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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 VS X360: So, who won ?

Conina said:
Leynos said:
Wii beat both in sales. PS3 was in second but barely. Wii has a lot of great games but the hardware sucks to use. Still have my HD twins hooked up.

Wii had a lot of great games... yeah, but only a fraction of great PS3 + Xbox360 games:

  • Wii had 14 games with a MetaScore of 90+, PS3 + Xbox360 each had over 50 of them.
  • Wii had 43 games with a MetaScore of 85+, PS3 + Xbox360 each had around 180 of them.
  • Wii had 106 games with a MetaScore of 80+, PS3 + Xbox360 each had over 400 of them.

I have a collection. IDGAF about stupid ass meta. Stop letting numbers decide your opinion for you. Meta is garbage. A score is  garbage. It's an arbitrary way to judge something as a work of art. Babyz DS got a better review score than Mafia II. So if that game is better than Mafia II then where is the Babyz remake? Wii has a ton of hidden gems that don't show up on Meta anyway. Some of them I imported as they were not released in the west. lol and still holding on to the fan grading curve of anything below 80 is bad. Thanks for the laugh tho.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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sales2099 said:
Spindel said:
But how many of those Xbox sales where due to RROD failures?

There’s a flip side to that argument. People rebuying a faulty console instead of a fully functioning PS3 speaks to the strength of the 360 brand 

Or you get a replacement unit, whitch probably still is counted as an sale. 

But my main goal with my previous post was to trigger people, and by the looks of it i succeded ;)

Leynos said:
Conina said:

Wii had a lot of great games... yeah, but only a fraction of great PS3 + Xbox360 games:

  • Wii had 14 games with a MetaScore of 90+, PS3 + Xbox360 each had over 50 of them.
  • Wii had 43 games with a MetaScore of 85+, PS3 + Xbox360 each had around 180 of them.
  • Wii had 106 games with a MetaScore of 80+, PS3 + Xbox360 each had over 400 of them.

I have a collection. IDGAF about stupid ass meta. Stop letting numbers decide your opinion for you. Meta is garbage. A score is  garbage. It's an arbitrary way to judge something as a work of art. Babyz DS got a better review score than Mafia II. So if that game is better than Mafia II then where is the Babyz remake? Wii has a ton of hidden gems that don't show up on Meta anyway. Some of them I imported as they were not released in the west. lol and still holding on to the fan grading curve of anything below 80 is bad. Thanks for the laugh tho.

MetaScore ain't perfect, but the cumulative rating system is a much better indicator about the quality of games than the ratings of single persons. Extreme opinions get balanced out in most cases.

"Babyz DS" doesn't even have a MetaScore and Mafia II had a score of 74 - 77 (depending on the version)... so WTF are you talking about?

And you are free to write down a list of Wii games that are hidden gems.

Thanks for the laugh tho.

vivster said:

Did the kid who got a 95m head start on the 100m dash win when it crossed the finish line at the same time as the pro athletes?

Ya that just doesn’t fit. Generations never start at the same time. I could easily say Sony was still tieing their shoe laces while MS was ready to run. Cocky Sony, thinking they had all the time in the world after their last race victory. There I made your analogy fit :)

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Spindel said:
sales2099 said:

There’s a flip side to that argument. People rebuying a faulty console instead of a fully functioning PS3 speaks to the strength of the 360 brand 

Or you get a replacement unit, whitch probably still is counted as an sale. 

But my main goal with my previous post was to trigger people, and by the looks of it i succeded ;)

...but you didn’t. I flipped the argument. The image of a broken 360 looking more appetizing then a shiny new PS3. Your post gave me that image in my head, made me smile, and thus my post response. So thank you. 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


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vivster said:

Did the kid who got a 95m head start on the 100m dash win when it crossed the finish line at the same time as the pro athletes?

When that kid crossed the finish line, we were all winners.

sales2099 said:

360 sold more software. Ps3 edged out on hardware. Overall I’d call 360 a western dominated console while PS3 dominated in the East. Since I live in the west I’m happy with how it turned out.
Take away Japan and Ps3 loses its crutch that Xbox has to make due without. For the majority of us, we lived in Xbox country :)

Overall it was a strategic victory. Xbox tripled their hardware sales gen over gen while Sony’s was cut. That’s right, might be a DJ part-time. Because I know how to spin 

360 "edged" out in software too. However @bolded Please don't do the whole "if wasn't for this or that...or take away this or that" argument. It's irrelevant. We can do that all across the board.

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sales2099 said:
vivster said:

Did the kid who got a 95m head start on the 100m dash win when it crossed the finish line at the same time as the pro athletes?

Ya that just doesn’t fit. Generations never start at the same time. I could easily say Sony was still tieing their shoe laces while MS was ready to run. Cocky Sony, thinking they had all the time in the world after their last race victory. There I made your analogy fit :)

Considering they sold more consoles in the end they really DID have the time to tie their shoe laces. Makes me wonder what the other guy did to completely squander his head start.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

vivster said:

Did the kid who got a 95m head start on the 100m dash win when it crossed the finish line at the same time as the pro athletes?

I think you posted this before...and I replied to it before.

Both consoles ended with about 80M when the 8th gen started. The gen started in 2005 and new console emerged in 2013. The Xbox 360 was out for ONE YEAR and only sold 5.5m in that year.

So, in your analogy Sony is the superstar athlete. Microsoft is the kid. Either way, 5/80 or 1/8 doesn't equal a 95% head start.

The kid did alright.

Rafie said:
sales2099 said:

360 sold more software. Ps3 edged out on hardware. Overall I’d call 360 a western dominated console while PS3 dominated in the East. Since I live in the west I’m happy with how it turned out.
Take away Japan and Ps3 loses its crutch that Xbox has to make due without. For the majority of us, we lived in Xbox country :)

Overall it was a strategic victory. Xbox tripled their hardware sales gen over gen while Sony’s was cut. That’s right, might be a DJ part-time. Because I know how to spin 

360 "edged" out in software too. However @bolded Please don't do the whole "if wasn't for this or that...or take away this or that" argument. It's irrelevant. We can do that all across the board.

I’m not wrong to say Xbox 360 was a western dominated brand. Unless you show me a Japanese passport you probably lived in a country where Xbox beat Ps3. 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.