sethnintendo said:
Ah yea Aldi does that here require money to use cart. They are a German company I believe. Never heard of that before till recently. Almost all other stores here use cart corrals. Speaking about shopping carts reminds me of Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys TV show. He used to push them down a hill and collect them to resell. No idea what pic is looks like a pear that became old and got a lot of wrinkles. Maybe it was a fruit in animal crossing new leaf... Not even sure if that is a fruit or veggie. |
Most of europe has this system.
In denmark its a 10/20 dkkr coin, you put it into the cart, and the locking mechanism unlocks it from the rest of the carts.
Then when you leave the shop, you yourself, take the cart back to the line, push it into the line, and lock it again (with the chain) and the coin drops back out.
Its a small incentive, to have people do the right thing, and its highly effective.
Its like this is the rest of europe too (just with say a euro coin).
You'll probably be shocked to hear that we dont have someone to pack our bought foods either, or carry them for us, to the cars.
Its expected you do that yourself. To me, it would be odd, if I suddenly found someone packing my bought items into a bag and offering to carry them out for me.
We have the same thing with bottles of vine, and soda cans.
"pant" is like this small extra cost put on these items, to encurage people to do the right thing.
Instead of throwing them around, or into crash bins, you can return them at supermarkets, and get money back from returning them.
Why does this matter? well they can then recyle them, and as a upside we pollute abit less with such items.
(seriously broken bottles and soda cans, dont need to be laying around anywhere. Return them and recycle them.)
Its also becomeing more and more common, that you dont use a plastic bag when you go shopping.
You bring your own bag, thats a reuseable and durable type.
Im not sure if its like that in the USA is it? I have this idea from TV shows that tons and tons of plastic bags are used.
About the fruit, I honestly dont reconise it.
However Im not surprised its from Aldi.
Aldi sometimes do these things like "mexico week" and you ll find a section of the store dedicated to say "mexican food items" and fruits ect.
You might even find some recipes nearby that encurage you to try eating something mexican.