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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony supported Mods in UT3 and Microsoft didnt where was the outcry back then? Media Bias

CGI-Quality said:
shikamaru317 said:

Based on Nexus. It's not just quantity either, Skyrim mods have almost 1 billion downloads on Nexus compared to 150m for Oblivion, 156m for Fallout New Vegas, and 108m for Fallout 3. 

The Nexus?

There are far more sites out there for mods. Mod DB, for example. Skyrim has some of the best visual and game mode mods (I can't subtract that from it), but even doing a quick Google search of the best PC mods - plenty of articles don't mention it. 

Besides, it's a wonder some leave out Counter-Strike when discussing mod impact. To me, Skyrim isn't, and has never been, the end all, be all for PC modding. And, please don't mistake my objection for hate. I'm not anti-Skyrim (although it was >>nothing<< close to Oblivion for me, but that's a whole other topic for another day).

I mentioned half life, you know what I meant by that! Maybe next time, I will just call goldsource engine set of games.


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One factor could be that PC and console gaming were much more far apart from each other back then, and console gamers didn't understand PC gaming as well as they do now (the converse could be true as well, but I don't think it's relevant here). After all, consoles were very simple and easy to use before the 7th generation, and online gaming on consoles wasn't a very big thing. Now, console gaming is already much closer to PC gaming and PC in general, and console gamers have a better understanding of the different sides of gaming. I guess I'm saying that modding wasn't as widely understood back then as it is now, and for that reason people didn't necessarily understand its benefits properly.

That said, the biggest reason is probably that UT3 isn't as big as Fallout and Skyrim.

Media bias? The industry's golden boy messed up real bad and now you're saying it's unfair? Boo-hoo.

Threads like this are annoying especially if you are an old member.

Their was a lot going on with UTIII for example the game was time exclusive for PS3 basically sony invested in the game (possible because MS already had invested in Epic to make Gears).

I remember the Xbox 360 version releasing with split screen support ....Anyway game was a bit of a mess on those consoles, to get the best version of the game you basically had to switch every six months.

shikamaru317 said:
CGI-Quality said:

The Nexus?

There are far more sites out there for mods. Mod DB, for example. Skyrim has some of the best visual and game mode mods (I can't subtract that from it), but even doing a quick Google search of the best PC mods - plenty of articles don't mention it. 

Besides, it's a wonder some leave out Counter-Strike when disucssing mod impact. To me, Skyrim isn't, and has never been, the end all, be all for PC modding. And, please don't mistake my objection for hate. I'm not anti-Skyrim (although it was >>nothing<< close to Oblivion for me, but that's a whole other topic for another day).

Nexus is the #1 site for mods as far as I know, but I could be wrong. I know I've had much better luck finding the mods I wanted on Nexus than I have on Mod DB.

I'd like to mention that Nexus got big only around Oblivion's release. It's much bigger now than it was back then, and before Nexus, modding was all around the internet. Now, mod distribution is much more focused, which has probably helped increase mods' popularity. And on the other hand, fewer and fewer games support modding, so it's possible that modders are focusing more on titles that do support modding.

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Well, I can see people being annoyed or disappointed because it was announced that the PS4 version of fallout 4 would have mods only to have them shut down in the end. I can't imagine Sony canceling the mods without having a really, really, REALLY good reason but as of now, Sony has been pretty silent and I assume they don't wanna throw Bethesda under the bus if it's actually their fault, as some people speculate that the mods don't meet Sony's standards.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

In fact Unreal tournament III was considered a big time exclusive for Sony, even on vgchartz people expected some crazy things: Yep, I have not a single doubt in my mind that Halo 3 just lost it's greatness thanks to Epic Games!!!!

BraLoD said:
onionberry said:

Nah because I'm biased towards Nintendo, but i'm not blindly biased. So if they do something shitty I'm not going to publicly criticize because I'm biased, But people can criticize and  I'm not going to defend them neither because I'm not blindly biased. 

Mutely biased then? If you can't criticize Nintendo when even you think they screw up.

You shouldn't be like this though, if you don't criticize them when you think they are wrong, you are preventing to help them to be better and helping them to keep being worse. Think about it.

The thing is, Nintendo rarely does something that gets me mad, last time was the delay of zelda, I yelled at them but guess what, we don't have a release date yet. Before that, their 2015 digital event and before that I don't even remember. People get mad for other stuff like region lock or paper mario, but I don't even care about that stuff so I can't criticize, but I don't criticize those who are mad either. Also, when you're a fan of a company its easy to see the faults of other companies, it is what it is.

BraLoD said:
Acevil said:

Here is my take on, and I will corelate it with Pokemon Go, when things become popular, missteps are bigger and louder. Skyrim and Fallout 4 mods and the game itself would fall in this. 

Yup, and you are right on that.

FF is a very, very popular franchise, the biggest on its genre, and that didn't make the XB get a huge backslash as Sony got for the same matter, though.

American media has definitely a bias created during last gen when the 360 was utterly dominant over the PS3 on the US, sometimes you can see clearly focused articles and media pushes to attack PS and promote the XB, on the same notes using double standarts depending on which is doing what now.

Two things, first it is not the biggest of its genre in either regard of JRPG, or MMORPG, this case it is MMORPG. Also in relations to that, I did see a small backlash, but I notice largely the microsoft audience is not the biggest on Japanese RPG let alone one that centres around MMORPG (Like I was when I had that console brand), it would have been a backlash if it was game like Call of Duty, but we will never know, since Activision would never try such a thing.

Basically that first bias comes down to east vs west bias of the consoles, media, and gamers. Given I think neither deserve backlash, because at the end of the day, I think they are both all talk, and would never do cross-platform to each other. 

Secondly, I agree with this part, America media is biased, no matter what, they do not present facts, they present subjective biased opinions. Also they easily turn on you, even if they like you. Microsoft experienced that with XboxOne. (The more popular sites at least). 

Double standard is lovely thing, but also in certain situations, I think changing opinions are a thing as well.  Just like I think this situation in praticular (the mod one), it is more of swift of opinions in the past versus now. 


uhm the PS3 version was known to be the definitve console port for UT3 because of mods.

Also mods were never announced for the 360 version. Thus no promised features have been taken away from the version and therefore no outcry. Pretty simple.
Funny how you care so much about a game you don't play though :)
"their mods are dangerious if they dont quality controll them."
their mods? dangerous? Please educate yourself before making such threads