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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Assassin’s Creed Valhalla runs upscaled 4K / 60 FPS on PS5. Xbox Series X native 4K 60.

Arguably the biggest next gen launch title runs native 4K / 60 FPS on Xbox Series X, but not on PS5. 

The resolution for this PS5 will be upscaled to 4K, but we don’t know from where. 1800p? 1440p? That remains to be seen.

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Thread title and OP text claims about "native 4K" aren't supported by your link...

"However, a PR representative for the company has since told DualShockers that the PS5 version runs at upscaled 4K. “I can confirm that Assassin’s Creed Valhalla runs at 4K at 60 fps on PS5 (upscaled 4K).” It’s unknown whether this applies to the Xbox Series X version as well. But the blog post for both still states 4K resolution at 60 frames per second with no mention of any upscaling."

Soon to be PS5 target upscaled 4k/60fps its Ubisoft after all. Besides much more powerful GPU's have issue running Oddesey in native 4K 60 fps. Why would the PS5 come close to that. Native 4k at 60fps is not to be expected for these kind of games.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

lol guys what is up with all the negative PS5 threads with hardly any basis at all, can we get a safe space for PS please mods!

Bound to be a power gap between the consoles though, no matter what the truth is behind the actual res of AC:V. Also seems like AC:V is an Xbox aligned title.

Intel Core i7 3770K [3.5GHz]|MSI Big Bang Z77 Mpower|Corsair Vengeance DDR3-1866 2 x 4GB|MSI GeForce GTX 560 ti Twin Frozr 2|OCZ Vertex 4 128GB|Corsair HX750|Cooler Master CM 690II Advanced|

mutantsushi said:

Thread title and OP text claims about "native 4K" aren't supported by your link...

"However, a PR representative for the company has since told DualShockers that the PS5 version runs at upscaled 4K. “I can confirm that Assassin’s Creed Valhalla runs at 4K at 60 fps on PS5 (upscaled 4K).” It’s unknown whether this applies to the Xbox Series X version as well. But the blog post for both still states 4K resolution at 60 frames per second with no mention of any upscaling."

Assassin's Creed Valhalla has been confirmed to hit the same benchmarks across both Xbox Series X and PS5, although the latter console is said to be upscaled 4K.

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Where does it say it runs native 4k on Xbox Series X?

Given the GPU difference my assumption would be that on PS5 its 1800p, but if they're upscaling to 4k maybe they'll stop at 1440p which also makes me wonder what technique they're using and whether they'll be any extra head room on PS5 compared to Series X in terms of FPS and graphic settings.

Can't wait for the digital foundary comparison.

As ubisoft have said both run at 4k/60 (with no mention if that's native or upscaled) and this PR representative only refers to PS5, there is no indication that Xbox Series X isn't upcaled too. You should wait for your "my box is better" ammunition.

But the difference between PS5 and XSX is minor. PS4 had a 40% more powerful GPU which resulted in 900p vs 1080p. XSX is just 17% more powerful... it's less than half the difference there was between PS4 and Xbox One. It's going to be barely worth mentioning.

If Xbox One is 900p vs 1080p PS4. (31% less pixels)

PS5 will be at worst 1998p vs 2160p. (15% less pixels) (a.k.a 999p vs 1080p)

At that point who even cares?

DirtyP2002 said:
mutantsushi said:

Thread title and OP text claims about "native 4K" aren't supported by your link...

"However, a PR representative for the company has since told DualShockers that the PS5 version runs at upscaled 4K. “I can confirm that Assassin’s Creed Valhalla runs at 4K at 60 fps on PS5 (upscaled 4K).” It’s unknown whether this applies to the Xbox Series X version as well. But the blog post for both still states 4K resolution at 60 frames per second with no mention of any upscaling."

Assassin's Creed Valhalla has been confirmed to hit the same benchmarks across both Xbox Series X and PS5, although the latter console is said to be upscaled 4K.

Yes the latter has been said to be upscaled, the former hasn't been said it's native at all. The PR guy that spoke to them mentioned PS5 specifically and only PS5. They did not say XSX was not upscaled and they did not say XSX was native.

Ubisoft - Both run at 4k/60
PR Guy that spoke to Dualshockers - PS5 runs at 4k/60 (upscaled)

This is the only info.

DirtyP2002 said:
mutantsushi said:

Thread title and OP text claims about "native 4K" aren't supported by your link...

"However, a PR representative for the company has since told DualShockers that the PS5 version runs at upscaled 4K. “I can confirm that Assassin’s Creed Valhalla runs at 4K at 60 fps on PS5 (upscaled 4K).” It’s unknown whether this applies to the Xbox Series X version as well. But the blog post for both still states 4K resolution at 60 frames per second with no mention of any upscaling."

Assassin's Creed Valhalla has been confirmed to hit the same benchmarks across both Xbox Series X and PS5, although the latter console is said to be upscaled 4K.

Seems likely but I wouldn't take this as confirmation tbh, since they did not comment on the Series X version and confirm 4k. 

DirtyP2002 said:

1800p? 1440p?

Is this a joke? LMAO