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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

Naum said:
One of the worst parts about this whole pandemic is that wearing a mask as become political.....I mean WTF is wrong with these people... all around the wold people are wearing them courtesy to fellow man while in an other( just 1 ) its the devils work?....

On the train today there was a huge fight today cause someone didmt like that someone wasn't wearing a mask. Then it turned into the person saying if you care about black lives you'd weat a mask and the other person was saying all live matter. 

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jason1637 said:
Naum said:
One of the worst parts about this whole pandemic is that wearing a mask as become political.....I mean WTF is wrong with these people... all around the wold people are wearing them courtesy to fellow man while in an other( just 1 ) its the devils work?....

On the train today there was a huge fight today cause someone didmt like that someone wasn't wearing a mask. Then it turned into the person saying if you care about black lives you'd weat a mask and the other person was saying all live matter. 

In France a busdriver was beaten braindead because he refused to let someone on without a mask.

My USA is surging, a record 64,771 new cases added yesterday.  Good thing I live in rural New Hampshire.  To hell with the big states and big cities.

SvennoJ said:
sethnintendo said:

Here in USA we have cart corrals in parking lots where you push it into and then eventually a worker comes and gathers them up and pushes them back to front of store.  There is no need to line up the carts in the corral. 

In fact I push my cart into corral the hardest I can push just to see it slam against the metal corral.  Cracks me up and doesn't even damage carts (believe me I try).  Hey least I'm better than just leaving it in parking lot outside corral where it can dent cars.

The store I go to has 'trained' people to bring the carts back by requiring a dollar (or token) to use the cart. They disabled that for Covid19 but people still bring the carts back. The returned carts go on the other side to be cleaned (I clean it myself before and after anyway, just to be sure and courtesy to the guy having to clean them). They use one extra employee to clean and return the carts to the pickup side while keeping count of people entering and leaving the store to regulate traffic. Pretty easy low cost solution.

Much better now, no left over produce and discarded fliers in the carts anymore.

Next to figure out what to make with this, new item in the supermarket. Stumped 4 cashiers :)

Ah yea Aldi does that here require money to use cart.  They are a German company I believe.  Never heard of that before till recently.  Almost all other stores here use cart corrals. 

Speaking about shopping carts reminds me of Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys TV show.  He used to push them down a hill and collect them to resell.

No idea what pic is looks like a pear that became old and got a lot of wrinkles.  Maybe it was a fruit in animal crossing new leaf...  Not even sure if that is a fruit or veggie.

SvennoJ said:

Can't agree with you more that this whole pandemic is kept going by selfish people.

It feels like a giant prisoner's dilemma experiment. If everyone (the world) worked together this virus wouldn't have stood a chance. Yet it's too tempting to be the one to grab the 'pot' not realizing you only make it worse in the long run for everyone. From house parties to security guards sleeping with quarantined guests... Humanity has failed this 'test' miserably. We should be very grateful the IFR is 1% or less and hopefully no real damaging long term effects show up.

Even if we defeat the virus now, we still have to deal with importing more cases and people not quarantining for 2 weeks like they are supposed to. The irony is that all those teenagers and 20 somethings are only damaging their own future by making the economic fallout much worse than it could have been. Plus who knows what long term effects the prolonged school closures and haphazard home schooling will have.

Time to head out for groceries again, week 16 since shit hit the fan here.

The silly part is, we know the world can work together, the world defeated Polio for example.

Everything is normal here and really good, everyone keeps an eye on reports and see's the sad and disappointing occurrence happening in the USA.
We are ready to lock down again if the need arises, but very doubtful that will occur, not before a vaccine arrives anyway.

Naum said:
One of the worst parts about this whole pandemic is that wearing a mask as become political.....I mean WTF is wrong with these people... all around the wold people are wearing them courtesy to fellow man while in an other( just 1 ) its the devils work?....

