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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

Metallox said:
SvennoJ said:

Case in point, teenagers need to stop partying

A town south of Montreal has partially shut down—again—all because of the recklessness of a few teenagers, its mayor says. About 50 people have now tested positive for COVID-19 in a new outbreak in the Montéregie region, all of them directly linked to two house parties that happened there this weekend, health authorities say.

Most of the 50 are young, said Montéregie public health spokesperson Chantal Vallée. But the infection has spread past the partygoers, she said. “Some cases are parents, friends or colleagues of these young people,” she said. In the town of Mercier, the owner of a local bakery is now in quarantine, his shop closed since Monday, after one of his young employees caught the virus. "It was a moment of madness, of carelessness, weakness,” said Frederic Dugas, the co-owner of Fantaisie du Blé bakery. He said the employee is usually a good kid, but he slipped up and went to a party in the neighbouring town. He probably didn’t envision the potential consequences.

Employees of at least five businesses in Mercier have now tested positive, including people who work at the town’s IGA grocery store and its McDonald’s, says mayor Lise Michaud. “It’s an enormous impact,” she told CTV News. “We have so many businesses that have had to close their doors.”

It's so frustrating, this pandemic could have been stopped in less than 2 months, yet we're still isolating since early March. The consequences are really starting to show now. My wife took our youngest to the hospital today with breathing difficulties, sleeping problems and panic attacks, likely heightened by allergies and the relentless hot weather. There they said it was mostly due to anxiety, he needs to see his friends. He's been home from school since early March and has only seen his nephew (and his brother of course) since then. He's afraid the virus is going to kill him. (how do you convince an 8 year old he's safe) We never have the news on but the subject does come up and of course he knows about the masks, risks and not being able to go anywhere.

The weather is a big factor, now over 40c with humidex every day, pool is 32c can't get it to cool down, night temps stay above 20c, feels like 30c by 8 am. So he can't go outside (doctor says he needs to stay in air conditioning as much as possible) which only leaves home or grandma's house. Can't invite friends over or send him over since that would be outside of the current 'bubble' limits. (Playing outside would be fine but too hot)

At least the doctor (in full ppe, mask, face shield, gloves, coverall) had a good talk with him and the expert authority got him calmed down. Prescription: lots of popsicles. They get kids like him in all the time now, they need that school interaction back (in a safe way). Mental health has become a serious issue for younger kids. Not sure what to do, the 14 day forecast looks terrible, 32c to 43c for the next 2 weeks. July is going to break all weather records :(

This is a bit off topic, but I'm amused that you have such temperatures over there. I live in what is supposed to be a very arid area in Mexico and maximum temperatures have yet to surpass the 30C mark in these early days of Summer. 

Ya it get's pretty hot in some places in Canada. Southern Ontario can get up to around 40C max, but that's super rare. Around 35C is usually where it maxes out. Today I saw the gauge read 34C, but the humidity here is the real problem. Today, just standing outside in a light pair of shorts and sandals in the sun, only took a minute and I was already sweating, and I'm in shape and quite healthy. The Lake Erie beaches around here have been jam packed since lock down has lifted.

It's weird because in the late fall to early spring it's typically quite windy, but in summer here it get's quite calm. This works against us in the winter though, because the windchill is always brutal, and worse yet because the humidity makes you feel damp and even colder on top of it.

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Metallox said:

This is a bit off topic, but I'm amused that you have such temperatures over there. I live in what is supposed to be a very arid area in Mexico and maximum temperatures have yet to surpass the 30C mark in these early days of Summer. 

It's a bit weird.

Vancouver has a high of 21c tomorrow, Toronto a low of 24c tonight and high of 31c but feels like 40c with the humidity. 3 degrees less than today, I'll take it! Oh nvm for my town it's 32c feels like 42c tomorrow. It's still less ha.

