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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. May bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion


Well, most people wanted ice cream. What kind?

Mint-endo Chocolate Chip 18 7.35%
Sonyberry 157 64.08%
Microsoft serve 17 6.94%
Cookies and Dreamcast 19 7.76%
Vanilla 16 6.53%
Organic and pun-free, thank you 18 7.35%
GribbleGrunger said:

It's not a witch hunt, it's just confusion about why you think it's not going to do well when every single piece of information we've had so far points to a success. It might not be a success, and all those pointers could be misleading, but that's unlikely. It doesn't help your case that you're moving that line of success beyond the Uncharted franchise, which makes it look like you're determined to be right in the face of these indications we're already seeing. It's sold more than any other Uncharted in the UK, Spain and Japan and it's been at number 1 on Amazon for two weeks which is something you never ever see. That could well be because of the lack of competition but beating those PSN cards is something very few games have done for even a couple of days. Everything points to the biggest sales in Uncharted history. That would be a success.

I haven't moved the goalposts and my stance has been the same since the first post:

Mazzy said:

I think in any case, the launch was tepid compared to Sony's expectations, and almost any outcome would result in disappointment due to Sony's very lofty sales expectations for the game.

In context, I think Uncharted 4 could be regarded as a bomb, not compared to the rest of the series, but in the context of how Sony tried to make it stand up against giants and it failed. 

And I've said before that getting #1 in the chart on a slow week as a big AAA exclusive, and it outselling games that are commonly regarded as massive flops are not great metrics of success. I was going by the lack of PR, the significant price slash on Amazon and other retailers, and rather tepid word of mouth in conjunction with the largest advertising push in PlayStation history (link) and this being the first AAA exclusive Sony has pushed in years, that I think it could be regarded as failing to meet expectations or even as a flop in certain contexts. And yet again I'll reiterate: I'd like to wait for more sales data and budgets before fully analyzing how the game did.

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What's the standard even being used to discount the sales success of UC? That Sony hasnt released PR yet?

Or are you just assuming that Sony expected the title to do prime Halo numbers solely based off nothing but your own assumptions and hunches?

Primethius said:
What's the standard even being used to discount the sales success of UC? That Sony hasnt released PR yet?

Or are you just assuming that Sony expected the title to do prime Halo numbers solely based off nothing but your own assumptions and hunches?

Please read my previous posts thanks :)

I've reiterated it many times now. I've reiterated the context in which it could be considered a success, I've reiterated the context in which it could be considered a disappointment that failed to meet expectations, I've reiterated that I've seen and taken into account sales numbers and Amazon chart rankings, I've reiterated that Uncharted 4 had a marketing push above and beyond any previous Uncharted game or even any exclusive game in recent memory (largest in PlayStation history),  I've reitereated factors such as lack of PR, price slashes on multiple major retailers, very low ranking of LE UC4 console in Amazon charts (I've reiterated that I understand it's a LE premium console which is why I've cut it some slack), and tepid reaction and splash from the game in media as factors for why it could be regarded as failing to meet expectations, and I've reiterated that I would like to wait for further sales numbers and budgets to make further analyses regarding the success of Uncharted 4 in terms of software and moving hardware.

If you disagree, you're free to, and please point which areas you disagree with and why that is your stance. But I believe looking at things from a different perspective and a different context than "It outsold Uncharted 3 first week. It's a success. Pack it up guys" is important. 

Mazzy said:
Primethius said:
What's the standard even being used to discount the sales success of UC? That Sony hasnt released PR yet?

Or are you just assuming that Sony expected the title to do prime Halo numbers solely based off nothing but your own assumptions and hunches?

Please read my previous posts thanks :)

I've reiterated it many times now. I've reiterated the context in which it could be considered a success, I've reiterated the context in which it could be considered a disappointment that failed to meet expectations, I've reiterated that I've seen and taken into account sales numbers and Amazon chart rankings, I've reiterated that Uncharted 4 had a marketing push above and beyond any previous Uncharted game or even any exclusive game in recent memory (largest in PlayStation history),  I've reitereated factors such as lack of PR, price slashes on multiple major retailers, very low ranking of LE UC4 console in Amazon charts (I've reiterated that I understand it's a LE premium console which is why I've cut it some slack), and tepid reaction and splash from the game in media as factors for why it could be regarded as failing to meet expectations, and I've reiterated that I would like to wait for further sales numbers and budgets to make further analyses regarding the success of Uncharted 4 in terms of software and moving hardware.

