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Forums - NSFW Discussion - Sexiest non-genital body part


I choose...

Breasts 36 33.64%
Bum 23 21.50%
Face 16 14.95%
Abs 7 6.54%
Legs 8 7.48%
Feet 8 7.48%
Other 9 8.41%
Jumpin said:

I picked breasts, but I like legs to look at and breasts to touch.

Jumpin said:

Also, if any women are reading, my answer is instead:

The sexiest part of a woman is her brain =)

I agree. Both left...and right...hemispheres of it.....

Mens is placed so much more poorly don't you think?

Around the Network

Well the older and wiser since I commented here, and also having a shorter patience with dumb conversation.

Honestly being able to hold a conversation and tolerate the person far outweighs any body part in a long term relationship.




Breasts! lol

Around the Network

Butt and lower back, the way muscles are visible when arching...

Thus I hate tramp stamps, not being a fan of tattoos in general.

Legs of course. Why is this even a question.


Cobretti2 said:

Well the older and wiser since I commented here, and also having a shorter patience with dumb conversation.

Honestly being able to hold a conversation and tolerate the person far outweighs any body part in a long term relationship.

It's crazy how much more important this is as you get older. 

Definitely legs!

Last edited by Radek - on 06 March 2024

the nose because of so many possibilites
