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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Games you can replay over and over?

Tagged games:


Do you play any games multiple times?

Yes 138 92.00%
No, once is enough. 12 8.00%

RTS games of years gone by, Diablo III, KoA etc.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

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Ff vi, can't wait to play it again

Zelda games.

Any of the halos

SMB3 - SMB - Zelda Twilight Princess - Super Paper Mario - Mario Galaxy - TLOZelda - NSMB2.

never any Animal Crossing Game!


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Quite a few Final Fantasy-games (8, 9, 10), The Legend of Dragoon, Mega Man 2 and 4, Super Mario Bros. 3. There are a number of games I've also played twice that I might some day go back to.

I absolutly hate replaying games or play multiplayer games without real progress. It's feels like a sin to me. There are so many great games and so little time, why spend that time on things you are already done? I always see that big backlog of retro games and the massive amount of games coming out almost every day. (same thing for movies / series). But there are exceptions like metroid zero mission + fusion, older 2d mario + mario 64 + sunshine and in recent years dark souls, castlevania lots(I needed that smooth 60 fps after playing it like shit on ps3) and witcher 2 (2. playtrought felt like a diffrent game).

edit: I forgot rayman origins and dkc returns, I played through both without getting 100% because I got easily frustrated and only completed the main story for the sake of completion. after the easier rayman legends which I completed 100% with every time run, I just needed more so I relplayed origins. while playing tropical freeze and getting every gold medal I felt guilty so instead of completing tp I replayed dkc returns.

Quite a few. So many that I overlook new games I haven't completed.

-Gears of War 1-3 (see sig)
-Batman Arkham series
-Tomb Raider 2013
-Street Fighter 2-4
-Anything with Mario (2D or 3D platformer​/Kart)
-Tetris Attack
-Final Fantasy Tactics

The original Mass Effect trilogy
Final Fantasy VI
The Bioshock trilogy
Chrono Trigger
Secret of Mana
Most all Mario games

Does World of Warcraft count?