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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Will COD ever come to Switch?


Will COD ever come to Switch?

Yes 7 20.00%
No 28 80.00%

It surprises me that COD isn't on the Switch when it was on mobile, DS & Wii. The argument some people bring up is that "the Switch can't handle it". However, we've seen one of the biggest most graphically demanding games this gen like the Witcher 3 make there way on Switch, which imo is more demanding than COD MW.

Plus, we've seen COD on the DS, which is equivalent to down-scaling a PS3 game to work on the PS1 at that point, and the power gap between PS4/Switch is much smaller.

Plus the Switch's install base is filled with many more hardcore gamers than the DS/Wii with software & 3rd Party games selling better than ever on the Switch with the Switch's install base blowing past the Xbox One and possibly the PS4 in the future

At least a COD Mobile port or an older COD would be welcome on Switch, but we got nothing. What do you guys think is holding off Activision from porting COD to Switch?

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It's a disgrace that COD isn't on Switch already when it's one of the fastest selling systems ever and is more than capable of handling ports of the PS4/Xbone games.

Hell, the Wii got 5 COD entries and the gap between it and PS3/360 was way bigger than Switch vs PS4/Xbone. 

At this point, no. Not even a port of the older CoDs, Activision doesn't really care about the Switch. Just like EA, their big cash grabs are too dependant on microtransactions, and the Switch seems a poorly fit for that economy.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

Current Switch, doesn't seem like it, though I don't see why they don't try porting some of the legacy COD games. They'd probably sell fairly well.

Switch 2 I think will get COD. They will take the XBox Series S version and cut the resolution down to something like 360p undocked/576p docked, but with DLSS that will show up as 720-1080p undocked, 1440p docked, perfectly fine resolutions.

Soundwave said:
Current Switch, doesn't seem like it, though I don't see why they don't try porting some of the legacy COD games. They'd probably sell fairly well.

Switch 2 I think will get COD. They will take the XBox Series S version and cut the resolution down to something like 360p undocked/576p docked, but with DLSS that will show up as 720-1080p undocked, 1440p docked, perfectly fine resolutions.

Switch ain’t getting COD because of hardware. It’s the culture Nintendo has harbor with the audience opposing micro transactions that’s the stick in the mud here. 

COD runs on mobile.....

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No, on mainly not because of power because of sales.

Aside of minecraft and maybe maybe Just Dance, there’s not a third party game on switch that has sold more than 5 million units.

It should never come to the Switch, as Switch is too highbrow ;/

BlackBeauty said:
Soundwave said:
Current Switch, doesn't seem like it, though I don't see why they don't try porting some of the legacy COD games. They'd probably sell fairly well.

Switch 2 I think will get COD. They will take the XBox Series S version and cut the resolution down to something like 360p undocked/576p docked, but with DLSS that will show up as 720-1080p undocked, 1440p docked, perfectly fine resolutions.

Switch ain’t getting COD because of hardware. It’s the culture Nintendo has harbor with the audience opposing micro transactions that’s the stick in the mud here. 

COD runs on mobile.....

Is that COD as in the PS4/XB1 games running on mobile? If not, then that's not really the same thing and I don't think many people would want some watered down phone spin-off on the Switch anyway. 

kazuyamishima said:
No, on mainly not because of power because of sales.

Aside of minecraft and maybe maybe Just Dance, there’s not a third party game on switch that has sold more than 5 million units.

Ports don't need to sell 5 million. The Wii COD games sold 1-2 million and yet were profitable enough for them to keep coming year after year.

Doom 2016 sold less than a million on Switch yet was profitable enough for Doom Eternal to be ported.

curl-6 said:
kazuyamishima said:
No, on mainly not because of power because of sales.

Aside of minecraft and maybe maybe Just Dance, there’s not a third party game on switch that has sold more than 5 million units.

Ports don't need to sell 5 million. The Wii COD games sold 1-2 million and yet were profitable enough for them to keep coming year after year.

Doom 2016 sold less than a million on Switch yet was profitable enough for Doom Eternal to be ported.

Although Doom Eternal seems to be M. I. A at the moment 🙄