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Forums - NSFW Discussion - Tinder worth paying for?


Is it worth paying for?

Yep! 5 8.62%
No! 53 91.38%
Cobretti2 said:

Be careful with that. 

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first. 

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Machiavellian said:
Cobretti2 said:

Do women want Liberal males though? TBH I don't even know what a liberal male would look like lol.

My wife's single friends seem to want some unrealistic expectations of a man. One of them I given up hope on as she wants a guy that is exactly 6 foot 2, a vegan, save the planet oriented and someone that they can bend to their will and do everything they want. What happen to just wanting a nice guy who respect and treats you right lol?). I have to bite my tongue and say perhaps this is why you are still single lol.

THis Joke always comes to mind when people talk about men and women and how they pick a mate.

Female and male department store


A department store opened in New York City that sold men and a woman decides to visit it in search of a husband.
At the store’s entrance, there’s a sign outlining the department store policy.
The first rule states that you can only enter the store once.
There are six floors and on each floor you can choose a husband or elect to move on to the next floor.
You cannot visit a floor more than once other than to leave the building.
The woman visits the first floor.
The sign reads:
· Men with jobs.
She moves on to the second floor:
· Men with jobs that adore children.
She moves on the the third floor where the sign reads:
· Wealthy men that adore children and are very handsome.
She thinks to herself, "that's a very good deal" yet moves on to the fourth floor:
· Wealthy men that adore children, are very handsome and help with the household chores.
She decides to move on as things are constantly improving:
· Wealthy men that adore childern, are very handsome, help with the household chores and are very romantic.
The woman is about to make her purchase but can't resist moving on to the sixth floor.
There the sign reads:
· You are visitor number 31,456,012 on this floor.
· There are no men here.
· This floor exists as proof that it is impossible to please women.

& MEN…

Opposite this department store, another department store opened that sold women. The sign on the first floor reads:
· Women that love sex.
On the second floor the sign reads:
· Women that love sex and are wealthy.
On the third floor the sign reads:
· Women that love sex, are wealthy and have large breasts.

Not a single man has visited the fourth floor.

I've herd shorter variants of this before lol.

Even one where Men all stop on the first lol



I tried recently creating an account on Plenty of Fish but within half an hour my account was deleted. I tried again and created another account and the same thing happened. I may have to try OKCupid, I do not remember being banned from that site. 

Last edited by Phoenix20 - on 10 February 2021

Phoenix20 said:

I tried recently creating an account on Plenty of Fish but within half an hour my account was deleted. I tried again and created another account and the same thing happened. I may have to try OKCupid, I do not remember being banned from that site. 

Plenty of Fish sucks these days. OKCupid, Bumble, and Coffee Meet Bagel are where it's at.

OKCupid is a terrible site, uses fake likes. Can not see your likes unless you upgrade. Every second profile says "I can not see likes. Message me." You must like each others profiles before you are a match.

I  deleted my OKCupid after being a member for a day. Had 40+ fake likes that I could not see. It is a terrible dating app, take time to answer questions and fill in profile but you can not use the site. Limit on likes is 10 per day.

Last edited by Phoenix20 - on 23 February 2021

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All this time on dating apps and I just got a "yes" to a date from someone I met in real life like 8 years ago at a family Christmas, who was dating my cousin at the time. *Banjos play in the distance*

Seriously though, she's really hot (way outta my league) and as it was so long ago I'm hoping it won't be an issue. She lives about two hours away so we're meeting in the middle, an hour from each of us. Hope distance doesn't become an issue if we do end up in a relationship, though that's thinking a bit far ahead. 

I only asked her out as a "fuck it, may as well" cos of my recent brush with cancer making me want to take more opportunities in life and live more in the moment, didn't expect her to say yes.

curl-6 said:

All this time on dating apps and I just got a "yes" to a date from someone I met in real life like 8 years ago at a family Christmas, who was dating my cousin at the time. *Banjos play in the distance*

Seriously though, she's really hot (way outta my league) and as it was so long ago I'm hoping it won't be an issue. She lives about two hours away so we're meeting in the middle, an hour from each of us. Hope distance doesn't become an issue if we do end up in a relationship, though that's thinking a bit far ahead. 

I only asked her out as a "fuck it, may as well" cos of my recent brush with cancer making me want to take more opportunities in life and live more in the moment, didn't expect her to say yes.

I have found out early in my like the key to dating a woman who you believe is attractive or hot is conquering the fear of rejection and just ask them out.  It really does not matter how hot you believe they are or how out of league.  Once you stop worrying about woman saying no you find out that most will give you a shot.

Machiavellian said:

I have found out early in my like the key to dating a woman who you believe is attractive or hot is conquering the fear of rejection and just ask them out.  It really does not matter how hot you believe they are or how out of league.  Once you stop worrying about woman saying no you find out that most will give you a shot.

