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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

PortisheadBiscuit : I think what John2290 is trying to say is just that out of all the co-factors that decide if you live or die, if you get this, and end up on a respirator. The biggest one, appears to be weight (BMI). Dr Combell did a video about it, where he talked about co-factors.

In a danish newspapir (online), there was a health guy, advocateing that danes should spend the next few weeks doing training excersizes that helped build lunge capacity, and stronger respiratory muscles (so your system, has it easier, when breathing).  I kid you not, there was this video of the guy showing 3 easy excersizes that could help. How many actually decide to do something like that? probably very few I suspect. He said he trained atheletes, and those divers that need to hold their breaths and such.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 02 April 2020

Around the Network

just 93 more cases....

EDIT: and now they removed 1200 cases to make me look like an idiot.

Last edited by Barozi - on 02 April 2020

Governor Cuomo said that there are now cases in every county in New York State (62 counties in the state).

999,989 cases worldwide atm. This morning Eurogamer still said
According to the World Health Organisation, the number of infections globally will reach a million within days
It's probably a million by the time I hit post.

Oh I went down, they're correcting some numbers I guess. Won't matter, it will be over the 1 mil today.

SvennoJ said:

999,989 cases worldwide atm. This morning Eurogamer still said
According to the World Health Organisation, the number of infections globally will reach a million within days
It's probably a million by the time I hit post.

Oh I went down, they're correcting some numbers I guess. Won't matter, it will be over the 1 mil today.

Data models from intel collected of 11 european nations, suggest possible 1.88% to 11,43% of the population (of those 11 countries)
has been infected.

Thats why he calls it "good news", this might mean the CFR is between 0,2 - 1,16% (bound to rise with time though)
(death always lags many weeks behinde).

btw, 11,43% of those 11 countries = ~6,858,000 people infected.  (most posible)

The "confirmed cases" of these 11 countries is around 448k.

Everywhere else in the world, its probably about the same.

1,88% of population (1,128,000 people), with 448k confirmed cases = theres 2,52  more people actually infected than confirmed cases.
11,42% of population (6,858,000 people), with 448k confirmed cases = theres 15,3 more people actually infected than confirmed cases.

Its probably somewhere in the middle, of the two.

Apply same thinking the US:
235k confirmed cases =  between 592k to 3596k in the USA are infected.

(its just most are without symptoms yet, or asymptomatic)

I think its "relatively safe" to assume, that any confirmed case amount we have, theres probably like x10 times as many out there.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 02 April 2020

Around the Network

1 million mark :(

PortisheadBiscuit said:
I love how people associate being "fit" with being healthy, when there's plenty of "fit" people doing unhealthy things. Like taking ungodly amounts of creatine, whey protein, BCAAs, pre workout, energy drinks, steroids, human growth hormone and other things thar arent the best for your liver and kidneys. Lifting, pressing, squatting, and curling extremely heavy weights, putting unnatural pressure on joints. But nope Andre over there has an 8 pack and 22" biceps, he's healthy as a fiddle.

On average, fit people are also healthier than fat and obese people. That's just a fact. A high body fat is linked to several medial conditions. Not only visceral fat, but also subcutaneous fat. Also, resistance training and developing and keeping your muscles is absolutely beneficial, even more so for middle aged man that tend to lose muscle quickly and this brings a lot of problems.

I understand that we live in an age where many people feel the need to justify everything, especially when it comes to physical appearence, but things are getting really out of the point many people have no idea what they're talking about but they still need to talk about everything.

last92 said:
PortisheadBiscuit said:
I love how people associate being "fit" with being healthy, when there's plenty of "fit" people doing unhealthy things. Like taking ungodly amounts of creatine, whey protein, BCAAs, pre workout, energy drinks, steroids, human growth hormone and other things thar arent the best for your liver and kidneys. Lifting, pressing, squatting, and curling extremely heavy weights, putting unnatural pressure on joints. But nope Andre over there has an 8 pack and 22" biceps, he's healthy as a fiddle.

On average, fit people are also healthier than fat and obese people. That's just a fact. A high body fat is linked to several medial conditions. Not only visceral fat, but also subcutaneous fat. Also, resistance training and developing and keeping your muscles is absolutely beneficial, even more so for middle aged man that tend to lose muscle quickly and this brings a lot of problems.

I understand that we live in an age where many people feel the need to justify everything, especially when it comes to physical appearence, but things are getting really out of the point many people have no idea what they're talking about but they still need to talk about everything.

Lol, you're trying to twist it and make it seem as if I said all fit people are unhealthy. Nooooo, just highlighting the fact that being "fit" is not synonymous with being healthy. Not sure why that needed clarification as it was a simple concept, but ok. 

PortisheadBiscuit said:
last92 said:

On average, fit people are also healthier than fat and obese people. That's just a fact. A high body fat is linked to several medial conditions. Not only visceral fat, but also subcutaneous fat. Also, resistance training and developing and keeping your muscles is absolutely beneficial, even more so for middle aged man that tend to lose muscle quickly and this brings a lot of problems.

I understand that we live in an age where many people feel the need to justify everything, especially when it comes to physical appearence, but things are getting really out of the point many people have no idea what they're talking about but they still need to talk about everything.

Lol, you're trying to twist it and make it seem as if I said all fit people are unhealthy. Nooooo, just highlighting the fact that being "fit" is not synonymous with being healthy. Not sure why that needed clarification as it was a simple concept, but ok. 

Except 90% of the time being fit does correlate with health lol. You made it sound like the media is what determined that fit people are healthy when in reality its biology.

JRPGfan said:
SvennoJ said:

999,989 cases worldwide atm. This morning Eurogamer still said
According to the World Health Organisation, the number of infections globally will reach a million within days
It's probably a million by the time I hit post.

Oh I went down, they're correcting some numbers I guess. Won't matter, it will be over the 1 mil today.

Data models from intel collected of 11 european nations, suggest possible 1.88% to 11,43% of the population (of those 11 countries)
has been infected.

Thats why he calls it "good news", this might mean the CFR is between 0,2 - 1,16% (bound to rise with time though)
(death always lags many weeks behinde).

btw, 11,43% of those 11 countries = ~6,858,000 people infected.  (most posible)

The "confirmed cases" of these 11 countries is around 448k.

Everywhere else in the world, its probably about the same.

1,88% of population (1,128,000 people), with 448k confirmed cases = theres 2,52  more people actually infected than confirmed cases.
11,42% of population (6,858,000 people), with 448k confirmed cases = theres 15,3 more people actually infected than confirmed cases.

Its probably somewhere in the middle, of the two.

Apply same thinking the US:
235k confirmed cases =  between 592k to 3596k in the USA are infected.

(its just most are without symptoms yet, or asymptomatic)

I think its "relatively safe" to assume, that any confirmed case amount we have, theres probably like x10 times as many out there.

Yeah that's from this report

It's a huge error margin though, for Italy it estimates between 3.2% and 26% already being infected. On one end it can still get 22x worse, on the other end already closing in on herd immunity.

However these estimates are based on correctly identifying all deaths. Another figure that's not all that reliable. In Ontario it was either 36 or 68 or somewhere in between as of yesterday. The death toll in China has been put into question, some countries don't count it if you don't die in the hospital with confirmed lab tests.

It's all going so fast human error creeps in a lot and there is no time (yet) to properly examine every death. But yep, there sure a many more unconfirmed cases out there.