If you disagree, you're free to, and please point which areas you disagree with and why that is your stance. But I believe looking at things from a different perspective and a different context than "It outsold Uncharted 3 first week. It's a success. Pack it up guys" is important. 


Let me ask you a few questions:

Aside from Amazon, what other retailers has it been discounted at? I don't see any in the US. The $49 price is for Amazon Prime users and they get a 20% discount on games anyways.


As for UK sales, you are arguing under the assumption that it might not have met Sony expectations without any proof to back it up. If you actually compare the UC4 numbers to other titles released, it has had one of the highest debuts this generation for a single platform outside of the big hitters like CoD.


So, I'm sure you can continue to hand wave quite possibly everything away but your just operating on assumptions so far. 

Edit: I checked the data I have, only Fallout 4 and CoD this gen seem to have higher single platform (PS4 only) debuts then UC4. So unless titles like Battlefront and the plethora of other multiplatform titles are failures, I'm not sure how UC4 can be considered such.

Soo someone here actually thinks uncharted 4 is going to bomb?

Uhmz the only games that will outsell uncharted on the ps4 is.
Maybe gran turismo
And..... Thats it

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Primethius said:

Let me ask you a few questions:

Aside from Amazon, what other retailers has it been discounted at? I don't see any in the US. The $49 price is for Amazon Prime users and they get a 20% discount on games anyways.


As for UK sales, you are arguing under the assumption that it might not have met Sony expectations without any proof to back it up. If you actually compare the UC4 numbers to other titles released, it has had one of the highest debuts this generation for a single platform outside of the big hitters like CoD.


So, I'm sure you can continue to hand wave quite possibly everything away but your just operating on assumptions so far. 


First of all, Uncharted 4 being $49 is not an Amazon Prime deal, you're objectively wrong there. I can't find any other places (aside from Player's Choice Videogames) where the standard edition is heavily discounted, but the limited/special edition is heavily discounted. 

I am discussing based on the limited information we know. I am also, as said previously, taking into account the massive budget, focus, and marketing put on this game, and it appears that Sony wanted to ascend Uncharted 4 out of the mold of lacklustre exclusive sales this gen and have it stand aside multiplat giants of this gen and exclusive giants of the previous gen. If we accept mediocrity and accept that exclusives will never be hardware movers or major sellers up there with the big multiplats (or even PS4 versions of multiplats) this gen, and ignore the massive marketing budget of UC4 unlike anything ever seen before by Sony for a game on their fastest selling console to date, then maybe the sales will be "good" in that context, but I think when Sony puts such a focus on this game and changes what Uncharted 4 means for the platform, then we need to adjust our expectations accordingly, as Sony likely has as well (unfortunately we will likely never know if UC4 met internal expectations).

And of course this goes without saying that this is in conjunction with a variety of other factors listed in the previous post (Amazon price slash, no PR, disappointing LE console performance, etc.) I would include Japan sales being up only 3% from UC3, but Japan is an exception to the global market in practically way, so I won't go there. 

Mazzy said:
Teeqoz said:
R&C was in development for 2 and a half years (it was announced at E3 2014, and the R&C team at Insomniac had been working on it since Into the Nexus' release), which is slightly more (150% more to be precise) than what you're saying.

"We needed to make a big game that blew away our previous efforts. It needed to sync up with the just-getting-started film. And we needed to ship it in 10 months to line up with the movie release."

If you include pre-production, dev time was likely around 12-14 months.

Like come on man. It says, three lines lower than that, "This changed, thank goodness.", because the game and movie was delayed a year. I'd appreciate it if you could properly check your sources next time.

So, we needed to make a big game that blew away our previous efforts. It needed to sync up with the just-getting-started film. And we needed to ship it in 10 months to line up with the movie release. **

Okay. We’ll stop whining. We love Ratchet & Clank. Sign us up.

*Our oldest arch-nemesis is a man named Paxton Crowlers. 
**This changed, thank goodness.

