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Forums - Sony Discussion - First look af the PS5 controller. The DualSense


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0D0 said:

Well, after checking out those fan arts I'm starting to see the potential.

Ok, now THIS looks good. How hard can it be for Sony to actually make a good controller design, when 1 fan can do it in some hours?

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

April fools was a few days ago...

trunkswd said:

If only Sony did that with the PS5 controller. I do prefer that layout. 

I don't, what now?

3rd parties will offer different options.

sales2099 said:
V-r0cK said:

Once again you're claiming something without any actual proof that one way is more comfortable than the other.  I know you love Xbox and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that but you gotta stop trolling just to try and one-up Xbox over Playstation. 

I hear both sides about where the left thumbstick is best located, and it all just comes down to a preference thing/the games you play, nothing more.

A quick google search “which controller is more ergonomic Xbox or PlayStation” and the results are individual people overwhelmingly saying one feels better then the other.

If I’m wrong then why is the grip clearly inspired by the Xbox controller? Why take inspiration from a inferior design? 

You say I’m trying to one up Xbox over PlayStation....flip side is people refusing to admit Sony can’t do something as good as Xbox. Fandom works both ways. 

If you're telling someone to "google" that means you can't actually find real proof that clearly defines which is more ergonomic/prove your point.

I did "google" ...I googled "which controller is more ergonomic Xbox or PlayStation" and this was the first article that popped-up:

The article claimed that the Dualshock 4 is the winner.  Should I now say that you're wrong? Should I now start blasting others' claim and tell them that the Xbox controller is more inferior? No, because at the end of the day it's still a preference thing.

You say the grip is inspired by Xbox controller yet Google Stadia/Nintendo Switch Pro/a crap ton of different PC controllers since the dawn of time also share the same form yet you're not going to point that out here cause you're only trying to one-up against Playstation.  And I say you trying to one up Xbox over Playstation because that's all you've ever posted since the dawn of the 360 era.  I remember exactly who you are cause you were always the guy that kept trolling PS3 threads.  Seems like your trolling hasn't changed all these years just like your avatar.

FYI.  I really like the xbox360 controller with how it feels, I just prefer where the D-pad and thumbstick are on Playstation controllers ...because its a preference thing. (The initial topic of our conversation was about the location of the D-pad/thumbstick...not the grip, but clearly you were just too busy trolling to try and point out other things like the grip rather than sticking to the actual conversation)

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We'll still get a DualShock 5 at some point that's more in line with DualShock controllers (namely in form factor). Only the PS2 and PS4 stuck to one controller. PS1 and PS3 mixed it up, PS5 will probably be the same. The DualShock is iconic.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 40 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million. then 48 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

JRPGfan said:
Nate4Drake said:

I agree, I would prefer something like this, looks more sexy.

Heres what a mockup done in dark grey looks like:   Just as sexy.

These two are the best looking ones. Why can't Sony ditch the two-tone and give us these? I'm guessing the console will have a lot of white.

Please Watch/Share this video so it gets shown in Hollywood.

I like it, looks unique.

sales2099 said:
Runa216 said:

You say that, but the PS line of consoles has literally always outsold the XB line of maybe people don't actually care as much as you think they do? 

I, personally, barely notice a difference when swapping between the two. Both work equally fine for me and I actually keep forgetting there's a difference. If anything, I kinda prefer the PS layout because of Symmetry (but I've got OCPD, so the symmetry is weirdly important to me), but I accept that's just me. That said, sales indicated that most people don't care as much as they care about stuff like Exclusives. If they did, Xbox would be selling a whole lot more and PS would be selling notably less. 

Whats wrong with the idea of admitting they taking a winning design from a competitor and using their own brand name to propel it to higher levels of success? I mean I know what the problem is, I just want others to make peace with it. 

A better controller is a better controller, market share isn’t determined by that. But it’s nice to see the grip was clearly inspired by its competition. 

Nothing is wrong with that. I agree with you and think that this controller is blending the best of the Xbone and PS4 controllers...I just don't agree that thumb stick placement is as important in the grand scheme of things as you think it is. Clearly it matters to some people, but like backwards compatibility and sheer raw power, I just don't think the average person cares or notices. 

My Console Library:

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Can someone take this image please and make the body PS1 grey. Sticks abd buttons and touchpad remain what they are in this photo. Just the body is PS1 grey.

Thank you

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!