Mazzy said: And I've said before that getting #1 in the chart on a slow week as a big AAA exclusive, and it outselling games that are commonly regarded as massive flops are not great metrics of success. I was going by the lack of PR, the significant price slash on Amazon and other retailers, and rather tepid word of mouth in conjunction with the largest advertising push in PlayStation history (link) and this being the first AAA exclusive Sony has pushed in years, that I think it could be regarded as failing to meet expectations or even as a flop in certain contexts. And yet again I'll reiterate: I'd like to wait for more sales data and budgets before fully analyzing how the game did. |
You said you'd like to wait for more data and yet, you proceeded to make conclusions anyway. That is not how it works. You gather as much information as you can before you make such conclusions. I already mentioned that Sony is not obligated to give PR and to make conclusions based on the lack of it is an Argument from Silence fallacy. I should also emphasize that Sony's PR isn't full of Aaron Greenburgs. In addition, how did you determine word of mouth to be tepid? If you reached that conjecture via anectodal evidence, then that claim is unsubstantiatable. Lastly, the significant price slash only applies to Amazon, which only has approximately a 5% marketshare in the US. If you look in Best Buy, Gamestop, Target, and Walmart, the price is still $60, so where are you getting "other retailers" from?