Had a conservative argue with me that wearing a mask creates a build-up of CO2 behind the mask layer which is toxic.
That same individual denies climate change and says that CO2 is a "necessity for life" and is a harmless gas.

The hypocrites are strong and out in force at the moment.

Wearing a mask is a preventative, it will not be 100% effective, but it's a risk control measure that works... Just like a condom. (Which also isn't 100% effective.)

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Around the Network
Naum said:
One of the worst parts about this whole pandemic is that wearing a mask as become political.....I mean WTF is wrong with these people... all around the wold people are wearing them courtesy to fellow man while in an other( just 1 ) its the devils work?....

In Norway we aren't hardly seen anyone with masks

sethnintendo said:
SvennoJ said:

The store I go to has 'trained' people to bring the carts back by requiring a dollar (or token) to use the cart. They disabled that for Covid19 but people still bring the carts back. The returned carts go on the other side to be cleaned (I clean it myself before and after anyway, just to be sure and courtesy to the guy having to clean them). They use one extra employee to clean and return the carts to the pickup side while keeping count of people entering and leaving the store to regulate traffic. Pretty easy low cost solution.

Much better now, no left over produce and discarded fliers in the carts anymore.

Next to figure out what to make with this, new item in the supermarket. Stumped 4 cashiers :)

Ah yea Aldi does that here require money to use cart.  They are a German company I believe.  Never heard of that before till recently.  Almost all other stores here use cart corrals. 

Speaking about shopping carts reminds me of Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys TV show.  He used to push them down a hill and collect them to resell.

No idea what pic is looks like a pear that became old and got a lot of wrinkles.  Maybe it was a fruit in animal crossing new leaf...  Not even sure if that is a fruit or veggie.

It's a Mexican Squash Chayote. My wife used it to make Tacos, mixed in with the ground beef, it's delicious.

When I grew up it was normal to return the carts to the store. It was also normal not to use bags. We simply put all the groceries back in the cart, then in the trunk and off we went. Not sure why everything has to be in bags nowadays. It feels weird when I forget my bags and do it the old way, like I'm robbing the place.

Anyway later people stopped returning carts and they became a liability in the parking lots, thus cart corrals or barter system. Also people started stealing carts, taking them home for convenience (living close to the supermarket) and dumping them instead of bringing them back. Actually in the student dorm I lived there were several shopping carts (from different stores) to use to get groceries or beer on foot. Buy a $200 shopping cart for a dollar....

A new low today, thought this was a thing of the past. Somebody thought it necessary to yell at me to "get off the road, fucking retard" for cycling by (overtaking) the cars stuck in a traffic jam (construction). There are a lot of those phase 2 "essential traffic" jams nowadays. So busy everywhere. Last time I went cycling I was forced into the grass by a Ford F150 overtaking a delivery van that was turning right, coming at me at about 90 kph on my side off the road with solid yellow line in a 60... So much for safer on rural roads.

Another 60k+ day in the US. Also Texas broke New Yorks record for the most new cases a day for a state.

Pemalite said:

All vehicles are never taken off the road at the same time... Even when we had that vehicle flaw in dozens of vehicle models a few years ago, the replacements occurred over a period of months.

If all vehicles are subject to the same flaw, then you need to get in touch with various outlets to book a time for that repair/replacement to occur, it's a logistics thing... The issue gets resolved over a period of time, not all at once.

Those who do not need to drive their vehicles, should minimize such use as much as practicable.

The same thing occurs with COVID, everyone needs to stay at home, unless you are an essential worker.

A logistics thing? A treatment thing? An income thing? An economy thing? What about the people's health and lives?

Ok, but why aren't the driving public forced to refrain from driving other than for 'essential' transportation during large/widespread recalls? We all know why, so why isn't that why covid 19 was handled? We're still talking about every last individual's health and potential death vs their freedom, so..

Pemalite said:

If you have a competent government, they should get involved.

If you have a competent parent/guardian, they shouldn't always get involved and shouldn't coddle you until their death. When they do, you typically end up with wet noodles instead of sharp swords.

