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I don't even care if Trump never goes to jail. His pride has been torn to shreds, and that's good enough for me. And for an ego maniac like him, crushing defeat is the worst punishment ever. So honestly, I'm satisfied. Once he officially leaves office I don't care what happens to him after that.

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Bofferbrauer2 said:
JWeinCom said:

Things that Trump doesn't trust

The media, now including Fox.

His former attorney general.

The FBI.

His head of cyber security.


The EU


The Supreme Court, which includes three people he appointed.

The republican governors of Georgia and Arizona

His Secretary of Defense


Dr. Fauci

Things Trump Trusts

Vladmir Putin

It's so bizarre. Just 20 more days.

You can make the list much shorter:

Persons Trump trusts:

His Family members, as in his Wife, children and son-in-law.

Vladimir Putin

Things Trump possibly trusts:

Mitch McConnell

Mike Pence


Who Trump doesn't trust:

Everybody and everything else

Trump is a simple person, you can make that list much much shorter.

Things Trump Trusts:

People who said something nice about him in the last 24h.

Things Trump doesn't trust:

People who said something mean about him in the last 24h.

Things Trump doesn't know exist:

Everything else.

Last edited by vivster - on 20 December 2020

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

JWeinCom said:
Bofferbrauer2 said:

You can make the list much shorter:

Persons Trump trusts:

His Family members, as in his Wife, children and son-in-law.

Vladimir Putin

Things Trump possibly trusts:

Mitch McConnell

Mike Pence


Who Trump doesn't trust:

Everybody and everything else

Well, you have to add to the list of people Trump trusts, anyone who verbally tounges his ass. At least until they stop blowing him. Then suddenly they're incompetent liars and get #cancelled.

Those are the list of people Trump possibly trusts. As in, trusts now until they could get a nuisance, then they get dumped faster than a bag of trash.

Looks like the Covid Stimulus Bill is unsurprisingly, full of unneeded bloat that has no place in a stimulus bill.

CaptainExplosion said:
sundin13 said:

Looks like the Covid Stimulus Bill is unsurprisingly, full of unneeded bloat that has no place in a stimulus bill.

It's not about COVID-19, it's about the usual right wing bullshit.

Though AOC and Bernie Sanders got criticized by their own Democrats for "endangering" a deal because they wanted more for the people and less of that bullshit. Because if they had a halfway decent deal all those DINOs wouldn't then have voted for it...

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Imagine being so morally bankrupt as a party that Donald Trump of all people is lecturing you about human decency.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

As expected Trump is throwing a Pardon Party. Something something separation of powers.

People said Trump isn't a dictator. Then how come he's doing all of the stuff dictators do?

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

This is a rather well-thought-out and detailed breakdown of how the 'war on Christmas' is absolute, utter nonsense, isn't real, and is perpetuated by the Right because it's the only way they - conservative christians - can convince their gullible, nationalist audience that they - the ones in power - are being oppressed.

I don't always like HBomberGuy (A lot of his game opinions are hilariously bad), but when it comes to politics and science he tends to know what he's talking about and does a lot of work showing his perspective know, being right about stuff.

So if you're a person who believes this 'war on christmas' in in fact're wrong and I shall pray for your soul.

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Christians upset that their Pagan festivities are under attack from Pagans.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

And wouldn't you know it? As a shock to nobody, the House GOP kills the $2,000 Covid relief bill.

They don't even TRY to hide their evil, anymore.