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Forums - Politics Discussion - (POSSIBLE SPOILERS INSIDE) The agenda and political discussion of Naughty Dog


Have politics damaged the quality of ND games

No 39 41.94%
Yes 54 58.06%
Hiku said:
Immersiveunreality said:

I honestly feel sorry for you that you need to think like this,always the worst possible assumption about people and i do think you do not even have the best experience to make those assumptions.

Well, isn't the whole idea behind this to make the worst assumptions or suggestions of Naughty Dog?

I say 'the worst', but people are comfortable suspecting ND of being sjw, because that's not really 'that bad of a thing'. But when people suspect some of those people to be the opposite of that, people reel back, because that can be pretty bad.

Though regarding those kind of people, I saw someone made a very strange comment in the Leaked Spoiler thread a few weeks ago. I'm pretty sure it was EnricoPallazzo who said something along the lines of "Every villain in the game is a white male".

Aside from how that sounds, I had not played the game at the time, so I wouldn't know how accurate that description was. But after playing it, that's not how I remember the game.

Tbh there were few characters who were just portrayed as only good or bad. If I'd have to single anyone out, then Isac or Lev's mother would be the closest.

Though he also posted a fake spoiler about a character dying, who did not die in the game. And I believe he said Abby was a transgender.
So I guess his impression of the game based on spoilers was pretty off.
Another reason why people should wait for the full game before jumping to conclusions.

I was going to reply with my arguments but to be honest I think this discussion leads nowhere. If people think tlou2 is not a woke game and the story is good and it is a 10 game, its ok there is nothing wrong with it. praise democracy. Some people think different and that is also ok, at least for now.

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EnricoPallazzo said:
Hynad said:

Not at all. It is clear she's not a trans. The beefing up is simply a result of what she imposed on herself to make sure she'll get through her personal mission/vendetta. And outside of her arms and shoulders, she's really not that beefy and certainly not outside of the realm of plausibility.

I can't believe how stupid the nitpicks get with some of you guys.

I think it is not stupid at all. I believe she is not trans, but Neil created the character in a clear way to generate this question and buzz. 

I dont think she is, but it wouldnt be a surprise for me if in the next game she comes out as trans.

Why would anyone think she's a trans when you also see her in her younger years without the muscles? There was a whole scene where Abby bailed on Owen because training was more important to her than spending time with him. Its why their relationship never worked out.

Last edited by goopy20 - on 27 June 2020

Runa216 said:
Honestly, I'm shocked at the discourse this thread has taken. Seriously 'she has to be trans because she's buff' and 'her being trans is bad becuase it's political to put a trans person in the game and ND is an SJW company'? Seriously?

Alright guys. alright. First of all, no. Just no. There's nothing unreasonable about Abby's figure and it makes a tonne of sense in the context of the game - or any context, for that matter. the fact that some of you are going so far to justify your stance or opinion on the matter is outright laughable, an olympic-level bit of mental acrobatics. It's not a debate. Some of you are just wrong and being foolish and it's kinda funny that people are humouring you.

Second of all, who the fuck cares? Who cares if she's trans? Trans people exist, I imagine a post-apocalyptic wasteland is a perfect opportunity to shed your external image and just be who you are, and seriously who the fuck cares if she has a penis or not. IT's not relevant to the story, it's headcanon you made up yourself in order to justify...something. I don't even know anymore. IT's a hell of a leap of logic just to get to an unreasonable conclusion based on feelings instead of rationality with no real purpose other than to convince yourself that someone in a game you didn't make is a thing that apparently matters to you just so you can turn around and act like it doesn't matter to you? You can't go through so many hoops to justify your belief that a character is trans just to say 'but that shouldn't matter, it's the characterization I don't like!'

If you didn't care or it wasn't important to you, you wouldn't be putting so much effort into your twisted logic to justify it.

