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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 58.3% Plan To Buy A PS5 VS. 38.5% For XBX, According To IGN Poll


Which Of The Two Will You Be Buying?

PS5 Only 60 59.41%
XBX Only 18 17.82%
Both 8 7.92%
Sticking With Switch 14 13.86%
Sticking With PS4/XBO 1 0.99%

What's happened from the new year up until now really doesn't mean much in terms of the eventual next gen sales outcome. Without knowing the launch and near future line ups, with next to no game play shown, and with Lockhart being an unknown, along with the console prices, everything is still up for grabs.

Assuming the quality and volume of games were all there for both, while a $499 XBSX announcement would create a quake, a follow up $399 PS5 would shift continents. That could be followed up by the biggest aftershock known to gamers in the form of a $299 Lockhart however.

At this point in time, it looks as though next gen just may come down to the wire. Exciting seeing these two go blow for blow. 10 rounds, or 12 ?...

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This pole is a lie, I'm 100% sure this was not down worldwide, if it was there was no way xbox would have 38.5%, make this poll in Europe and it would be like 10%, make it in Japan and it will be like 0.5%

eva01beserk said:
JRPGfan said:

New gens dont mean a "clean slate".
People remember back a gen or two, and judge based on many other factors, than just the value of hardware in a console.

Basically a console is more than the hardware.
If it was just "best performance pr $", switch would be a rather bad product.

Thing is, most gamers care more about the games a system has, than its power.
PS4 came off of a gen, doing rather well with its exclusives, while the oppersite is basically true for Xbox.

Thats bound to effect numbers.
Also playstation was always a bigger brand name, than xbox.

XSX+PS5 will both be near 100% BC, with previous gen titles, so it makes sense that beacuse so many more have playstations, they'd want to continue forwards with that in the next console.

this might be the biggest factor now that you mention it. Who would want to abandoned that huge collection they have build over the years? Going back and play them enhanced. 

The answer to your question is "Vgchartz users". When XBO announced backwards compatibility, the overwhelming response was "I bought a PS4 to play PS4 games. If you want to play old games, keep your old console. BC doesn't matter."

shikamaru317 said:
victor83fernandes said:

This pole is a lie, I'm 100% sure this was not down worldwide, if it was there was no way xbox would have 38.5%, make this poll in Europe and it would be like 10%, make it in Japan and it will be like 0.5%

A. It’s an IGN US poll. 
B. Even Xbox One has a marketshare way above 10% in Europe, about 21% currently to be exact. And XSX has many advantages that XB1 didn’t have; more positive announcement reception, a stronger first party, higher specs than the competition. That means that Xbox’s marketshare in Europe will likely increase next gen, not decrease.

I think it will all come down to the games. If Sony keeps dropping first party bombs while MS keeps failing to deliver with their exclusives, we could see an even bigger gap than we're seeing this gen. Also, price point is very important, so if Series X ends up being $100 or more expensive, it's gonna be a tough one for MS.

Considering how IGN is but a fraction of the entire userbases out there for both systems, this doesn't surprise me. IGN also has more using PS4's than Xbox/PC/Switch.

It'd be more interesting to see multiple parties holding multiple twitter polls with that question, then tallying them all up after a couple of months. I think we'd see different results than what IGN presents. You also have to factor in the fact that MS fumbled the gen early in, and Sony basically had the gen on lockdown, mindshare and all.

Last edited by Chazore - on 31 March 2020

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

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Whatever happens, I believe that the PS5 will be successful enough for Sony to keep on doing what they do. I will get to play amazing games on it, and that's all that matters.

Chazore said:

Considering how IGN is but a fraction of the entire userbases out there for both systems, this doesn't surprise me. IGN also has more using PS4's than Xbox/PC/Switch.

It'd be more interesting to see multiple parties holding multiple twitter polls with that question, then tallying them all up after a couple of months. I think we'd see different results than what IGN presents. You also have to factor in the fact that MS fumbled the gen early in, and Sony basically had the gen on lockdown, mindshare and all.

The 360 was a pretty big success while the ps3 was struggling hard at the beginning, though. At least until MS dropped the ball and went completely crazy with Kinect, that is. This gen things took a complete u-turn but I don't think the hardware or the terrible marketing at launch caused MS this gen. It's more the fact that MS has been pretty lackluster when it comes to their exclusives. Hopefully this will change next gen but just look at how we're closing current gen. It's basically: Dreams, Nioh 2, FF7, TLOU2, Ghosts of Tsushima Vs. Halo Infinite. 

sales2099 said:
newwil7l said:
I'm sorry but does anyone else find it funny that people keep saying "3 straight gens of dominance" for Sony even though the 360 and PS3 battle was essentially a dead heat? Lol.

360 winning from November 2005 to losing by a couple million around what, September 2013 with the next gen starting in November 2013 is not a loss. That’s 99% of the gens relevance in 360s favour. And 360 didn’t need Japan as a crutch either to get that virtual tie. 

We have discussed this numerous time.

Launch aligned PS3 was always ahead of X360. Year shipment on same years I think only one time X360 outsold PS3. And also PS3 ended ahead.

If we were to use your concept them X1 was winning against Switch for almost this whole gen.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Chazore said:

Considering how IGN is but a fraction of the entire userbases out there for both systems, this doesn't surprise me. IGN also has more using PS4's than Xbox/PC/Switch.

It'd be more interesting to see multiple parties holding multiple twitter polls with that question, then tallying them all up after a couple of months. I think we'd see different results than what IGN presents. You also have to factor in the fact that MS fumbled the gen early in, and Sony basically had the gen on lockdown, mindshare and all.

We will really see it when Amazon open up pre-sale circa June when formal consoles and prices are released.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

I find it hard to believe that anyone that has a PS4 and has been buying games digitally... would abandon that library and jump in with another platform. I said this years ago, this is exactly why MS was pushing the whole cross-platform online thing hard.

If MS does what they are supposed to do (which is up yet game output and give people reasons to buy their console outside, halo, gears, and Forza) I fully expect their position to be better next-gen. And that would come at the expense of some PS market share. But not y more than 10-20% better. Anything higher would require some major fuck ups on songs part.