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Snoopy said:
Eagle367 said:

So your reasoning is: "You can lie and cheat, everyone does it?" A lot of people are staying at home and are listening thankfully. There are idiots out there like in Florida and like you but what the people around the world are doing is stopping it's impact. Are enough people doing it? I have no idea but hopefully. All we can do is do it ourselves and educate others. 

People are only going to do this for so long. You think people are going to stay in their houses forever? LOL.

How long have you been in quarantine or lockdown?
What state are you from?

Incubation periode is 12days, and usually a week or more goes by before recovery.

So if you want the lockdown to have any effect, on slowing spread..... you need the lockdown to last probably more than 20days.

"people are only going to do this for so long" - snoopy.

Maybe at some point, state will set in military or police, to make sure people are doing as told.
In many places in europe, you can get a fine, if your not complying.
(imagine police giveing you a 200$ ticket, cuz your not following orders).

Police can drag you way, and detain you, if your "beyond educational reach".
Basically if your a silly bastard, you ll get locked up.

However this could drag on for months.

If your a shop owner, that keeps your shop open, even though it should be closed, you ll get a fine for about 770$ dollars (here in denmark).