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TallSilhouette said:

Seth Meyers sums up the day nicely:

"For years, the president and his band of seditious henchmen in the Republican party and in the right wing media ecosystem have fed their rabid base a steady diet of unhinged fantasies and conspiracy theories as a substitute for leadership and governance."

Even Colbert's show is subdued, and you can really hear and feel his anger against the blatant attempted powergrab from the protesters:

Also, Klobuchar looked like she's damn near to breaking into tears at moments:

Last edited by Bofferbrauer2 - on 07 January 2021

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Hiku said:
Hiku said:

It doesn't have to be as bad as *insert country*.
The reason people are calling it a coup is because Trump incited this, knowing full well that it could have easily lead to something like this, or what you described. And because these unhinged people had the intention of undermining and subverting the certified electoral process.

I'm sure even the mob didn't expect that they'd actually get that far so effortlessly. In a county that spends hundreds of billions on defense.

But they did...
If people only knew beforehand how easily they could breach what should have been the most secure location in the country today, this could have ended very differently. If more republican senators had played along with Trump's lies, this could have ended very differently.

That's the problem here. And the problem going forward. Because this sent a message to every violent militant nutjob how easily they could have taken things further, if they actually put in some effort.
This was a massive recruiting success for fascists in the US. They don't see themselves as defeated. This was to them a rehearsal.
And a message to every politician what they can cause by blatantly lying to the people about election fraud.

And one more thing.
"If this was a coup, politicians would have been taken hostage" assumes they didn't try.

Or maybe these terrorists brought zipties after storming the capitol building to decorate the christmas tree.

Agreed, just because you suck ass at coup doesn't change what this was. To believe that you'd have to think that if the senators and representatives hadn't been evacuated it would've been no problem because this was just a protest that broke into the capital. If you profess to believe that I have to assume you're disingenuous because anyone that naive couldn't possibly survive on the internet. 


KManX89 said:

Rep. Cori Bush introduces legislation to remove all House members who enabled Trump/MAGAT coup.

Trump banned from Twitter and Facebook following instigation of coup.

The Twitter ban is so meaningless and ineffectual it might has well not even have happened. It's good to hear that dumb-dumb may be permanently banned from Facebook, and is at least being banned until the transition is over. Doubt the perma happens, but here's hoping.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

The way I see the events is that Trump tried to incite a coup without doing so directly, just to get the benefits of a coup without bearing any responsibility himself. Unfortunately for him, his supporters either didn't really have much of a plan or the plan failed. Either way, they were too incompetent for what Trump wanted, but it certainly seems like Trump wanted a coup without actually being responsible for it legally. If other politicians were responsible, they'd remove Trump (probably via impeachment), but enough of them clearly are not for that to happen.

Now Trump either gives up because he doesn't want to bear the responsibility of a coup or he attempts a coup that makes him directly responsible for it. Judging by his comments about passing the presidency, it sounds like he's given up. On the other hand, it could be just a ruse to get everyone to lower their guard. Luckily I believe Trump is too cowardish to actually take responsibility for a coup and probably too incompetent as well, but I'll believe the presidency to be passed on only once Biden is in and Trump is out. Until then, these are dangerous times.

The bottom line from all this is that the US political system seems to be in need of some reforms to safeguard against coups even better. Additionally, unfortunately relatively shortly and even more importantly, the US people must be united, or no safeguard will be enough to protect American democracy. You're not safe yet, but so far it seems like you got off easy this time - but the next time will almost certainly be worse, if it comes, and after this, the barrier for attempting again will be lower.

IvorEvilen said:
EricHiggin said:

I was being sarcastic when it came to my last few first points. I was being overly absurd to make a point. Guess I need to make that a little more clear.

I can see violence escalating quite a bit, but not full out civil war. Not unless a split was attempted and quashed. Peaceful separation or cooperation is certainly the preferred route, but peace for the sake of peace in certain circumstances isn't an option because it will eventually lead to anything but peace.

2 years of full Dem Gov control is going to cause major tension, but I don't see the disobedience from Rep states until they have some Fed Gov control again. Could very well end up like Obama's first term. The Dems won't just sit back and watch like Trump did. If you go against them they'll make you pay and make an example of you for other states who dare disobey. Unless it's a bunch of Rep states that do so in unison with the intention of separating if they can't come to terms, I think it would take a few years before any big moves were attempted on a political level.

Bold:  Where have you been the last 4 years?  Trump has spent his entire presidency pushing the limits of his power to retaliate against his opponents.  The only thing that really held him back were the natural limits to his power and his lack of understanding of the law.

How much character assassination has he done?  How many times has he called for his political allies to be "locked up"?  How many of his associates did he throw under the bus when they could no longer ethically submit to his will?  How many political and professional careers has this man ended with a tweet?  How many civilians did he sick his supporters after?  How many had to go under government protection because of him?