Thirdly, who the fuck cares if Naughty dog is an SJW shill or pandering? The world has been dominated by straight white males and the industry has been that way for as long as there's been an industry; why would it be such a bad thing to try something new? Who does it hurt to say 'you know what? we're a progressive company, let's make the main character to our next story a lesbian woman!'? Who does that hurt. If you don't like it, then don't play it. It's not like white male protagonists are going away. This fear of white genocide or the gay agenda or whatever 'the minorities are getting power, let's find a way to make it look like they wanna wipe us all out and replace us with fags/women/black people' objective is pathetic. IT's pathetic. It's absolutely disgraceful that some people are so insecure that they can't handle playing a woman protagonist or a person who's sexuality doesn't match up with theirs or play a game that has a political ideal that doesn't line up with your own.

The lot of you (and you know who you are) are bitching and moaning and whining about representation in your games, decrying it as propaganda...but I still don't see how representation is bad. Women have been playing games with male protagonists for as long as there have been games. Homosexual people have played games with straight protagonists for as long as there have been games.

At the worst possible outcome of all this, the majority (straight white males, presumably) just has to experience the same thing minorities have been experiencing all along. A little bit of perspective would do you some good. Stop being so selfish. Stop putting SO MUCH GODDAMN EFFORT into proving something or convincing yourself of something just for an excuse to complain about it. Stop gatekeeping who can be represented in your media. Stop acting like you're being oppressed becuase instead of representing only 95% of all gaming protagonists you only represent 87%.

Your representation isn't going anywhere just becuase some games have protagonists or characters that don't represent you.

And no, I don't believe you for a second when you say 'but it's not about that!' If it wasn't about this, you wouldn't have spent like 10 pages of this thread just debating whether or not Abby's figure was likely as a cis-female character. If it didn't matter, you wouldn't have made it matter. And the worst thing is...90% of the responses to this will STILL be variations of 'you don't get it' or 'that's not what this is about' or 'That's not what we're saying' or some variation of that stance. I've been reading this thread and others long enough to know that it's precisely about white male fragility, insecure masculinity, and whiners complaining that something doesn't represent them all while ignoring the irony that is that so many haven't felt represented for so long and now they just know how it feels to not be catered to.

This should not be an issue, yet here we are. congratulations!

Man if you can't keep civil without dishing out accusations, say you don't care about the thread and don't name who you are talking to I would ask you to stop posting in the thread since you are going against all that was asked on the OP. You are doing much worse than the people you are accusing. Dunno if you have a personal stake being either a minority or loving ones are, but you are taking it to personal.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Immersiveunreality said:
If there is to be an TLOU3 i would like to have a game from start to end with Abby,how she copes with and tries to win people over to not see her as a monster no more and maybe her trying to stop another from going the same path she went and act as a leader that seeks peace over war.
Let's hope for your sake that it doesn't start out by introducing an unknown character who tracks down Abby, beating Abby to death with a guitar.

Maybe Abby betters themself, becomes important/famous, but get's cancelled because their past comes to light?

Last edited by EricHiggin - on 27 June 2020

Hiku said:
EnricoPallazzo said:

I was going to reply with my arguments but to be honest I think this discussion leads nowhere. If people think tlou2 is not a woke game and the story is good and it is a 10 game, its ok there is nothing wrong with it. praise democracy. Some people think different and that is also ok, at least for now.

I'd like to hear 1.) how its a woke game 2.) in a way that's bad.
I don't know where some people draw the line at either of those things. Two female characters kissing was apparently crossing the line for some when that second trailer dropped. Also, it doesn't have to be one or the other. I don't think its a 10/10 game for example. Nowhere near as bad as I was lead to believe though.

I think it was fine until the ending. When you see the farm, and two characters discuss whether they should do a certain thing or not.
I do not believe that either of those characters would behave that way. I don't think it was properly developed, and that's where the writing majorly falters imo.

But seeing comments suggesting that us white male people are in trouble over how we're portrayed through 'every villain in the game being a white male" (which wasn't true anyway) is pretty weird. I don't know what to say really.

