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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Symmetrical or asymmetrical analogue sticks?


I prefer...

Symmetrical 46 45.54%
Asymmetrical 55 54.46%

Fine with both but if I had to pick I'd take asymmetrical.

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Manlytears said:

Symmetrical (Dual Shock Style),  and I sincerely believe that the asymmetric model is inferior since it prevents a better access to all buttons. As a big fan of using "claw grip" mixed with "common grip" I find that accessing the D-pad with the index finger ( see the figure) is very convenient, and for that reason I really feel that asymmetric controls don't work for me. Games like Dark souls, Devil may cry, Nioh, Monster Hunter, etc. claw grip really does make a difference for me, so I consider symmetrical analog controls (in Dual shock configuration) to be unreservedly superior.

Have fun with arthritus.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Asymmetrical, so Xbox / Nintendo layout. I can't believe anyone would actually prefer the primary control method (left analogue stick) to be in a hard to reach position. If anything, it might be a case of Stockholm Syndrome where you adapted to it over a period of time. In general, I prefer Playstation over Xbox but you just have to admit to the flaws and the analogue stick design of the PS controller is definitely a flaw they need to fix at some point.

Manlytears said:

Symmetrical (Dual Shock Style),  and I sincerely believe that the asymmetric model is inferior since it prevents a better access to all buttons. As a big fan of using "claw grip" mixed with "common grip" I find that accessing the D-pad with the index finger ( see the figure) is very convenient, and for that reason I really feel that asymmetric controls don't work for me. Games like Dark souls, Devil may cry, Nioh, Monster Hunter, etc. claw grip really does make a difference for me, so I consider symmetrical analog controls (in Dual shock configuration) to be unreservedly superior.

How do you even properly push the buttons in this position? With the side of your index finger? This looks very unnatural to me haha. 

I prefer assymetrical. It's much better for my thump to use the analog stick for precise movement.

Got an Xbox One controller for PC and Pro Controller for Switch.
If Sony would have a assymetrical controller (I don't know if they exist) I would go for a PS5.

Intel Core i7 8700K | 32 GB DDR 4 PC 3200 | ROG STRIX Z370-F Gaming | RTX 3090 FE| Crappy Monitor| HTC Vive Pro :3

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I don't care. Analog sticks don't matter when they're attached to a controller only made for mutant hands. And that's sadly the case for most asymmetric controllers.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Asymmetrical for me. I've gotten far too used to Xbox/Ninty gamepads over the years, that touching a PS gamepad feels alien to me at times (which likely explains why I don't use it on PC as much).

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Assymetrical, but that's also due to the fact that I vastly prefer to use the D-pad over Analog sticks whenever possible. I'm still raging over the fact that I can't use the D-pad in Smash Bros for movement inputs, for instance.

NightlyPoe said:
SvennoJ said:
It seems my thumbs are symmetrical, that one.

Because your thumbs are symmetrical, you should want the analog stick to be in the default position.  Otherwise, your symmetrical thumbs will be reaching during most sessions of gameplay.

I'll say again, the "symmetrical vs. asymmetrical" is a nonsensical way of looking at it in the first place.  It is a question that ignores the ergonomics of the controller in favor of aesthetics.  Or, in this case, boiling the question down to a glib answer that is self-contradictory.

The correct question is whether you want a D-Pad dominant or Analog Stick dominant controller scheme.

My thumbs are still in the same place. What am I reaching for, left thumb to move forward, back, strafe, right thumb to turn the camera, fingers to shoot. It's the default setup for first and third person games, the majority of games. While racing you can use the right stick to accelerate or brake, or use R2 and L2 and L1 and L2 for shifting. But using my thumb to shift with x and [] is not reaching either.

I don't have an issue either way. The things that matter to me are the general ergonomics of the controller, how clicky the D-pad is and the labeling of the buttons (the fact that Nintendo and Xbox invert their button labeling infuriates me).