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To be completely honest, to some extent I understand these snipers that took the law in their own hands. Enuff is enuff.

The police culture is so out of touch with rest of American society and values, and drastic measures are needed for change to happen. It's happened time and time again these horrible murders commited by cops who show no respect for human life. Who are evil and selfish to the very core of their corrupt souls. That said, I'm not convinced the whole explanation or even the main explanation is racism, and I fear there are lots of white victims of police violent too that the media doesn't necessarily portray always. It could also be other aspects human values and morals that are twisted and wrong in cop culture.

I wouldn't have been angry if some of the murdering cops had been eliminated on the spot.

It's not certain this mass shooting will lead to a spiral of increased violence, it actually could lead to reform. Because thankfully it's not cops who rule society, it's the President.

SvennoJ said it well, what I mean could be a good consequence of what happened with the killed police officers:

"Sometimes a truly shocking event is needed to wake up everyone instead of remaining the status quo of, oh well another police shooting, forgotten in a few days."