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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread: The Greatest Games Event 2017 - FINISH YOUR LISTS

Probably the epitome of milking a franchise, but it takes advantage of one of the greatest soundtracks from a video game, and is loaded with great remixes, and even a random vocaloid cameo.

Marriage can be a scary thing to confront, as it forces to make life changes that we can't undo, and will put us at the edge at many times, but we ultimately have to face this nightmare every time. Once the ordeal is all over, it makes you question if love is even worth it. 

Besides Evangelion, we can thank this game for giving us a sexy remix of the theme song for Andy Williams. Heck, the game's OST as a whole is sexy, and goes well with some sexy combat. Did I mention this game is sexy?

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

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Slarvax said:
S.Peelman said:

32: Pokemon Red/Blue?

31 I guess can be a lot of things...

Right on the series for 32.


Big green lizard dragon
Big red land dinosaur
Big blue whale

Light and dark world? Is this A Link to the Past?

What do you call screaming into a cave and hearing your voice over and over again?


You can now drive in the air and underwater!

32: RSE

31 Metroid Prime Echoes

30 MK7

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Platina said:
Slarvax said:

Right on the series for 32.


Big green lizard dragon
Big red land dinosaur
Big blue whale

Light and dark world? Is this A Link to the Past?

What do you call screaming into a cave and hearing your voice over and over again?


You can now drive in the air and underwater!

32: RSE

31 Metroid Prime Echoes

30 MK7

What a smart boy. Correct on all

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code:  SW 7885-0552-5988

Slarvax said:
Platina said:

32: RSE

31 Metroid Prime Echoes

30 MK7

What a smart boy. Correct on all

Wait, you're telling me that #31 wasn't a Link to the Past?!?!

Updating my list. I lost my list for a bit because I got a new computer, and now it is all imported. Hints for top 30 since they are quite important!

44: Command and Conquer Red alert 2 PC- A great sequel with many new things to mess around with. Whether it be teleporting infantrymen that can 1 shot anything. Naval superiority of the Allies with massive range. And prism towers. Soviets had cheap brute force and the awesome tesla. As well as the very fun psychic units. Invulnerability and nukes are a plus.

43: Sleeping Dogs PS3 - A great open world game set in Hong Kong for a change. A convincing Hong Kong is all one needs but this game brings a lot more. Combat was fun, driving and cars were cool. The story was good, and the VA for Wei was great. A shame no Sleeping Dogs 2.

42: Fallout 4 PS4 - I keep this level with Fallout 3 as I enjoyed both of them pretty much the same. But 2 entries in a row of the same franchise would be boring, so I choose the newer one. Both bring the fun with limited ammo/money but guns galore as you progress. They have a lot of content, which might be a big theme for my list. Most importantly is the atmosphere of a post apocalyptic world, and the freedom of choice within that world.

41: Disgaea 5 PS4 - The 2nd game I ever plat, but I only have 3 platinums. However out of those 3 only this one makes the list. The story is very long but satisfying. There are a lot of intricacies to the game and how one would go through the combat system. The game also gave me a lot of laughs which would be fairly unique to this list.

40: Kingdom Under Fire XB
- One of the biggest reasons to own and Xbox and unfortunately this series did not continue in the same vein for the 360 or XB1. Its a unique strategy game that gives you limited units and you have to go through story missions. The campaign was immensely fun controlling all the unique units strategically while the actual combat might remind you of Dynasty Warriors, it was still unique enough to make an impact.

39: Warcraft 3 PC - I played WoW before I played this game, so it was quite interesting to learn more about the roots and lore of the franchise. It made my WoW experience more complete but it was also an RTS game so it was a more unique experience then just learning the lore. It had multiple factions with different ways to victory while the expansion added in a hero system with quests that really added depth to the genre.

38: Uncharted 2 PS3 - As with Fallout 3/4 I removed Uncharted 3. But since I played Uncharted 2 more extensively I went with the earlier version this time. Both have incredible set pieces in the main story, and isn't too short. Both had very good online. The best in Uncharted 2 was the Sanctuary map and I can still kind of hear the noises that the map makes to this day. Uncharted 3 added couch co-op which games seem to lack these days.

37: Super Street Fighter IV AE 360 - A game I played extensively with my room mate in college. For awhile there you just get roflstomped, but once you start learning your opponents movements for certain characters and develop cool strategies for yourself, that is when the true fun starts. Nothing more hilarious then getting perfected twice in a row due to some dumb strat and nothing more clutch then beating them by a pixel.