And now we're at risk for local flooding. Severe thunderstorms dropping 65mm of rain in half an hour in a small area.
One of our friends in Toronto said they didn't get a single drop. Storm only dumped on some parts. Also here, no rain yet, desperately needed.

SvennoJ said:
Metallox said:

This is a bit off topic, but I'm amused that you have such temperatures over there. I live in what is supposed to be a very arid area in Mexico and maximum temperatures have yet to surpass the 30C mark in these early days of Summer. 

It's a bit weird.

Vancouver has a high of 21c tomorrow, Toronto a low of 24c tonight and high of 31c but feels like 40c with the humidity. 3 degrees less than today, I'll take it! Oh nvm for my town it's 32c feels like 42c tomorrow. It's still less ha.

And now we're at risk for local flooding. Severe thunderstorms dropping 65mm of rain in half an hour in a small area.
One of our friends in Toronto said they didn't get a single drop. Storm only dumped on some parts. Also here, no rain yet, desperately needed.

There's a thunderstorm going over the Nanticoke possibly Dunnville area right now. I can see it. One heck of a lightning storm. One bolt after another non stop. Here the sky is crystal clear though. We could really, really use the rain for the crops.

SvennoJ said:
sethnintendo said:

No idea what pic is looks like a pear that became old and got a lot of wrinkles.  Maybe it was a fruit in animal crossing new leaf...  Not even sure if that is a fruit or veggie.

It's a Mexican Squash Chayote. My wife used it to make Tacos, mixed in with the ground beef, it's delicious.

Chayote is used through out all of Latin America thought it may be called different names in some places. It is eaten raw on salads or cooked. They always have it in supermarkets here in Florida too. It is a fruit but there might be a few people who think of it as a veggie.

Chicho said:
SvennoJ said:

It's a Mexican Squash Chayote. My wife used it to make Tacos, mixed in with the ground beef, it's delicious.

Chayote is used through out all of Latin America thought it may be called different names in some places. It is eaten raw on salads or cooked. They always have it in supermarkets here in Florida too. It is a fruit but there might be a few people who think of it as a veggie.

Never seen them in Europe.

According to Wikipedia it's indeed a vegetable and related to pumpkins.

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A chayote is a fruit, Pumpkins are also fruits not vegetables.

Last edited by Chicho - on 10 July 2020

I want to talk about the mask controversy in USA. Let me go back a few months. This is what US Surgeon General was telling us.

"They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can't get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!" he continued.

So they wanted to stop the run on masks but should have been telling people to make their own cloth masks or something.

Then finally around early April suggests
"Use a scarf if you want,"

He said the CDC is still taking new mask-wearing recommendations into consideration. For now, the advice posted on its website: "If you are NOT sick: You do not need to wear a face mask unless you are caring for someone who is sick (and they are not able to wear a face mask)."

US Surgeon General Jerome Adams said Monday, March 2 that wearing face masks could actually increase a person's risk of contracting COVID-19, echoing remarks he made on Saturday that called for people to "stop buying masks."

In a similar stance, Vice President Mike Pence, the head of the US coronavirus task force, said on Saturday, February 29 that the "average American" does not need to "go out and buy" a mask to protect themselves from coronavirus.

So now do you people in other countries realize what a cluster fuck this has become here. We've been given conflicting information since the damn start.  The CDC and US Surgeon General royally fucked it all up.

sethnintendo said:
SvennoJ said:

Next to figure out what to make with this, new item in the supermarket. Stumped 4 cashiers :)

Ah yea Aldi does that here require money to use cart.  They are a German company I believe.  Never heard of that before till recently.  Almost all other stores here use cart corrals. 

Speaking about shopping carts reminds me of Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys TV show.  He used to push them down a hill and collect them to resell.

No idea what pic is looks like a pear that became old and got a lot of wrinkles.  Maybe it was a fruit in animal crossing new leaf...  Not even sure if that is a fruit or veggie.