Remember how he tried to repeal section 230 when he was fact checked by Twitter?  Remember how he tried to remove media from the white house that he did not like?  I can only imagine how many winners and losers there were among businesses depending on how they curried his favor.

What about when he sent his storm troopers to stop protests in states that did not want his troops?  What about how he attempted to prevent California from self-regulating vehicle emissions as well as knee-cap federal efforts to curb air pollution in California?  Or how he threatened to withhold federal aid for fighting forest fires on FEDERAL land?  Gotta stick it to those libs, when we're literally dying.

Trump bragged about destroying Obama's legacy.  So many of Trump's early policy decisions were driven purely by whether or not they against what Obama did, to the point of comedy.

Right now he is literally on a scorched earth campaign to steal an election and literally throwing everyone overboard who won't go along with his scheme.  And Mike Pence is the next name in his burn book.

You are living in a fantasy.

Anyway, I'm sure the response will be because the democrats were so mean to Trump so they really started it. That's kind of the typical circular logic. When liberals do something it's evil. When republicans do something it was in reaction to something evil the liberals did so it's really not that bad.

Last edited by JWeinCom - on 07 January 2021

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Little Donny is pouting. The twitter ban should be lifted but he hasn't said a word yet. Meanwhile he has been banned on Instagram and Facebook indefinitely.

Turns out these spineless companies can actually do something. All it needed was them realizing that the Democrats control congress now and they have to pander to someone new.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Historically I was republican, and I am still registered as such. But the party lost me a number of years ago. Frankly I do not understand what their platform is anymore, not sure the party does either. The GoP really needs to take the next few months and restructure their strategy. Losing the house, senate and presidency in 4 years.... *slow clap*


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Chrkeller said:

Historically I was republican, and I am still registered as such. But the party lost me a number of years ago. Frankly I do not understand what their platform is anymore, not sure the party does either. The GoP really needs to take the next few months and restructure their strategy. Losing the house, senate and presidency in 4 years.... *slow clap*

There is no platform. I don't mean that facetiously, the party LITERALLY did not put out a platform for the 2020 election. Because when the party is built around Trump who's only position is "what is best for Trump at the moment" they can't put out any sort of coherent platform. 

Chrkeller said:

It was a coup and my fellow Americans should be ashamed given we allowed this to happen.

Isn't this the reason why guns are legalized and protected in the constitution according to many though?

Zkuq said:

Luckily I believe Trump is too cowardish to actually take responsibility for a coup and probably too incompetent as well, but I'll believe the presidency to be passed on only once Biden is in and Trump is out. Until then, these are dangerous times.

Trump is a narcissist. It will *always* be someone elses fault. Always.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Gee, and people wonder why dems and libs were so worried about Trump getting in power and emboldening shit like this. "Get over it, you lost" was a pretty common phrase used by the right back in 2016, followed by 'you are so hateful to those you disagree with'.

Nobody cares that you disagree with us. Civil disagreements are fine. I don't think as much money should go to the military and I think more should be spent on education. That's a reasonable discourse in politics. Values are different for different people, this is how the world works. What we were worried about was never 'people who disagree with us are in power', it was the fact that people with more guns than common sense were the ones who voted him into power. It was that the president was known to be a narcissictic liar with the maturity level of a toddler and now has access to the big red button and nuclear launch codes.

Downplaying this as a 'difference of opinion' is asanine and dangerous. The issue was never a matter of opinion, it was due to the very real danger of exactly this happening.

When a political party known for their bigotry, denial of science, focus on finances over the environment or education, and an unhealthy obsession with guns gets into power, it's not debate club, it's the prelude to a civil war. When people who say a global pandemic is a myth and that their 'freedom' to not wear a mask supercedes other's 'rights' to a clean bill of health, and those people are the same people who fight so aggressively for their right to carry guns they don't need, it's not about protection or freedom, it's about their faulty worries that their freedoms are being trampled and the ability to destoy all who oppose that.

They're terrorists. They're bullies with guns seeking to silence all who want to keep balance and order. They're assailants who have spent the last 50 years convincing the world they are victims. It's gaslighting. IT's dangerous.

And liberals have been cautioning you all about it for years, because we all knew that if someone like Trump got into power and emboldened these people...this was exactly what could happen. For the longest time, these people mostly kept to themselves, knowing full well that their views were not widely accepted. They had the decency to not take that childish, violent behaviour out in public. But then, the white supremacist cheeto nazi go into power and not only encouraged them but made it clear their values were just as valid as those who think gay people deserve respect or that black people are real people, too.

We've been warning you all for years. We knew it was coming, but nobody wanted to listen. We were shrugged off and mocked if we said it like it is, then called aggressive for wanting to premptively put a stop to this before it got worse. It got worse, and what have you got left, now? They're the bad guys. Look at the state your country is in. Fix it. Because you have a real problem and it's pretty sad that it got this far.

Greatest country? Hah, you're hardly even a first world country with this sort of internal discourse.

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