36: Mechassault XB - Another big reason to own an Xbox and again saw no sequels for 360 or XB1. It was my first direct online experience playing on my Uncle's Xbox. Our team had a traitor, and so my uncle killed him over and over again until he ragequit. Once I got this game myself, I realised that the campaign was very fun in itself as well. "Size Matters" still haunts me, but the overall gameplay of being in a mech and having mech battles has not been replicated to this day. The amount of unique mechs was very interesting to mess around with from the small stealth mechs to the big super strong mechs.

35: Super Smash Bros Melee GCN - The best Smash Bros, with the right amount of characters. Whether it be having pokemon battles or just simple fights I played many hours with friends. Even solo I could find fun in the campaign and facing 3 lvl 9 computers. The floatiness is fun and the damage/stock system is interesting to make certain plays happen.

34: Super Mario 64 N64 - A classic 3D mario experience. A game where one can feel quite immersed in each world as you collect everything. Not much else to say as most people already know why this game is so good.

33: Star Ocean til the end of time PS2 - A JRPG. In Space. With fantasy elements. What more is there to like? Well it also has a fun combat system, and a good story. The original characters are all pretty unique and awesome in their own right.

32: Persona 5 PS4 - Ah its 2017 and this game finally released in the US. A turn based combat game in 2017 is supposed to be bad, but oh it is soooooooo good. The castles were all cool, and convincing demons to fight for you and using their skills to beat your enemies is all fun. And with the social aspect of the game directly affecting gameplay, there is plenty of motivation to participate. This game makes top 5 in music alone as a truly standout achievement for a video game. The final song as the credits roll will always be in my playlist in the years to come beating out songs from pro bands.

31: Legend of Zelda Majora’s Mask N64 - Quite the massive game and all the masks and items being unique to improving gameplay. The time system can be annoying, but it can be quite fun to play around with. Not many games use a time system but I do think the games that successfully use it always end up in my list.

Around the Network
Ka-pi96 said:
Ultrashroomz said:

Probably the epitome of milking a franchise, but it takes advantage of one of the greatest soundtracks from a video game, and is loaded with great remixes, and even a random vocaloid cameo.

Persona 4 Dancing All Night?

Only guessing that because it's you Ultra

Well you're not wrong. xD

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

Nobody's guessed these games yet.

#29: The Mishima clans family troubles get even more chaotic when the youngest ones great-grandfather is released from his imprisonment.
#28: Monkey and Trip
#27: A PS3 JRPG, the first game in a sub-series belonging to a larger franchise. The sequel was already on my list earlier.

Mnementh said:

game #33

Hint 1: This famous adventurer with a hat and a whip is the hero of this game and the movie.

Hint 2: This game corresponds to the third movie of the series.


S.Peelman said:

Some Indiana Jones game for sure, but I don't know which one is good.

The_Liquid_Laser said:

#33 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Graphic Adventure

So, S.Peelman got the series right and Liquid_Laser the game, it is Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Graphic Adventure!

Phew, what a title. But needed as for the Last Crusade also another game existed (which I never played). I liked the Adventure-game.

Well, this was one of the great adventures from the time LucasArts games were great in that department. The story obviously is based on the third Indiana Jones movie, the puzzles are just adventuring greatness.

This game combined everything that made Indiana Jones movies great: action, humour, clever solutions for problems. And you could play Indy yourself!

The game was a success and followed up by another one, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. Which is good, but not as good as this one.

By the way, LucasArts did put a hint on their internal comic Sam&Max into the game. They made later a game for these two. The totem-pole in the left show Sam&Max.

This is the great time of point-and-click-adventures. You have the full command-bar which was later removed to make space for more graphic and in turn less complex gameplay-options. So play this, if you want to have full point-and-click-glory.

As another note: naturally Ron Gilbert was involved as with so many great LucasArts games. I already mentioned him for the Cave.

Wikipedia, MobyGames, OGDB, IGDB

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

#31 Tales of Symphonia


The best of the Tales Series. I loved the characters, plot, and setting of this game. I almost didn't play this classic, until I noticed that my roommate at the time already had it. This is the game that made me relax my ridiculous metacritic standards for buying games. For a time I only bought games that got 87 or higher. What a fool I was. This game is criminally underrated and so are the vast majority of JRPGS. 

#29 Finally a true sequel without cartoony graphics.
#28 Steering Wheel.
#27 Shows off the capabilities of the system, you don't even need to use buttons!
#26 Welcome to Hawaii.
#25 Shoot enemies throughout history, with this Sega Classic.