Marth said:
So hey,
I have a topic regarding SotC. Pretty much the title but I want to give more information.
I was never owner of a Playstation. I have played a few games when I visited friends but mostly grew up with Nintendo.
So there were quite a lot of games I never layed hands on and SotC is one of them.
But it gets so much hype. I have seen many people here, on reddit and on my twitter praising the game to the heavens and celebrating another remaster of it.
So... why?
What I have seen of this game so far was a lot of empty landscapes that you traverse with a horse to kill a few bosses.
Is that the whole game or is there something i am missing? Or something i dont understand?
I am curious to know what you guys love so much about this game when it seems pretty shallow to me.
I think this is where a lot of people tilt their heads and look at you funny. You've said you are a Nintendo fan so I can't imagine shallow being a problem for you to begin with.
Some games are about more than simply hitting stuff or jumping over stuff. They are about the atmosphere and the emotional experience. They are about establishing empathy with the character you're playing and understanding their struggle. Some people don't want or get that from games, which is totally fine. They just want to turn their brains off and press the right buttons at the right moments. There are tons of games like that so no problem.
Some people want more, though, or at least a range of experiences. They're looking for a degree of depth, something that can provoke and engage their imagination as well as their motor skills. Something they can care about, that they can think about beyond wondering how to beat the next puzzle.
Personally, I've played enough games with shallow characters following a hollow shell of a story to last me a lifetime. If that was all gaming offered me then I'd probably stop caring about it the way I did during the SNES era. I need games that try to go outside those bounds and I think it's clear a lot of other people want that as well.
I'm also well aware that there will be people who try to belittle what they don't understand. That's okay, though, as what they don't realize is that doing so will only reflect back on them and make them look shallow and petty in comparison.