We have seem male, female, white, black, asian, straight, gay, cis and trans doing acts of good and bad, acting like heroes and villains so I have no Idea why someone would think they decided that only white males could be villains... and in UC and TLOU1 that also would be the case, ND have not decided to make all heroes or villains in the same format.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

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Immersiveunreality said:

I honestly feel sorry for you that you need to think like this,always the worst possible assumption about people and i do think you do not even have the best experience to make those assumptions.

Did you have to deal with racism and sexism or maybe do you speak out of anger and hate or guilt and reflect your own wrong thinking of the past upon others and the assumption is that others are like your past self?

Why in the world do you feel the need to constantly berate me for being too cynical or not giving people the benefit of the doubt? I spent the last 30 years giving people the benefit of the doubt in most cases, and when it comes to shitty, bigoted, ignorant, backwater bullshit arguments about progress and tolerance I'm always shown to be naive about it. When it comes to issues of representation in the media, equality, and social progress, I've learned that 90% of the time people are just closet bigots trying to justify their beliefs by any means necessary. 

The funny thing is that I grew up in Canada, where even conservative Christian types were weirdly okay with gay/trans/bi people. I grew up in a community where they were very similar to American republicans without any of the bigotry. It wasn't until the internet happened to me and I met Americans that I realized that...holy shit prejudice is still a thing and its hiding in plain view. Bigotry like this - where people will bend over backwards to justify their own narratives just so they can be offended by inclusion - is the worst kind because it's masquerading as reason when it's got nothing of the sort fuelling it. 

I'm so vigilant against 'subtle bigotry' because I'm sick of terrible people getting away with racism, sexism, homophobia, and xenophobia by hiding behind whatever the excuse du jour is. "Oh, we're just keeping bloodlines pure" has turned to "I just don't want pandering media companies pushing propaganda". What used to be "We just want to keep the races separate" has become "We don't want them making our kids gay". 

I'm not going to pretend that this subtle, low-key bigotry isn't real becuase it makes you uncomfortable or because you don't personally have to deal with it or were too sheltered to see that it's a very real issue that needs to be addressed and complacency is NOT the way to fix it. 

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DonFerrari said:

Man if you can't keep civil without dishing out accusations, say you don't care about the thread and don't name who you are talking to I would ask you to stop posting in the thread since you are going against all that was asked on the OP. You are doing much worse than the people you are accusing. Dunno if you have a personal stake being either a minority or loving ones are, but you are taking it to personal.

I am a white male with blonde hair and blue eyes, Straight (ish) for most of my life. I am not a minority in any way (or wasn't until I came to terms with a whole lot of gender/sexuality confusion over the past few years.) This isn't personal to me, I'm just sick and tired of people getting away with low-key bigotry becuase they're not screaming 'burn the fags' or other cultural slurs that I'm not going to repeat. 

bigotry is bigotry, regardless of whether or not it has a fancy coat on. 

This thread? IT's a whole lot of intolerance masquerading as pretty much everything else. 

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John2290 said:

You've never watched twitch streams in games with character creators? The majority of men make female characters and love playing with digital Barbie dolls. 

You call people in this thread trolls and see toxicity but have you thought maybe you are also toxic on the opposite end with your "straight white males and their fragility" and what not. That's some toxic shit just to the other extreme. 

There's a world of difference between the toxicity that is bigotry and intolerance, and the supposed 'toxicity' that is reacting negatively to bigots and those who are intolerant. If you honestly equate "I hate fags" to "I hate homophobes" (in a roundabout way, not saying you directly said this), then the problem certainly isn't me. 

Because I do hate homophobes. The difference is that I'm not trying to hide it under a veneer of faux-sincerity and gussied-up language. I do hate racists and I'm right to do so. 

I know this is invoking Godwin's law and all that, but you'd punch a nazi or two, why not punch a neo-nazi? Some people are bad and don't deserve respect. If you hate someone because they're gay, or think representation in the media is ethically wrong, or think someone is superior or inferior because of the colour of their skin or the nation from whence they came, then yeah! I can get behind that. Hating someone for their actions and decisions and shitty views is a whole world of difference away from hating someone for something they cannot control. 

