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Forums - Sales Discussion - Ghost of Tsushima: 2.4 million units sold through globally in its first 3 days of sales

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Will it pass TLoU2? it has a way better word of mouth that's for sure.

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

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Marth said:

TLOU Part II : 4M in 3 days
Spider-Man : 3.3M in 3 days
God of War : 3.1M in 3 days
Ghost of Tsushima : 2.4M in 3 days
Uncharted 4 : 2.7M in 1 week
Horizon Zero Dawn : 2.6M in 2 weeks
inFamous SS : 1M in 9 days
Bloodborne : 1M in 12 days
Detroit Become Human : 1M in 2 weeks

Very good. Im surprised Tsushima is doing so well. I guess everyone's buying it due to staying at home. 

Hell yes! I love seeing new games do well! this makes me very happy and I Can't wait to play it!

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What the hell? I never saw that coming! I know it's a great game, but still!

Very happy about this though. Let there be more japanese non kiddy games please :D

axumblade said:
COKTOE said:

Yes, absolutely. I'm just musing here. However, those are all well established franchises. Uncharted is the baby among them, and it has 6 games and 13 years of history behind it. Maybe Sony wants to go in a new direction, or shutter it entirely, and are low-key allowing it to fade away. And just to be clear, I'm not saying this is what's happening, but Sony's silence on Days Gone is absolutely bizarre. Any thoughts as to why it isn't being given the same amount of praise from the company that published it as has been given to it's contemporaries?

The game has pretty bad reviews compared to the games they listed. I'd also say that Sony Bend rarely get the recognition they deserve. 

That's possible. The rise of Metacritic has certainly changed how review scores are viewed. Personally, I would not classify Days Gone's score as bad in and of itself, nor would I say it's bad when grouped among Sony exclusives. It would depend on how much importance Sony places on MC scores. Enough importance to not draw attention to a games sales success because it sits at 72? That seems harsh and counterproductive. It's also something that will very likely, be impossible to ever prove or disprove. Could be though.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

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John2290 said:
BraLoD said:

Probably won't come close to TLoU2.

This could rise like HZD did and TLOU2 could slow down quite a bit yet, I know you don't like to hear it but the casuals have spoken on that one and they hold the true selling power, we are ants compared to them.

I thought casuals are the ones making YouTube videos every day saying all kind of lies, the new one is that GOT “destroyed” TLOU2 sales and “fans” are angry.

I know you don’t like to hear it, but the better game will have better sales at the end. 

As for the OP: congrats Sucker Punch!!

Last edited by kazuyamishima - on 24 July 2020

axumblade said:
If that's the case then they should take Spiderman, God of War, Uncharted 4 out of the list as well....

In those reviews no one spoke about the issue I said.  if they would have mentioned that in their sites and write articles about it, most probably Sony would not have said anything; and let the game sell... as It seems it worked with days Gone ;)

BraLoD said:
Naum said:

Will it pass TLoU2? it has a way better word of mouth that's for sure.

Probably won't come close to TLoU2.

Horizon sold 10M; this game can do it too.  I doubt TLOU2 reaches 10M

John2290 said:
kazuyamishima said:

I thought casuals are the ones making YouTube videos every day saying all kind of lies, the new one is that GOT “destroyed” TLOU2 sales and “fans” are angry.

I know you don’t like to hear it, but the better game will have better sales at the end. 

As for the OP: congrats Sucker Punch!!

No, the better game won't have better sales cause one is an established IP from a highly known studio with way more highly sold and well reviewed games and the other is from Sucker Punch. 

TLOU2 also had way more marketing. I'm not trying to pick sides here. I haven't played either game yet. I will say that I love Sucker Punch though. More than Naughty Dog. Sly over Crash EVERY. DAY. And twice on Sunday. Plus, Uncharted 4 is my biggest disappointment of the gen.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

SIE's next 10 million+ seller.