Now for those who are unhealthy and need to 'coddle' themselves or be 'coddled' in a situation like this, by all means, do so however you need to, just don't force everyone else to have to do the same.

Pemalite said:

I am free to go to the pub.
I am free to go to the sauna.
I am free to go to the gym.
I am free to go to work.

Why? I gave up some freedom for a few weeks, went into lockdown and only did the "essentials".

And now I have a ton of freedom, almost like the Virus doesn't exist. (Because it doesn't here.)

What you are saying is good in theory... But it hasn't worked. The United States has failed. It's the laughing stock of the world in how not to handle a pandemic.

Did you need to give up that freedom? Did it have to be for that long? Did you potentially contract it and infect someone else anyway? Would you have infected someone else or contracted it if you had kept those freedoms? If that choice was yours and you happily made it, then that's on you. If you were forced to do it, then you didn't choose it and weren't free to either.

Pemalite said:

It was advertised in News Papers, Social Media, Radio, Television, Bill-boards and more.
It was everywhere.

If there is a major problem, the manufacturers of said vehicles have an obligation to get in touch and inform their customers of their rights and obligations in handling the "warranty issue". - Australia has some of the best warranty processes in the world.

Every life matters, this isn't even up for debate, I am a first responder... Anyone who downplays even a single life lost is not a decent individual in my eyes.

So why weren't people informed about covid 19 and then allowed to make their own decisions based on that information? If people can still choose to drive and potentially get killed anyway, or kill others, why didn't the same apply for the illness?

Even worse, if you drive your recalled vehicle and unintentionally kill someone you're almost certainly going to pay for it dearly, and yet if you broke the lock down rules and unintentionally infected someone with covid 19, eventually killing them, you're likely to get off scot free. 

So being a first responder, I'd think you'd agree that when there are potential deadly vehicle recalls, that only 'essential' transportation should be allowed, correct? So people who's work wasn't deemed essential wouldn't be able to drive to their job for the good of everyone.

Pemalite said:

False. We have a representational democracy. - We elect officials to make the difficult choices on our behalf, using the most up to date, informed and accurate pieces of information backed by science and evidence that fits in with the legislative frameworks that have already been established.

The United States economy has already been impacted... And due to the rapid spread of COVID in the United States will mean that the economic impact will be a prolonged one, longer than ours.
We won, we beat the virus, the USA is still fumbling over it all, we were right in our approach, the USA was blatantly wrong.

When it comes to Pandemics, people need to be cohesive in their resolve, otherwise nothing will work.
Australia and New Zealand collectively and cohesively went into lockdown early, defeated the virus and returned to economic activity... The USA however, didn't. People went out and demanded "freedom", protested and more. - The virus continues to run rampant killing hundreds of thousands of people...

The United States has done nothing to keep anyone safe and healthy. It's response has been a disgusting joke.. And the issue there starts at the very top.

One person with the virus being selfish and ignorant could infect 100 other people in a day by not conforming to social distancing, hygiene and sanitation and staying home... And those people go on to infect more people.

It's selfish people that are the spreaders of disease, it's the American government not placing appropriate education, signage, alerts and policy that has failed to direct and lead the country that are a big problem.

Elect real leadership, start winning.

And we don't need to "predict the future". - When it comes to things like wild fires, pandemics, hurricanes and more... We have "all hazards approach" to planning which is a framework on how we prevent, prepare, respond and recover from any large incident such as COVID.
I probably have a little more understanding on this kind of thing than most considering I have done a diploma in emergency management.

Fauci wasn't chosen by the people. Is that representational democracy?

Fauci told the public they shouldn't and didn't need to wear masks at first. Was that up to date info backed by science?

How many people are said to have beaten cancer, only for it to recur? Could covid 19 end up like the Spanish Flu? That was said to be quite possible by the MSM and their reputable sources who 'advertised' it everywhere.

