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I just tested the offloading speed and it took around three minutes. Not bad! I definitely think this is going to be the way to play and store games. Offload the backlog to an external and load them back in when you want to play them since I recall Skyrim itself taking longer to boot than it took for the transfer of RR to finish.

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Quick resume is fucking awesome...I even accidentally ejected my doom 2016 disk, didn't boot the game because of it. Popped it back in, still kept the suspended game in the cache for quick resume.I can also confirm unplugging the system and moving to another house to play works with the feature. Such a massive step up from my one s.

Deathloop is confirmed to be exclusive for one year.Therefore, it will drop into Game Pass on May 21st 2022.

Im sure the OG Xbox had a bigger percent of new Xbox players than the Series S

I thought this was pretty funny

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


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6 hours into Kiwami 2. Game is far far superior to Yakuza 0.

Still has too many cutscenes and blocking sucks but many other parts are drastically improved.

Combat is better and heat moves are far easier to execute.

Instead of cutscene->combat or cutscene->cutscene in 0, Kiwami 2 manages to fit more side activities into the main story. Though there was still one annoying part where you just went from A to B, short conversation, B to C, short conversation, C to B, conversation and little fight and finally B to A and cutscene. That was just mindless walking through Sotenbori.

Graphics are on a completely different level. It actually looks like a proper current gen game (I know 0 was cross-gen). 1080p is a bit disappointing though. Image is a lot cleaner in 0 which was 1440p.

Equipment was used very poorly in 0, much better here. Within 4-5 hours you will already have better equipment than in 25 hours of 0.
The levelling/upgrade system is far better as well. It's very addictive and there are a lot more meaningful skills and attributes. Eating meals to get points is a great idea as well. Actually gives you a reason to go into restaurants.

So far there hasn't been any obvious or nonsensical twist but from what I've read, there's one or two coming up..

I know we keep saying it, but next E3 will be the best E3.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Great start for Xbox in the UK.

shikamaru317 said:
jason1637 said:
Great start for Xbox in the UK.

Could be better, hopefully that source is wrong. Series S and X combined total really needed to break the PS4 record from 2013 imo, if MS hopes to reclaim the UK lead they once held in the 7th generation. MS has their work cut out for them to retake the UK. 

Well tbf thats 155k in oneday compared to 2 days and MS are supply constrained. Th 360 sold under 100k and still went on to be really successful. 

Ryuu96 said:
sales2099 said:
I know we keep saying it, but next E3 will be the best E3.

Unlikely they'll be at E3, Microsoft has a policy mandating no public events until July 2021, unless that changes we'll be getting another digital only showcase around E3 time (which will likely be called something different and won't be held at the same time E3 usually is).

Which is why I think they should say fuck it and do a digital showcase earlier in the year, hold their 'E3' equivalent show around April, shortly after Bethesda acquisition closes, re-reveal Halo Infinite with a May release date, re-reveal Starfield as an Xbox exclusive, they'll be better prepared for digital only events for 2021.

But do they merge Xbox showcase and Bethesda showcase (as Bethesda is usually at E3) or do they keep them separate? No E3, no time constraint but if they return to E3 in the future they'll be a time constraint, might be better to just have an Xbox Showcase Part 1 & Part 2 Got so many studios now...

That’s what I meant, E3 or it’s digital equivalent. Personally they should merge Bethesda into theirs. Shock and awe. 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.