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Forums - Movies & TV - Suicide Squad critically off to a bad start: 26%RT & 41%Metacritic(Updated)

d21lewis said:
Rumor has it that they decided to change the movie and add more stuff after the poor reception of BvS. I wonder if this made the film better or worse. I like Marvel films well enough but I hope DC doesn't try to become them. Even if DC's films aren't as well received, they don't need to emulate dat Marvel style.

unfortunately they've missed their opportunity to copy Marvel the right way.  The tones should stay different.  It works better for everyone when there's differentiation.  However Dc should have emulated the thing Marvel undoubtedly got right, the structure and order of the films.  They should not have had a team up film as their second one.  And what's with spoiling all the combat parts of Wonder Woman not even in her own movie?  Their order of films should have gone like this

1. The Batman (story of betrayal to lead into BvS and his distrust)

2. Man of Steel (but better and set a couple years after The batman)

3. BvS but with a few tweaks.  First off no Doomsday.  Second off no WW fighting.  Just tease her at the party and returning Bruce's drive.  Batman and Superman are starting to be adversarial then Batman figures out he's being set up by Lex.  He has a cool way to lure Superman to seeing the same.  They proceed to stop Lex from getting the Kryptonian vessel in a small scale final battle with Lex using Kryptonite on Superman and various tech to fight Batman.  Ultimately he can't beat them but they find out about Stepenwolf and begin gathering the team.  After credits scene or end of movie scene with Wonder Woman looking at the flash drive and her picture.

4. Wonder Woman (first time seeing her in combat and in uniform)

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As someone who's read a fair amount of the Suicide Squad comics that this film is supposed to be based on I'm not surprised.

The trailer's premise of "What do we have to stop Superman from ripping open the White House?" That's not even what the Suicide Squad is for.
And if it was? Then the team assembled makes no sense. The only person remotely capable of even slowing down Superman in the film version is Enchantress.

The mistake DC made its where they tried to create the entire DC film universe dark and gritty like the Dark Knight trilogy instead of creating each movie according to their respected character and city.

The Marvel cinematic universe varies from Iron Man, Thor, Captain America and Guardians, even if not so blatantly. Most importantly, Marvel didn't try to create a realistic comic book adaptation.

DC went full Snyder / dark and gritty and screwed everything up.

Bats is now way older than Supes and everyone else in JLA. Supes is boring as frack and has already killed 2 of his greatest villains whilst the third was killed of camera. Flash has been horribly cast, Cyborg looks more like a Bayformer. Snyder is still making every film like it's an episode of Watchmen and Ben Affleck has been called in to save the catastrophe (since he is the only person involved on set that's been following the comics and actually knows and cares about the source material).

The DCCU is a big ol cluster frack.

They should have started a new Bats trilogy that would have brought in Supes in the second film and introduced Joker in the first film sending him off to prison.

Followed by a Supes film that would bring in Bats and introduce Lex.

Followed by a Bats film where we have Bane who breaks Joker and Lex out of prison in the end. Introducing Martian Mahunter who comes to warn them off an approaching war.

Followed by a Supes and Bats film where they split up, one going to look for Aquaman whilst the other tries to hold of the Joker, Harley and Deadshot.

I could go on, but I'm pretty sure anyone on this site could have handled the DCCU better than WB and Snyder.

Warner is trying to hit a moving target and they are always late and pay the price of comparison.

1- People liked Nolan TDK? Let's do a dark and realist version of Superman

2- Assemble movies make money? Let's make Supeman 2 into a prequal to Justice League.

3- GotG made money with 5th class characters? Let's do SS with obscure vilans and a kickass soundtrack.

4- Deadpool a success? Call some one to bring Lobo to the big screen.

I think now that only a TDK level of masterpiece can give DC a break with the critics. It's a lost battle when critics trash your movie because you made Arlequina "too sensualized", or that there are too many jokes.

And JL looked boring too. But lol at scores...
I have seen so many overinflated rate scores recently that I'd prefer to see for myself rather than trust anyone else.

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Kinda expected, but disappointing nevertheless. I'll add this to my "maybe watch eventually" pile next to BvS.

Updated slightly.


Mr.Playstation said:
Maybe Marvel should buy DC ;).

You mean Disney buy out Warner Bros.

Lol. Not surprised at all. It just looks like a giant ad for Hot Topic.

Not to mention the premise alone is terrible. It's not like they're going to fight and beat Batman or anything.

hershel_layton said:
Do people still care for reviews?

just watch it. if you didn't like it, too bad. no one is forcing you to like it or watch it

Seeing as most people don't have the time and money to see every movie, play every game, watch every TV show, read every book, see every play, eat at every restaurant, and listen to every album, we need some kind of way to filter all the content.  Opinions from others is probably the best method we have.