I wish this were true for me as well... I said to the fear of rejection, "Fuck you" a long time ago, and so did women to me. =P

I'm mostly a lurker now.

Verter said:
Machiavellian said:

I have found out early in my like the key to dating a woman who you believe is attractive or hot is conquering the fear of rejection and just ask them out.  It really does not matter how hot you believe they are or how out of league.  Once you stop worrying about woman saying no you find out that most will give you a shot.

I wish this were true for me as well... I said to the fear of rejection, "Fuck you" a long time ago, and so did women to me. =P

Lol, true you can experience rejection but lets say out of 10 girls you believe is very hot, if one says yes well, you are a winner.  When I was in high school, I did not approach any girls believing all the ones I thought was beyond me would turn me down.  When I went to college, I decided to just approach any girl that I thought was hot and give it a shot.  The first thing I came away with is that when they shot me down, I really did not feel anything.  Since I did not wait or moon over the girl where a rejection would crush me, I did not put anything emotional into it so it was all good.  

What I found out is that when you let a girl know you are interested in them, you are always in the game.  Sometimes things does not click right away but if you are a cool and do not take the rejection personally, you find out a lot of times that later on you will get your shot if you are still available.  This happen to me a lot in college.  I would ask this girl out, she would turn me down.  Later during the semester when I see the girl I am always friendly but not that friend zone friendly.  Usually after they go through a few a holes, you find out they start to seek you out or you might see them and say, "Hey you want to have dinner and Bam!" what was a no turns into a yes.

Anyway, if you never speak up or say anything what usually happens is that you start to build this emotional barrier where if the person says know when you finally get the nerve to ask them out, you become crushed.  I found just getting in their quick and stating your ground fixes that issue and also can prepare you for success later.

Machiavellian said:

Lol, true you can experience rejection but lets say out of 10 girls you believe is very hot, if one says yes well, you are a winner.  When I was in high school, I did not approach any girls believing all the ones I thought was beyond me would turn me down.  When I went to college, I decided to just approach any girl that I thought was hot and give it a shot.  The first thing I came away with is that when they shot me down, I really did not feel anything.  Since I did not wait or moon over the girl where a rejection would crush me, I did not put anything emotional into it so it was all good.  

What I found out is that when you let a girl know you are interested in them, you are always in the game.  Sometimes things does not click right away but if you are a cool and do not take the rejection personally, you find out a lot of times that later on you will get your shot if you are still available.  This happen to me a lot in college.  I would ask this girl out, she would turn me down.  Later during the semester when I see the girl I am always friendly but not that friend zone friendly.  Usually after they go through a few a holes, you find out they start to seek you out or you might see them and say, "Hey you want to have dinner and Bam!" what was a no turns into a yes.

Anyway, if you never speak up or say anything what usually happens is that you start to build this emotional barrier where if the person says know when you finally get the nerve to ask them out, you become crushed.  I found just getting in their quick and stating your ground fixes that issue and also can prepare you for success later.

Well, I have to say that I'm not particularly attracted to women who are considered hot. This may sound cliché, but a mind turns me on more than a body, and in my case I mean literally: when a woman is interesting to me, her body becomes completely irrelevant and I don't need any physical attraction at all to be horny, if the situation arises. In fact, the woman who I've been more sexually attracted to in my entire life (with difference) was not ugly, but also definitely not a woman for whom I'd felt any kind of physical attraction had I not met her.

That said, it's totally different when it comes to men: the appearance matters a lot more then.

Anyway, my comment was exaggerated for comical purposes: the truth is that the number of rejections I've experienced in my life is not as high as the number of times that things didn't go further due to my lack of flirting skills. And I've got an example that is more or less analogous to yours and which speaks a lot about my ineptitude: there was a girl I was quite attracted to (a similar case than before: she was not a model at all, but she was interesting - and kind of mysterious), so I asked her out. She rejected me, but we still kept in contact and, during that time, she suggested me to do a couple of trips together, and she even asked me if we would sleep in the same hotel room if we did, to which I just said that I'd leave her decide. Those trips never happened in the end, but we still met every time I came back to my hometown, sometimes just the two of us and sometimes with other friends or acquaintances that we had in common. Nothing special.

One of those occasions that we met alone, however, we had a great time together and there was kind of a connection between us. Nothing happened that night, but she invited me to her house shortly after, one day when her parents weren't at home and she was going to be alone the whole day. So we met there, we lunched, we went to a sofa, we sat there... and that was all: we were just sitting on the sofa chitchatting, both of us equally bored; it was a pretty dull date, and only because I was completely unable to understand that it was indeed a date and where that date could've led to. In fact, it took me years to realize that something could've happened that afternoon. I'm just THAT level of bad at this. So even if I don't fear rejection, it's more or less like if I did, lol.

But I have assumed it, anyway, and I've tried to work on that.

Last edited by Verter - on 02 March 2021

I'm mostly a lurker now.