If you kick a dog, I'm going to be rightfully angry. 

IF you support people who kick dogs, I'll be rightfully angry. 

Right now, you're arguing that I'm as bad as someone who kicks a dog because I Said 'hey, you're a shitty person for kicking a dog'

That is the level of discourse there is in the world. There is a difference between right and wrong. Ethical and unethical. I'm not nice, but I'm right. Anyone who has seen progress throughout history knows that, in time, tolerance is getting better and more widespread and that anyone holding onto bullshit like 'the game's SJW propaganda becuase there's a trans person in it and that's bad' are wrong. They are wrong, they need to learn they're wrong, and they need to realize how much they're holding progress back by pushing their backwards agendas and resisting positive change. 

They also need to be called out on their subtle bullshit when they try to justify their shitty beliefs with rhetoric that sounds reasonable on the surface but is damaging overall. Which is what I'm doing. 

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John2290 said:

But you're not being intolerant of someones opinion but characteristics that they can't change such as their striaghtness, whiteness and maleness. 

Sounds to me like these people (from those I've read) are making valid arguments and having somewhat civil discussion and you're an extremist coming into the room, pointing fingers and shouting and screaming. 

This right here is the crux of why you are wrong and your arguments are bad. Nobody's judging people for being straight, white, or male. I have a problem with people who are being prejudiced. 

I'm straight, white, and male (Well, again, that's complicated but for the sake of the argument we'll go with that). I do not have a problem with straight people, white people, or male people. Like 95% of my social circle are one of those three things. The issue isn't that THEY are those things, the issue is that they seem offended that others are gay, lesbian, female, or coloured. The issue is that it seems to be predominantly straight, white males who are so vocal about how terrible ND is for putting a lesbian and a trans person in their game. 

Nobody (with any reason in them) has a problem with people being straight, white, or male. The issues come from anyone trying to belittle the progress of anyone NOT Straight, white, or male and limit their inclusion for whatever bullshit reason they're peddling. 

THAT is why your arguments are so bad. They completely miss the point and misrepresent what the actual conflict here, is. It's either idiocy or a logical fallacy (Strawman); either way, it's a bad take that is grossly disingenuous and maddeningly unhelpful.

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John2290 said:
Runa216 said:

This right here is the crux of why you are wrong and your arguments are bad. Nobody's judging people for being straight, white, or male. I have a problem with people who are being prejudiced. 

I'm straight, white, and male (Well, again, that's complicated but for the sake of the argument we'll go with that). I do not have a problem with straight people, white people, or male people. Like 95% of my social circle are one of those three things. The issue isn't that THEY are those things, the issue is that they seem offended that others are gay, lesbian, female, or coloured. The issue is that it seems to be predominantly straight, white males who are so vocal about how terrible ND is for putting a lesbian and a trans person in their game. 

Nobody (with any reason in them) has a problem with people being straight, white, or male. The issues come from anyone trying to belittle the progress of anyone NOT Straight, white, or male and limit their inclusion for whatever bullshit reason they're peddling. 

THAT is why your arguments are so bad. They completely miss the point and misrepresent what the actual conflict here, is. It's either idiocy or a logical fallacy (Strawman); either way, it's a bad take that is grossly disingenuous and maddeningly unhelpful.

You don't know if it's staight white males or pansexual purple reptilians who make up this thread, it's global. The thread owner alone isn't white. 

I'm just stating my issue with you saying everyone in this thread is vieling their hatred in valid opinions and discussion. You do not know that, like right now you call me disingenuous but I'm being entirely genuine. Youn may have a God complex or whatever that shit is called. 

The complains you have about TLOU2 even though I disagree are from how the story was aligned and the ending nothing to do with the characters themselves, their external characteristics or their sexuality.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."