Mazzy said:

And I've said before that getting #1 in the chart on a slow week as a big AAA exclusive, and it outselling games that are commonly regarded as massive flops are not great metrics of success. I was going by the lack of PR, the significant price slash on Amazon and other retailers, and rather tepid word of mouth in conjunction with the largest advertising push in PlayStation history (link) and this being the first AAA exclusive Sony has pushed in years, that I think it could be regarded as failing to meet expectations or even as a flop in certain contexts. And yet again I'll reiterate: I'd like to wait for more sales data and budgets before fully analyzing how the game did.

You said you'd like to wait for more data and yet, you proceeded to make conclusions anyway. That is not how it works. You gather as much information as you can before you make such conclusions. I already mentioned that Sony is not obligated to give PR and to make conclusions based on the lack of it is an Argument from Silence fallacy. I should also emphasize that Sony's PR isn't full of Aaron Greenburgs. In addition, how did you determine word of mouth to be tepid? If you reached that conjecture via anectodal evidence, then that claim is unsubstantiatable. Lastly, the significant price slash only applies to Amazon, which only has approximately a 5% marketshare in the US. If you look in Best Buy, Gamestop, Target, and Walmart, the price is still $60, so where are you getting "other retailers" from?

xl-klaudkil said:
Soo someone here actually thinks uncharted 4 is going to bomb?

Uhmz the only games that will outsell uncharted on the ps4 is.
Maybe gran turismo
And..... Thats it

Fallout 4 outsold Uncharted 4 at 2.5:1 in opening week in UK.

Mazzy said:
Primethius said:

Let me ask you a few questions:

Aside from Amazon, what other retailers has it been discounted at? I don't see any in the US. The $49 price is for Amazon Prime users and they get a 20% discount on games anyways.


As for UK sales, you are arguing under the assumption that it might not have met Sony expectations without any proof to back it up. If you actually compare the UC4 numbers to other titles released, it has had one of the highest debuts this generation for a single platform outside of the big hitters like CoD.


So, I'm sure you can continue to hand wave quite possibly everything away but your just operating on assumptions so far. 


First of all, Uncharted 4 being $49 is not an Amazon Prime deal, you're objectively wrong there. I can't find any other places (aside from Player's Choice Videogames) where the standard edition is heavily discounted, but the limited/special edition is heavily discounted. 

I am discussing based on the limited information we know. I am also, as said previously, taking into account the massive budget, focus, and marketing put on this game, and it appears that Sony wanted to ascend Uncharted 4 out of the mold of lacklustre exclusive sales this gen and have it stand aside multiplat giants of this gen and exclusive giants of the previous gen. If we accept mediocrity and accept that exclusives will never be hardware movers or major sellers up there with the big multiplats (or even PS4 versions of multiplats) this gen, and ignore the massive marketing budget of UC4 unlike anything ever seen before by Sony for a game on their fastest selling console to date, then maybe the sales will be "good" in that context, but I think when Sony puts such a focus on this game and changes what Uncharted 4 means for the platform, then we need to adjust our expectations accordingly, as Sony likely has as well (unfortunately we will likely never know if UC4 met internal expectations).

And of course this goes without saying that this is in conjunction with a variety of other factors listed in the previous post (Amazon price slash, no PR, disappointing LE console performance, etc.) I would include Japan sales being up only 3% from UC3, but Japan is an exception to the global market in practically way, so I won't go there. 


Okay, I assumed that little Prime tag beside it along with the 20% off for Prime members meant that that was a Prime only price (I'm a Prime members). My apologies.


You have still failed to address the rest of my points however. It seems your only interested in conjecture rather then hard data.


UC4 sold 192k in the UK in one week. That is higher then almost any PS4 title this generation with a few exceptions (CoD, Fallout 4). I'm not really interested in arguing with someone over abstracts who won't actually define numerically his bar for success.


Make the connections for me. Tell me why exactly 192k, one of the highest and probably top 5 single platform debut this generation fails to meet Sonys expectations (err.. yours actually).


The title also sold about 80k in Spain in one week. Double that of UC3 and that number (without digital) is only bested by GT5. With digital, chances are that the title is the best performing Sony title in Spain of all time.


So, why exactly aren't these expectations being met?


Edit: That F4 comparison is wrong. That's comparing one platform to two. F4 PS4 was around 255k. Wow. Your using a game that shipped 12 million copies day one to discount UC4 sales. What a convincing argument...