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Forums - Music Discussion - Video game Music Thread

I dig this idea! Here's some music from some of my favourite games

Last edited by Jumpin - on 20 July 2019

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

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Say what you will about Sonic the Hedgehog, he's had his ups and downs and all arounds (More downs, lately.)

But the music has ALWAYS been fantastic!

What, no Hell March yet? Time to fix that!

The whole thing again, Blitzkrieg style!

Also, where's Megaman 2 Wily's castle 1&2?

Jump up, Superstar shouldn't be missing, either.

Also, people like you should burn in hell for not having Megalovania listed yet. Get dunked, Bro!

One of my personal favorites. Get ready!

You're doing great! I'm making a note here, huge success!

And finally, as a bonus, Bethesda's new anthem ^^

Some great NES and Genesis style chip tunes.

I forgot to mention Shantae and Hyrule Warriors. Time to fix that, too!

Shantae and the Pirate's Curse in particular had a great soundtrack. Mixing oriental music with glitch hop and dance music? Best. Thing. Ever!

Scuttle Town:


Scorching Dunes:

And mixing The Legend of Zelda with heavy Rock? Who knew how great they mesh?

Hyrule Fields 1:

Twilight Fields:

Eclipse of the Moon (guitar Version):

Eclipse of the World (Guitar Version)

Hard Linked:

And with Chiptune instead of guitars: Main Theme Classic:

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Xenoblade Chronicles music is so glorious

I still remember the first time I heard these songs (and many others in the soundtrack), the way I was blowed away, my poor wig. Xenoblade is one of those games that I wish I could play for the first time again.

There isn't enough Dark Souls in this thread.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Some well known NES classics:

Castlevania II: The quest of where the f*** do I go

Dragon Warrior Thre-HOLY SHITE THE TWIST!

Link to the Side

Tennage Mutant Ninja Donatello

Street Gangs: The quest for girlfriends

Ducktales: You Thought the Remake Would Be Better?

Thanks for the Xenoblade reminder. My favourites (aside from the Satorl Marsh song you already posted, I am a BIG fan of the night music):

Then two great titans came into existance: the Bionis and the Mechonis. - Shulk

Little by little, each day as it comes, that's how we should live. That's our world. - Shulk

Now it's Reyn time! - Reyn

"This is our new home," - Elma

We loathe them. They have ruined our once-peaceful life! They are all... how should we say? Asscaves. -L

"I long for those hectic and chaotic days that once were, but this too is pleasant in a odd sort of way. Yes... The time has come for me to move on... Shion" -Jin Uzuki

-I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end - The Wave Existence

-I am coming Solaris! I shall be the dark wings which carry you all to hell! - Maria Balthasar

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

↑Mentions Zelda 2... and doesn't bring the Palace theme???

Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! And sing along:

Also, how come Type A Music is still not mentioned?

Bofferbrauer2 said:

↑Mentions Zelda 2... and doesn't bring the Palace theme???

Sorry! My apologies... I think the song is a well-composed song. I didn't mention it because I associate it so strongly with stress and death that I am sure this is the song in the elevator down to hell.

And the song just doesn't sound right unless it ends with the death noise followed by this:

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.