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Forums - Politics Discussion - 11 officers shot, 1 bystander shot during protests over recent shootings

"I want to kill white people, especially white police officers". White lives matter? I understand most black people understand that whats going on is a few corrupt police officers abusing their power, and that clearly not every police officer is "bad". But that doesn't mean that INNOCENT people should be killed for no reason. 

Made a bet with LipeJJ and HylianYoshi that the XB1 will reach 30 million before Wii U reaches 15 million. Loser has to get avatar picked by winner for 6 months (or if I lose, either 6 months avatar control for both Lipe and Hylian, or my patrick avatar comes back forever).

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Valdath said:
TheBlackNaruto said:

You mean the one who was already on the ground with two grown men on top of him being told to "get on the ground" with a loaded gun in his chest? That one? The one who was supposedly trying to reach for his gun according to the officers who KNEW he had a gun befor even getting there yet handled the situation VERY poorly from the way the videos looked and eye witness account(the store owner) who was standing right there and didn't even see a gun until the man was already shot 5 times? Is that the guy who started it? Yeaaaaaaaahhhhhhh......seems legit


Another sad cycle and loss of life. Something has to change because people are getting fed up with this. It is going to be all out war at the rate things are going. I feel for the families of all involved in all the loss of life. This is not good at all and as a father it scares me because I have two children to raise...and I have to protect them no matter what.

This isn't even about race.


If police tells you to stop, you're supposed to stop, people need to respect authority.

Police have families and loved ones too, should they just let X gun them down because it would make them look racist? Hell no.

Wait I didn't even say anything about race lol. I replied to your post about the drug dealer being the one who started it. And how did you get the they should just let x gun them down to not look racist? Where did that come from?

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23

barneystinson69 said:

"I want to kill white people, especially white police officers". White lives matter? I understand most black people understand that whats going on is a few corrupt police officers abusing their power, and that clearly not every police officer is "bad". But that doesn't mean that INNOCENT police officers should be killed for no reason. 

The problem is there is no accountability for "bad" police officers. Even for regular police officers, in America basically shooting someone and asking questions later is ok if you don't know exactly what might be happening. That isn't the mindset of police in Europe or Canada or Australia or Japan. 

The police have had a long history of an antogaonist relationship with the black community too, maybe they need a rethink of how they interface with these communities and better training full stop. 

barneystinson69 said:

"I want to kill white people, especially white police officers". White lives matter? I understand most black people understand that whats going on is a few corrupt police officers abusing their power, and that clearly not every police officer is "bad". But that doesn't mean that INNOCENT people should be killed for no reason. 

Same thing applies for all types of people.So remember when you say they're few bad cops they're few bad blacks,muslims and whites.

But people will not view it like that,it's going to be viewed as all blacks wants all cops dead.

To be completely honest, to some extent I understand these snipers that took the law in their own hands. Enuff is enuff.

The police culture is so out of touch with rest of American society and values, and drastic measures are needed for change to happen. It's happened time and time again these horrible murders commited by cops who show no respect for human life. Who are evil and selfish to the very core of their corrupt souls. That said, I'm not convinced the whole explanation or even the main explanation is racism, and I fear there are lots of white victims of police violent too that the media doesn't necessarily portray always. It could also be other aspects human values and morals that are twisted and wrong in cop culture.

I wouldn't have been angry if some of the murdering cops had been eliminated on the spot.

It's not certain this mass shooting will lead to a spiral of increased violence, it actually could lead to reform. Because thankfully it's not cops who rule society, it's the President.

SvennoJ said it well, what I mean could be a good consequence of what happened with the killed police officers:

"Sometimes a truly shocking event is needed to wake up everyone instead of remaining the status quo of, oh well another police shooting, forgotten in a few days."

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thismeintiel said:
TheBlackNaruto said:

Soooooooo because they were doing something wrong/stupid they deserved to get shot by a careless cop? Like the 12yr old black kid who was shot in the park because he was playing with a toy? Or the one who was just shot in a traffic stop because he was reaching for his license? You mean doing stuff wrong/stupid like that? :-/?

Lmao.  Thanks for proving the point of my previous post.  Perpetuating the lie.  Or half truth.  However you want to put it.  Say something like he was just shot while playing black.  Of course, you would leave out that it was a realistic gun that the kid had puposely taken the orange tip off, so at any distant you wouldn't have been able to tell it was a toy.  And that he was taking it out and brandishing it like a thug, threatening to "shoot"  passersby.  The cops were called because people thought it was a real gun.  They pulled up and demanded he put it down, but instead he decided to not listen, so they shot him.  It's tragic, but act like a thug and you'll die like one.

As for the recent one, I don't have all the info on that one.  So, you know, I'm not going to do a rash thing and choose "sides" quite yet.  Better to wait until we get the cruiser video.  If it was the 100% fault of cop, he should be fired and face charges, as he will.  People are allowing their agenda to blind common sense.  It could be the Michael Brown thing all over again.  Of course, it doesn't help that we have one of the key race agitators as President.

