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I didn't actually remember that the Ascent was coming to GP on day one. Game looks pretty cool.

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eh weak lineup for the 2nd half of the month IMO.

Mechwarrior 5 is probably the only one I'm going to try out. Maaaaybe The Wild at Heart as well.

Btw. Conan Exile has nude DLC for all you perverts out there. You know who you are

I think Xbox's E3 should focus on games that will release between next month and Spring 2022 and try to include as much gameplay as possible. I would rather have them focus on 10 games with gameplay then have 25 games with CGI trailers.

Ryuu96 said:
smroadkill15 said:

I think Xbox's E3 should focus on games that will release between next month and Spring 2022 and try to include as much gameplay as possible. I would rather have them focus on 10 games with gameplay then have 25 games with CGI trailers.

If we have...

  • Halo Infinite Gameplay
  • Forza Horizon 5 Gameplay
  • Starfield Gameplay Trailer
  • Project Omen Gameplay Trailer
  • Wolfenstein III Gameplay Trailer
  • Project Typhoon Gameplay Trailer

Then the extra sprinkles about Game Pass, 3rd party stuff, smaller titles etc.

That'd be a great show for me but I just really want to see Avowed

It's time that Microsoft shows us what is coming in the near future though, give us some dates, tangible gameplay, we already know what is coming years from now for the most part, maybe X0/TGA can have a few announcements for titles even further back.

Ideally they make their E3's focus on titles which are coming Holiday - Spring and their X0's can have a few deeper gameplay dives (for example their X0 this year could have a deeper dive into Wolfenstein III, Typhoon, Omen, Starfield) and 1-2 new CG announcements for titles further out, I hope X0 returns this year and they start putting more emphasis on it.

They are taking the gameplay thing to heart this time, Halo Infinite, Starfield and Forza Horizon 5 will likely all get big showcases this E3, CrossFire X and Stalker 2 will likely shown again this time too.

People will still complain though, because games that have already been announced will be MIA.

Ryuu96 said:

Grubby doesn't think Everwild will be at E3 either, oof

Starting to think this E3 won't be very long after-all, maybe an hour? There's I suppose still the possibility of gameplay for at least 6 titles (Halo Infinite, Forza Horizon 5, Starfield, Project Omen, Project Typhoon, Maybe Wolfenstein III) if that stuff is all there then I think it'll still be good.

My simplified card. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

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NetDrake from Resetera says that project Typhoon will have a presence at E3, so we are guaranteed 2 new IP reveals with this and Omen at least.

shikamaru317 said:

False alarm on The Outer Worlds 2, Private Division confirmed that Microsoft owns the IP and is publishing future games in the series. So their comment about the IP having franchise potential was basically meant as a recommendation to Microsoft to continue the franchise, rather than a statement about Private Division publishing the sequel.

Ryuu96 said:
smroadkill15 said:

I think Xbox's E3 should focus on games that will release between next month and Spring 2022 and try to include as much gameplay as possible. I would rather have them focus on 10 games with gameplay then have 25 games with CGI trailers.

If we have...

  • Halo Infinite Gameplay
  • Forza Horizon 5 Gameplay
  • Starfield Gameplay Trailer
  • Project Omen Gameplay Trailer
  • Wolfenstein III Gameplay Trailer
  • Project Typhoon Gameplay Trailer

Then the extra sprinkles about Game Pass, 3rd party stuff, smaller titles etc.

That'd be a great show for me but I just really want to see Avowed

It's time that Microsoft shows us what is coming in the near future though, give us some dates, tangible gameplay, we already know what is coming years from now for the most part, maybe X0/TGA can have a few announcements for titles even further back.

Ideally they make their E3's focus on titles which are coming Holiday - Spring and their X0's can have a few deeper gameplay dives (for example their X0 this year could have a deeper dive into Wolfenstein III, Typhoon, Omen, Starfield) and 1-2 new CG announcements for titles further out, I hope X0 returns this year and they start putting more emphasis on it.

Throw in Psychonauts 2 and Flight Sim trailer and I'm definitely down with that lineup. 

3 million units is still a lot of sales for a brand new IP. I don’t understand this narrative that the Outer Worlds doesn’t have sales potential.

Ryuu96 said:

This is already better than E3 cause they got Weezer.