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thismeintiel said:
TheBlackNaruto said:

Wow there is A LOT wrong witht his post. Yes there are cases where things are not what they seem. No one is trying to make "black criminals" innocent but when so many are being shot and killed when there are cases of other races no tbeing shot and killed then it causes problems. There are a lot of holes in the rest of your post that are just not cool.

Problems between blacks and cops have been going on for a LONG time now. It just seems different now with social media and everyone recording things on their phones. I have been pulled over just to be asked where I am headed when I have done NOTHING wrong. I have been pulled over and questioned about what I am doing in certain neighborhoods with back up called on me as if I did something wrong. Same with my brothers, my father, cousins etc. And the most any of us have is maybe smoking weed(which I have never done) so no it is not about "black criminals" being made innocent. It is about cops VERY POORLY handling situations that have come to light far more often than not lately. I personally know not all cops are bad as I have family memebers who are officers of the law but situations like the two that happened in the past 72hrs SHOULD NOT have happened and were very clearly poorly handled.

As for the gangbanger and all of that other stuff you posted about I will just leave that alone because you can't have lived or ever lived in a black neighborhood or any neighborhood really and use that mentality.

And what about the many more white people who are shot by cops?  Why aren't those broadcast on the news?  Why don't news organizations edit video or only show one side of the story for them?  Have coverage of them for days?  Or the other minorities for that matter?  When's the last time we had a week/month long discussion cause some Asian/Hispanic/Arab thug charged at a cop and got shot, yet we blamed the cop?  You're getting played and you don't even know it.

Lol your comment is hilarious. The obvious freaking answer is because those Asians/Hispanics/Arabs dont get shot by police or not in the amount blacks are. "You're getting played and you don't even know it" lol what a bunch of crap.