GribbleGrunger said: It's not a witch hunt, it's just confusion about why you think it's not going to do well when every single piece of information we've had so far points to a success. It might not be a success, and all those pointers could be misleading, but that's unlikely. It doesn't help your case that you're moving that line of success beyond the Uncharted franchise, which makes it look like you're determined to be right in the face of these indications we're already seeing. It's sold more than any other Uncharted in the UK, Spain and Japan and it's been at number 1 on Amazon for two weeks which is something you never ever see. That could well be because of the lack of competition but beating those PSN cards is something very few games have done for even a couple of days. Everything points to the biggest sales in Uncharted history. That would be a success. |
I haven't moved the goalposts and my stance has been the same since the first post:
Mazzy said:
I think in any case, the launch was tepid compared to Sony's expectations, and almost any outcome would result in disappointment due to Sony's very lofty sales expectations for the game. In context, I think Uncharted 4 could be regarded as a bomb, not compared to the rest of the series, but in the context of how Sony tried to make it stand up against giants and it failed. |
And I've said before that getting #1 in the chart on a slow week as a big AAA exclusive, and it outselling games that are commonly regarded as massive flops are not great metrics of success. I was going by the lack of PR, the significant price slash on Amazon and other retailers, and rather tepid word of mouth in conjunction with the largest advertising push in PlayStation history (link) and this being the first AAA exclusive Sony has pushed in years, that I think it could be regarded as failing to meet expectations or even as a flop in certain contexts. And yet again I'll reiterate: I'd like to wait for more sales data and budgets before fully analyzing how the game did.