The US did nothing? I wonder why the MSM was so mad about the shut down and the people who could no longer enter the country? Not to mention the financial help to businesses who shut down (worldwide) operations to hinder the spread.

One selfish driver could injure/kill 100 people in a pile up, yet we let drivers decide themselves without forcing them.

Start winning? Very nice jab. Very nice.

How do we know wild fires, hurricanes, etc, could, or are going to happen, and where they may happen or spread? Prediction? How do citizens choose their leaders who will make the decisions? Prediction?

Pemalite said:

The countries who have done the right thing are the ones who have defeated the virus. (New Zealand.)

The countries who have done the wrong thing are the ones who are still fumbling and dealing with the virus. (United States.)

Couldn't be anymore black and white than that... Unless you are trying to assert that the United States has been successful?

Again, to say the illness has been beaten is at the very least being unreasonably optimistic. How long before borders are opened and the spread continues?

The numbers as they are may show that, questionable or not, and that's only looking at the here and now, but could places like the US be doing better at saving more lives in other non covid related ways? Every last life matters no matter how it's being saved I'd think.

The world isn't black and white. That should be extremely clear as of recent events. Depends on what you deem successful. When the MSM narrative is USA bad, period, is it even possible that they've done anything good at all?

SvennoJ said:

Case in point, teenagers need to stop partying

A town south of Montreal has partially shut down—again—all because of the recklessness of a few teenagers, its mayor says. About 50 people have now tested positive for COVID-19 in a new outbreak in the Montéregie region, all of them directly linked to two house parties that happened there this weekend, health authorities say.

Most of the 50 are young, said Montéregie public health spokesperson Chantal Vallée. But the infection has spread past the partygoers, she said. “Some cases are parents, friends or colleagues of these young people,” she said. In the town of Mercier, the owner of a local bakery is now in quarantine, his shop closed since Monday, after one of his young employees caught the virus. "It was a moment of madness, of carelessness, weakness,” said Frederic Dugas, the co-owner of Fantaisie du Blé bakery. He said the employee is usually a good kid, but he slipped up and went to a party in the neighbouring town. He probably didn’t envision the potential consequences.

Employees of at least five businesses in Mercier have now tested positive, including people who work at the town’s IGA grocery store and its McDonald’s, says mayor Lise Michaud. “It’s an enormous impact,” she told CTV News. “We have so many businesses that have had to close their doors.”

It's so frustrating, this pandemic could have been stopped in less than 2 months, yet we're still isolating since early March. The consequences are really starting to show now. My wife took our youngest to the hospital today with breathing difficulties, sleeping problems and panic attacks, likely heightened by allergies and the relentless hot weather. There they said it was mostly due to anxiety, he needs to see his friends. He's been home from school since early March and has only seen his nephew (and his brother of course) since then. He's afraid the virus is going to kill him. (how do you convince an 8 year old he's safe) We never have the news on but the subject does come up and of course he knows about the masks, risks and not being able to go anywhere.

The weather is a big factor, now over 40c with humidex every day, pool is 32c can't get it to cool down, night temps stay above 20c, feels like 30c by 8 am. So he can't go outside (doctor says he needs to stay in air conditioning as much as possible) which only leaves home or grandma's house. Can't invite friends over or send him over since that would be outside of the current 'bubble' limits. (Playing outside would be fine but too hot)

At least the doctor (in full ppe, mask, face shield, gloves, coverall) had a good talk with him and the expert authority got him calmed down. Prescription: lots of popsicles. They get kids like him in all the time now, they need that school interaction back (in a safe way). Mental health has become a serious issue for younger kids. Not sure what to do, the 14 day forecast looks terrible, 32c to 43c for the next 2 weeks. July is going to break all weather records :(

This is a bit off topic, but I'm amused that you have such temperatures over there. I live in what is supposed to be a very arid area in Mexico and maximum temperatures have yet to surpass the 30C mark in these early days of Summer. 

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first.