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KratosLives said:

My condolences to those who died and the families. This talk today about america and how great the nation is and being all for the people, is bullshit. It seems like americans are easily dispensable and killed without any concern or afterthought.

Is every killing inherently unjustified? If not, do you have a reason to believe that these ones were not, and were committed "without any concern or afterthought". 

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EricHiggin said:
JWeinCom said:

You are claiming that Robert Reich wants to make "only the bad ones who helped Trump do bad things" pay. This is not the same thing as making any state who fails to go along with Democratic agenda pay. So, again completely irrelevant.

I am not assuming a thing. I am asking if we have evidence based on the past that they will do this. If there is not, then we can discuss whether there is a reason to believe things will be different this time (and if Reich is the best you've got, then I'm guessing no). But, things have to be taken one step at a time.

As for the question, you would have to be direct enough to actually answer it, which you still haven't done. Instead you're talking about mars, world peace,  and claiming I made assumptions that I never made. 

It's a yes or no question, so a direct answer would include a yes or a no. If the answer is yes, then it should contain a follow up explaining the exact actions taken. So, if you are interested in engaging in an actual conversation, please demonstrate that by answering. I cannot possibly be any clearer.

Edit: If you're going to post a link, explain why the link is relevant, I'm not going to read any more since this is the second time you've posted something that has nothing to do with punishing states that don't go along with the democratic party.

You mean like your initial assumption below, in which I corrected you? So why are we here then?

You indirectly referenced a point I made and are pretending like it meant something it didn't based on what followed it, so your question makes no sense to begin with and how is it that you're expecting a 'reasonable' answer?

The links and vids are never relevant anyway so why does anyone ever bother? 

EricHiggin said:

It referred to the prior, because that would make sense, as what followed wouldn't.

JWeinCom said:

... what?

You said " If you go against them they'll make you pay and make an example of you for other states who dare disobey."

So, we've seen two situations where Democrats have had control of the house, senate, and presidency. When they did, did they do what you have suggested they will now? If so, give me examples of how.

"It referred to the prior, because that would make sense, as what followed wouldn't."

I have no idea what you're referring to, which is why I said "what"? Probable because there isn't any actual noun in that sentence, which makes pretty darn hard to understand. Nor did you in any way point me to the part of the post you were referring to.  I have no idea what "it" "that" "the prior" or "what followed" refer to. I genuinely have no idea what this sentence means, and I'm 100% confident in saying the problem is your writing. If you'd like to rephrase that clearly, I can respond, but otherwise, I can't.

"The links and vids are never relevant anyway so why does anyone ever bother?"

Posting descriptions for links that are posted are required by the rules. I had a lengthy exchange with you over this in which you thanked me for explaining the rationale behind the rule.

I'm not about to go on a scavenger hunt to figure out what point you're trying to make. I explained why I don't think it's relevant. If there's something I missed about it it is your job to explain that instead of whining. Show me an example of someone posting a video with a description and being told they can't do so. 

"When the Democrats controlled both houses and the presidency, did they use that to attack states that make states that dared go against them pay?"

The question makes perfect sense. You even said it was "very simple". Which it is. You suggested the democrats will do a thing. I'm asking you if they have done it in the past. Either yes or no. AFTER you answer that, THEN we can discuss whether or not there is reason to believe their future behavior will be different from their past behavior. But, if you're not intellectually honest enough to answer a yes or no question, we can't proceed.

I'm honestly doing my best to give you the opportunity to show that you are interested in genuine conversation, instead of simply ranting about how democrats are evil and are going to punish anyone who doesn't give into their agenda. Several other people have also, as far as I can see, responded to you with logical and generally respectful critiques. Instead of responding, you are being evasive, playing the victim, and trying to divert the conversation. 

So, the choice is yours. If you want to participate in this thread, that means making your points directly and responding to direct points directly.

Last edited by JWeinCom - on 07 January 2021

True patriots.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Nautilus said:
EricHiggin said:

Could what happened yesterday really have anything to do with what happens today? Could today's happenings in any manner impact tomorrow? "I live my life a quarter mile at a time. Nothing else matters. Not the mortgage, not the store, not my team and all their bullshit. For those ten seconds or less, I'm free."... 

