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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

These medicines that seem to have a effect on it, are probably the best way to keep mortality rates down.

With any luck, in the near future, getting corona virus wont be nearly as dangerous or long lasting.

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Snoopy said:
jason1637 said:

The governments are working to suspend rent payments. Mortgage payments have already been suspended. 

Which means they will have to pay a lot of money to landlord which is probably something that won't get done without a huge tax increase which will burden the middle class like no other.

The economic downfall will happen but atleast millions of lives will be saved.

Even without social distancing millions will be sick and wont be able to work. Millions will have to take care of those that cant be hospitalized due to use reaching out max in hospital and icu beds. That will also lead to an economic downfall but in tthat scenario millions will die.

That will also bring New York State to over 11k cases.

Eagle367 said:
Snoopy said:

People are already doing it, WAKE UP!! This is the inevitable because humans are social creatures and will eventually stop isolating themselves. Stop trying to bury your head in sand and start facing the facts.

So your reasoning is: "You can lie and cheat, everyone does it?" A lot of people are staying at home and are listening thankfully. There are idiots out there like in Florida and like you but what the people around the world are doing is stopping it's impact. Are enough people doing it? I have no idea but hopefully. All we can do is do it ourselves and educate others. 

People are only going to do this for so long. You think people are going to stay in their houses forever? LOL.

Trump admin just said 195k completed tests have been done. Thats testing witth results.

Around the Network
Snoopy said:
Eagle367 said:

So your reasoning is: "You can lie and cheat, everyone does it?" A lot of people are staying at home and are listening thankfully. There are idiots out there like in Florida and like you but what the people around the world are doing is stopping it's impact. Are enough people doing it? I have no idea but hopefully. All we can do is do it ourselves and educate others. 

People are only going to do this for so long. You think people are going to stay in their houses forever? LOL.

How long have you been in quarantine or lockdown?
What state are you from?

Incubation periode is 12days, and usually a week or more goes by before recovery.

So if you want the lockdown to have any effect, on slowing spread..... you need the lockdown to last probably more than 20days.

"people are only going to do this for so long" - snoopy.

Maybe at some point, state will set in military or police, to make sure people are doing as told.
In many places in europe, you can get a fine, if your not complying.
(imagine police giveing you a 200$ ticket, cuz your not following orders).

Police can drag you way, and detain you, if your "beyond educational reach".
Basically if your a silly bastard, you ll get locked up.

However this could drag on for months.

If your a shop owner, that keeps your shop open, even though it should be closed, you ll get a fine for about 770$ dollars (here in denmark).

Almost 700 more dead in italy more the 6000 new cases!

Edit! 793 dead, 6500+ extra cases.


My youtube gaming page.

Getting bad in NJ. New York saww similar growth of 400+ cases on Monday.

Almost 800 deaths in Italy today and we would reach thousands of deaths per day without lockdown and we still have people who care more about their money.

Yes, losing so much money is horrible but losing millions of people just because money is more important is so much worse

jason1637 said:
Trump admin just said 195k completed tests have been done. Thats testing witth results.

In denmark we've only done like 12k+ tests.
We re starting to run low on tests kits or parts of them, so we're apparently only testing people that show symptoms now.

I know if you account for the population differnces (denmark is like 1/50'th) between the two countries, its like three times that of the america's.
It still feels like a low amount to me, just a small 12k and we re starting to run low.

A spoke person said, their working on getting more of the peices their low on.... still feels like she was makeing excuses.
She didnt talk about how they where planning on getting said peices, just said their trying.