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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Assassin’s Creed Valhalla runs upscaled 4K / 60 FPS on PS5. Xbox Series X native 4K 60.

dane007 said:

That's an unofficial twitter account run by a fanboy.

That tweet was originally about a ubisoft article that said "4k at 60fps" for XSX and "4k and 60fps" for PS5. Ubisoft later changed the articles to say "4k at 60fps" for both precisely because fanboys were nitpicking every little detail and coming to inaccurate conclusions.

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Shiken said:
golfgt170 said:

arguably: used to say that a statement is very possibly true even if it is not certainly true. So, It's debatable and his opinion.

Arguably there will be a lot of games that will run on ps5 4k 60fps with superior graphics than ASS creed, which is so heavily advertised by MS.

I am just going to leave this here...

quoting me just to say the same thing, lol.

On topic though, as me and Shinobi-san said, AC:V is a Series X promoted game in the next gen campaign, as seen from advertising and events held by Microsoft so far. My point is that comparing resolutions on a 3rd party game that the author believes its the biggest next gen launch (just because he prefers Microsoft consoles), is not evidence to compare the next gen machines. Well especially on Launch for a cross-gen game.

ClassicGamingWizzz said:
Fucking hell, people is really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to find things to shit on playstation 5

Now that is what i really wanted to say, but in a more "decent" manner

Imagine, trying to pass off a fanboy twitter account as official news. That's sad, might as well list Timdog as official then if that's the case. Honestly this forum has gone to the shits the last few days with all this fud.

Bandorr said:
Dulfite said:
See! All you doubters! This game was not held back by last generation! Despite being designed for the PS5, it still can run 4k/60 fps on the current gen Series X! What all you haters have to say now?!


What source says this game was designed for the PS5?

Joe the Plumber!