Odd how the media thought the gathering was a covid concern as that wasn't an issue with prior 'mostly peaceful protests' and people's rights. Same with lockdowns and curfews. Before it didn't matter, during lockdown, but now authorities had to stop the protest due to curfew. How unfortunate. Luckily the media did push for the Prez and/or Biden to say something to put a stop to it, just like calls for Biden and the Dems prior protest addresses to stop the destruction and violence... Those are a few to be remembered for the ages...

It's gone far enough now that the Reps finally realize that following the rules only works if everyone is on the same page, which isn't the case. They've only been dipping their toes in more recently, but assuming nothing changes much in the near future, they're going to be playing by the oppositions playbook that can only lead to utter chaos, which would eventually fix the overall problem in it's own way however. That's not to say it's the best way to fix it, but the options aren't vast at this point after waiting this long. I mean, when states full of 'deplorables' suggest seceding, you'd think the reaction would've been celebration and not the opposite...

Not surprised to see the Dems take both Georgia seats. It's really the best thing that could've happened for Reps as well as everyone. Why is another matter that won't be clear right away.

Of course. The happening of yesterday pave the way of the happenings of tomorrow. The Present dosen't live in a bubble, and we learn history in the school to learn the mistakes of our past.

And I say that mostly becauser that was what, 8 months ago that the Black Lives Matter riots happened? Doubt that feelings would be different in such a short spam of time.

Either way, as long as people don't understand each other, and don't stop with this " The other side is evil, and will always be that", and dosen't start talking, really talking, the US will go nowhere. I am of the opinion that things have already gone too far, and now the only way towards a resolution is through conflict, armed or political.Either way, the US is screwed for the next 2 to 4 years.

The problem with your viewpoint is that you believe the divide in the US is something new or recent, this has been decades in the making.  As with any system, things bubble up to the surface at times and today was the day.  People will never come to understand each other because everyone believes they are right.  Just like the Floyd riots, there were many who believed today is the day we show them.  Today was the day for those people who are place at the fringe of society.  The white conspiracy people who have embraced the President.  He has brought them out into the lime light.  Feed them a daily diet of their hearts desire in their feelings of government corruption where he is the lone savior and now they got a chance to show out for all to see.  This no longer screws the US politically any more than any other flash of anger and riots throughout US history.  Instead what this may do politically is fracture the Republican party.  When Biden is elected and President and voter turn out for Reps decline based on how Trump has pretty much nuked the party, what it could spell is a long progression of power for the Dems and I am not sure If I like that.

Cobretti2 said:
sethnintendo said:

That's just bullshit at last paragraph.  We spend more than any other country on military combined.  Sure there be an audit on military?  Sure.  But to suggest this shows weakness for USA is bullshit.   We would eventually reconcile against invader.   Have you looked at USA on a map?   We are an island with ally on top and south who we took their capital in US Mexican war.   We can only be defeated from within which this shows how fucking close it can be.

The last paragraph is a hyperbole. i.e. The media is claiming it to be a coup a big threat and trying to spread fear that people's lives were in danger, when in reality the clowns that protested couldn't even think of a way to organise a real coup.

As I said they broke the law yes, but hardly ill intended masterminded grand plan to take over the government. 

In Aus we have protests all the time outside government buildings and sometimes they storm inside and even throw paint on politicians. Our media doesn't go into defcon 1 calling it a coup. In fact in most cases they congratulate them for doing it lol. There is also a few idiots who try to pick a fight with the police and get arrested. You know what the biggest outcome from our protests are? People angry at the protestors because they slowed down traffic and made it a nuisance for them to get to work that day.

I do not believe you know how this works.  Let me help.  The first order of business is to use any riot or violence and escalate the rhetoric of it do diminish any real or imagine reason for the riot, protest or violence.  So yes, the media will play it up as a coup, big threat, they will spin it to enhanced people fear.  This was the very thing that happened with BLM so the playbook is pretty obvious.  America history and Aus is totally different and its not like the US does not have its seasons of riots.  Trust me, after 6 months its all going to go back under the surface as it always does once the media finds something else to center on.

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Trump SURE made America great.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

vivster said:

True patriots.

Well the correct flag looks a lot like Austria so I can relate why he chose the other one.

A look at some of the upstanding citizens and ideologies Saving America at our capitol:

TallSilhouette said:

A look at some of the upstanding citizens and ideologies Saving America at our capitol:

We love them. They're very special.

Barozi said:
vivster said:

True patriots.

Well the correct flag looks a lot like Austria so I can relate why he chose the other one.

That doesn't make any sense. One of their best friends was born in Austria.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.