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sc94597 said:
CosmicSex said:

You know, saying that suicide is more prevelant than homicide doesn't make America seem any less scary to folks aborad lol!  Some may say that actually far worse. 

"Seem" being the key word here. Folks abroad don't realize that the  majority of the gun-crime is between criminals (63%) , a sizable portion of total homicides are between gang members (49%), and these issues are regional (inner city issues in places with high levels of gun control, like Chicago.)

Cutting this out, it brings American homicides against innocents to something like 2.5 per 100,000 people (and declining with each year), and in most regions 1 per 100,000, still about double average Western European levels if we apply the same methodology, but hardly anything actually felt in real live as doubling 1 per 100,000 only makes 2 per 100,000. In the county I grew up in, that had a population of 300,000 people, only 2-3 people were murdered yearly (by all causes.) 

To put things in perspective, in the year 1389, London had a homicide rate of 110 per 100,000 people. That is without guns. In the 18th century this was brought down to 2-5 per 100,000 people, and there were accessible guns.  Today, Mexico (our neighbor to the south) has a homicide rate even greater than that, and strict gun control. 

Wow! There are places in the world where people die like fucking flies at the hands of other humans!