One who knows nothing can understand nothing.   When a black perosn ignores the cops you call them a thug.  When a white person smashs his car into cops toting a gun, and they don't take one shot, he gets to live because he shouldn't die like a thug?  The fuck?  The cops insintance is more valuable than a black life... he must obey the cop after all as that is his place and I get what your point is... his refusal to obey the cop means he must die... how dare he not obey.  Or maybe its all Obama faught for being a black president and he needs to lets us kill all the 'thugs'.   People need to stop trying to convince themselves that they aren't racist. The second you make a statement about why 'blacks' need to die like 'thugs', you are already to far gone to be useful to anyone but the bigots you originate from and you have   If you can't understand that all life is equal regardless of race you are lost.  The conversation needs to be about saving all lives and for police to be vigilate without resorting to killing. 

thismeintiel said:
TheBlackNaruto said:

Wow there is A LOT wrong witht his post. Yes there are cases where things are not what they seem. No one is trying to make "black criminals" innocent but when so many are being shot and killed when there are cases of other races no tbeing shot and killed then it causes problems. There are a lot of holes in the rest of your post that are just not cool.

Problems between blacks and cops have been going on for a LONG time now. It just seems different now with social media and everyone recording things on their phones. I have been pulled over just to be asked where I am headed when I have done NOTHING wrong. I have been pulled over and questioned about what I am doing in certain neighborhoods with back up called on me as if I did something wrong. Same with my brothers, my father, cousins etc. And the most any of us have is maybe smoking weed(which I have never done) so no it is not about "black criminals" being made innocent. It is about cops VERY POORLY handling situations that have come to light far more often than not lately. I personally know not all cops are bad as I have family memebers who are officers of the law but situations like the two that happened in the past 72hrs SHOULD NOT have happened and were very clearly poorly handled.

As for the gangbanger and all of that other stuff you posted about I will just leave that alone because you can't have lived or ever lived in a black neighborhood or any neighborhood really and use that mentality.

And what about the many more white people who are shot by cops?  Why aren't those broadcast on the news?  Why don't news organizations edit video or only show one side of the story for them?  Have coverage of them for days?  Or the other minorities for that matter?  When's the last time we had a week/month long discussion cause some Asian/Hispanic/Arab thug charged at a cop and got shot, yet we blamed the cop?  You're getting played and you don't even know it.

Lol your comment is hilarious. The obvious freaking answer is because those Asians/Hispanics/Arabs dont get shot by police or not in the amount blacks are. "You're getting played and you don't even know it" lol what a bunch of crap.

sc94597 said:
CosmicSex said:

You know, saying that suicide is more prevelant than homicide doesn't make America seem any less scary to folks aborad lol!  Some may say that actually far worse. 

"Seem" being the key word here. Folks abroad don't realize that the  majority of the gun-crime is between criminals (63%) , a sizable portion of total homicides are between gang members (49%), and these issues are regional (inner city issues in places with high levels of gun control, like Chicago.)

Cutting this out, it brings American homicides against innocents to something like 2.5 per 100,000 people (and declining with each year), and in most regions 1 per 100,000, still about double average Western European levels if we apply the same methodology, but hardly anything actually felt in real live as doubling 1 per 100,000 only makes 2 per 100,000. In the county I grew up in, that had a population of 300,000 people, only 2-3 people were murdered yearly (by all causes.) 

To put things in perspective, in the year 1389, London had a homicide rate of 110 per 100,000 people. That is without guns. In the 18th century this was brought down to 2-5 per 100,000 people, and there were accessible guns.  Today, Mexico (our neighbor to the south) has a homicide rate even greater than that, and strict gun control. 

Wow! There are places in the world where people die like fucking flies at the hands of other humans!

thismeintiel said:
TheBlackNaruto said:

Soooooooo because they were doing something wrong/stupid they deserved to get shot by a careless cop? Like the 12yr old black kid who was shot in the park because he was playing with a toy? Or the one who was just shot in a traffic stop because he was reaching for his license? You mean doing stuff wrong/stupid like that? :-/?

As for the recent one, I don't have all the info on that one.  So, you know, I'm not going to do a rash thing and choose "sides" quite yet.  Better to wait until we get the cruiser video.  If it was the 100% fault of cop, he should be fired and face charges, as he will.  People are allowing their agenda to blind common sense. 

Face charges... and get what kind of penalty?

The death sentence?

Not saying it's the only fair punishment, but I think it's not totally unreasonable that if you killed another human, an innocent human, you have forfeited your right to live.

Valdath said:
Daramu said:
See I told you the shooters would be black.

Dude, stop.

Stop being right?  Of course they were gonna black, I said so, this is what black people do, this is why cops shoot them and then black people play the victim and feel sorry for themselves.


White people don't give that much of a shit about some black people getting shot  that they would kill white cops. Obviously it was gonna be black people.