Most of europe has this system.
In denmark its a 10/20 dkkr coin, you put it into the cart, and the locking mechanism unlocks it from the rest of the carts.
Then when you leave the shop, you yourself, take the cart back to the line, push it into the line, and lock it again (with the chain) and the coin drops back out.

Its a small incentive, to have people do the right thing, and its highly effective.
Its like this is the rest of europe too (just with say a euro coin).

You'll probably be shocked to hear that we dont have someone to pack our bought foods either, or carry them for us, to the cars.
Its expected you do that yourself. To me, it would be odd, if I suddenly found someone packing my bought items into a bag and offering to carry them out for me.

We have the same thing with bottles of vine, and soda cans.
"pant" is like this small extra cost put on these items, to encurage people to do the right thing. 
Instead of throwing them around, or into crash bins, you can return them at supermarkets, and get money back from returning them.

Why does this matter? well they can then recyle them, and as a upside we pollute abit less with such items.
(seriously broken bottles and soda cans, dont need to be laying around anywhere. Return them and recycle them.)

Its also becomeing more and more common, that you dont use a plastic bag when you go shopping.
You bring your own bag, thats a reuseable and durable type.

Im not sure if its like that in the USA is it? I have this idea from TV shows that tons and tons of plastic bags are used.


About the fruit, I honestly dont reconise it.
However Im not surprised its from Aldi. 
Aldi sometimes do these things like "mexico week" and you ll find a section of the store dedicated to say "mexican food items" and fruits ect.
You might even find some recipes nearby that encurage you to try eating something mexican.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 10 July 2020

SvennoJ said:
sethnintendo said:

It's a Mexican Squash Chayote. My wife used it to make Tacos, mixed in with the ground beef, it's delicious.

When I grew up it was normal to return the carts to the store. It was also normal not to use bags. We simply put all the groceries back in the cart, then in the trunk and off we went. Not sure why everything has to be in bags nowadays. It feels weird when I forget my bags and do it the old way, like I'm robbing the place.

Anyway later people stopped returning carts and they became a liability in the parking lots, thus cart corrals or barter system. Also people started stealing carts, taking them home for convenience (living close to the supermarket) and dumping them instead of bringing them back. Actually in the student dorm I lived there were several shopping carts (from different stores) to use to get groceries or beer on foot. Buy a $200 shopping cart for a dollar....

A new low today, thought this was a thing of the past. Somebody thought it necessary to yell at me to "get off the road, fucking retard" for cycling by (overtaking) the cars stuck in a traffic jam (construction). There are a lot of those phase 2 "essential traffic" jams nowadays. So busy everywhere. Last time I went cycling I was forced into the grass by a Ford F150 overtaking a delivery van that was turning right, coming at me at about 90 kph on my side off the road with solid yellow line in a 60... So much for safer on rural roads.

SvennoJ move to europe, and you can still use the "old ways" without getting funny looks.
Like why wouldn't you use the cart to take things to your own car? obviously if you buy alot, its sensible to do so (or if your older or weaker).

Why would you just leave the cart there next to the car? its selfish and bound to annouy the next person that goes shopping, and wants to park around there? Or do the expect someone at the shop to go around rounding up carts constantly? and makeing sure they arn't a danger? Honestly its not like people cant take 1 minuet to bring back a cart, every other day or so when they go shopping. The stealing of carts.... is that common? what the hell does the avg person want with a shopping cart? Like.... I dont see the point.

Seriously move to denmark :) We are like one of the biggest cycling nations in the world.
Its quite common in bigger cities, you dont even own a car, you just cycle where you need, or walk if not to far (or use public transportation).
Simply because parking is such a issue, its often faster on a bike. If you live outsides the cities, almost everyone cycles (atleast the kids to school and such).

Chicho said:

A chayote is a fruit, Pumpkins are also fruits not vegetables.

I've done a little more research on it and there is no definite answer to that question.

Pumpkins (and tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, peppers etc.) are pretty much fruit-vegetable hybrids.