire Emblem. In difference to FE (besides the hexfield) you hire most of your troops instead of getting them through story (although you get these too). A major difference too is managing your gold as a resource to hire troops and recall to them battle in the next scenarios. Troops also need upkeep, so you have to balance the number of units with the number of villages you captured.

The game has many things to consider, like the terrain which hinders movement and gives boni and mali depending on troop type or the day-night-cycle, which also can give some units advantages. For instance dwarf units get boni in mountains, while merfolk is better in water. The story is progressed by overlayed text-boxes.

The setting is a medieval magical fantasy world. Many of the factions you can play are typical: humans with knights, mages or sometimes thieves, dwarfes, elves, orcs and so on. Merfolk on the other hand was something I don't see happen that often. Or undeads.

The game has currently 17 main campaigns. I say currently, because the game is constantly developed on. That is not all. The game has a thriving community, that develops tons of user-generated campaigns, maps or add-ons. Each campaign has it's own story, although they may be connected as all happens in the same setting. If playing the single-player campaigns aren't enough for you, you can play online matches.

This is an open-source game, meaning it can be downloaded and played for free and also that it is developed by multiple people over time, as everyone can join in. It includes a lot of tools to create your own map scenarios and campaigns, so there is a lot of user-created stuff downloadable.

You can join in on the free download from website or via Steam.

Last edited by Mnementh - on 18 November 2020

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

Kantor said:
Ka-pi96 said:
Kantor said:

41: Video games based on a movie are never good, unless that movie is based on a video game.

Ratchet & Clank? The R&C remake is the only game based on a move based on a game that I can think of at least.

Correct! I'd never actually played the original (or watched the movie) so it was my first time experiencing it.

Reposting since nobody has got it yet:

42: Nihilism in 8-bit video game form. The real lesson is not to follow orders.

And an extra hint: Florida is known for being a violent place...

Hotline Miami

Signature goes here!

mZuzek said:

#44 - There's some weird giants, an egyptian god, four areas you have to explore, and you wield a light saber.
Hint 2 - It's an indie hack and slash game.

Hyperlight Drifter?

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

mZuzek said:

Guessed by @Mnementh

On a random evening in 2016, I was desperate to play something but had no controller on me, so I asked my friends to recommend a game that's good on keyboard/mouse. One guy recommended this. Looking back, honestly, I'm not sure about his recommendation, the game looks a lot better with a controller, but hey, I did get to play an awesome game! Hyper Light Drifter's got really great gameplay, but what hooked me was the extremely heavy atmosphere, with its cryptic story, dark soundtrack, and terminal disease infected protagonist. Several years on, I still have no idea what was going on with the story here, neither do I remember much (having never gone back to it is the main reason for the steep fall here). But what I do remember, is that it was a really great game.

Top 50 >>

I kind of regret not making these nice cards now. It does look cool. Maybe I'll still do something for the top 10/20.

mZuzek said:

Next one up!

#43 - This game features a lot of headshots, but they're not the usual kind of headshot.

Pokemon Snap?

Some second hints for those that weren't guessed yet;

45: The cities in this game actually grow when you upgrade them. So cool, but sadly this graphical feature was removed again in newer games.

Hint 2: It's probably due to the fact that the big cities, especially the four huge ones, grow so much that they cover half a province on the campaign map when fully grown. In later games cities were represented by small model again like in previous games.

44: The biggest hype ever. GTA? Fortnite? Fall Guys? Minecraft? No.. this.

Hint 2: A few years ago, and I guess that's still somewhat going on, there was a resurgence of the stratospheric popularity of this franchise where players went out to do what you digitally do in this game in real life. In the between time the franchise's popularity didn't really go away, but it was never as huge as it was at the start.

43: This latest game in the franchise was already huge, but now that the second and latest expansion was released, you now have five worlds full of islands to settle.

Hint 2: These five world maps cover most of the corners of the world; two in the 'old world' (Europe), one in the 'new world' (Latin America), one in the North Pole and one in Africa.

42: Literally just a palet swap of a famous RTS game. Guessed by Ka-pi96

41: In the early 2000s the Quake 3 engine was the engine to build your game with. Plenty of games used it, especially first person shooter games. It's not yet time for a Star Wars game, but it is time for a game from another galactic franchise.

Hint 2: It follows a special forces team made to deal with the threats of an uncharted area of space, where the main ship was stranded in during the tv-show it's based on.