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2022 is going to be absolutely insane for Xbox, probably it’s best year ever when it comes to AAA games. When the studios already in the fold get the ball rolling I just don’t see how the competition is going to compete, every Xbox event E3, Gamescon, XO, VGA will likely have a new game announcement.Bethesda Studios expanding is the move that I wanted to see, every individual team working on its own game is just awesome. The only ones left are Bethesda Dallas who have mostly been a support studio and Alpha Dog who have only worked in mobile games.

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EspadaGrim said:
2022 is going to be absolutely insane for Xbox, probably it’s best year ever when it comes to AAA games. When the studios already in the fold get the ball rolling I just don’t see how the competition is going to compete, every Xbox event E3, Gamescon, XO, VGA will likely have a new game announcement.Bethesda Studios expanding is the move that I wanted to see, every individual team working on its own game is just awesome. The only ones left are Bethesda Dallas who have mostly been a support studio and Alpha Dog who have only worked in mobile games.

Unless Starfeild ships next year I dont think its gonna be their best year for games. 2022 and 2023 look a lot more promising. 

jason1637 said:
EspadaGrim said:
2022 is going to be absolutely insane for Xbox, probably it’s best year ever when it comes to AAA games. When the studios already in the fold get the ball rolling I just don’t see how the competition is going to compete, every Xbox event E3, Gamescon, XO, VGA will likely have a new game announcement.Bethesda Studios expanding is the move that I wanted to see, every individual team working on its own game is just awesome. The only ones left are Bethesda Dallas who have mostly been a support studio and Alpha Dog who have only worked in mobile games.

Unless Starfeild ships next year I dont think its gonna be their best year for games. 2022 and 2023 look a lot more promising. 

I did say 2022 though

Hope MS will release a controller similar to the DualSense as fast as possible. I've said already like a year ago that it's a missed opportunity but now you really see what a big deal it is for almost everyone who doesn't only play competetive.That alone will be the reason for many to choose the PS5 version If they own PS5 and Xbox and it will definitely be a deciding factor which console to buy for some people.

Ryuu96 said:
EspadaGrim said:
2022 is going to be absolutely insane for Xbox, probably it’s best year ever when it comes to AAA games. When the studios already in the fold get the ball rolling I just don’t see how the competition is going to compete, every Xbox event E3, Gamescon, XO, VGA will likely have a new game announcement.Bethesda Studios expanding is the move that I wanted to see, every individual team working on its own game is just awesome. The only ones left are Bethesda Dallas who have mostly been a support studio and Alpha Dog who have only worked in mobile games.

All that and they're still acquiring, Lol.

Yeah it’s insane that they are not going to slow down, before Bethesda a lot of us were speculating on wether or not MS would actually acquire another AAA studio but look at us now lol.

MS is really rewarding us for our loyalty to Xbox and Phil Spencer and the team at Xbox are delivering in a big way.

Around the Network
EspadaGrim said:
jason1637 said:
EspadaGrim said:
2022 is going to be absolutely insane for Xbox, probably it’s best year ever when it comes to AAA games. When the studios already in the fold get the ball rolling I just don’t see how the competition is going to compete, every Xbox event E3, Gamescon, XO, VGA will likely have a new game announcement.Bethesda Studios expanding is the move that I wanted to see, every individual team working on its own game is just awesome. The only ones left are Bethesda Dallas who have mostly been a support studio and Alpha Dog who have only worked in mobile games.

Unless Starfeild ships next year I dont think its gonna be their best year for games. 2022 and 2023 look a lot more promising. 

I did say 2022 though

LOL damm I swear i saw 2021. 

When is Fable IV realistically due? I'm guessing 2022?


shikamaru317 said:
Seece said:
When is Fable IV realistically due? I'm guessing 2022?

Most likely. Began development in early 2017 with a skeleton crew, and the RPG studio has grown to over 100 devs since then, with more being added each month, plus there are rumors that MS has had people from some of their other studios assisting them with grunt work while they have been slowly expanding. I see no reason why it wouldn't launch in 2022, unless it has an absolutely huge open world and lots of content, in which case it would launch in 2023. 

Wow, that would be quite the dev time, didn't realise it started so early. If I had to bet I'd say 2022, I'm guessing the Series X won't be any cheaper that year but there might be some offers.


Why is mojang staffing up? Wonder what they’ll do next, Dungeons was pretty fun.

amazon finally shipped my series x today. I should be getting it by Thursday the latest