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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Total Biscuits twitter trainwreck is hillarious

Chazore said:

Also there has been a lot more talk this gen of replacing internal hard drives, something which isn't a console like thing to do, some even try tinkering more with the systems and even try modifying them to boot.

Those people are usually PC gamers like myself. We like modding things. We find getting the most out of a system to be satisifying. I tamper with my consoles, my PC's have liquid cooling, I overclock etc.

I'm starting to wonder why this need to justify PC superiority even exists. If it is the best version, get it and enjoy it. I'm a gamer! While I prefer the PC, I know that it's not always the best place to game. PC titles aren't always superior either....  *cough Batman*

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BasilZero said:
Nem said:

PC is a much more complicated machine that requires mantenance and upgrading. Its more time consuming and costly to mantain.


Its only complicated if you have been living under a rock and not know a single ounce about technology. Its the same case of the Wii and WiiU - people have no idea what they are looking at or buying.


You say PC requires upgrading and is costly as if consoles arent like that. Yeah sure, all those new consoles that come out every 5-7 years you have been getting it for free or the replacements for controllers and any peripherals that get damanged, you get those for free too. Not to mention that the prices for console version games are much more expensive due to the pull that Retail has and the amount of discounts/sales are far less than what you would see for something that is digital or through online DD.

If you look at the right places and at the right time for both consoles and for PC Parts - you can find them at a very low price and not the exaggerated amount most people brag/complain about.


In Australia console games are much cheaper than buyign games of steam, there's also the thing of reselling, buy a game brand new at $70 resell soon as I finish get $55 back, buy the game back when its $20. No matter what you think console gaming is much cheaper.

"The title is planned to become available on PC (after PS4)."

That makes this bad analogy even funnier.

Protendo said:

Those people are usually PC gamers like myself. We like modding things. We find getting the most out of a system to be satisifying. I tamper with my consoles, my PC's have liquid cooling, I overclock etc.

I'm starting to wonder why this need to justify PC superiority even exists. If it is the best version, get it and enjoy it. I'm a gamer! While I prefer the PC, I know that it's not always the best place to game. PC titles aren't always superior either....  *cough Batman*

The thing is I do get my games and I do enjoy them but to say you cannot talk about the differences between games on different systems is baffling, especially when you see DF vids between all 3 systems. I for one love watching benchmark vids to see perf gains from game to game and patch to patch because I like being informed about what I'm buying into rather than ignoring everything perf/visual wise and diving in blindly while ignoring everything anyone says about any game. I mean I'd rather know about what the game can do on my system and at elast be able to talk about said performance than simply thinking everyone knows what it runs like (we aren't all psycic though so there's that).

The other thing is that we all know both systems aren't perfect but they also aren't so even, this is the point I really want to make clear, you say PC titles aren't always suprior and I'd likely say the same for consoles but there is always going to be differences, I mean one creates and plays games while the other just plays them, one is open and the other closed.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

betacon said:
BasilZero said:


Its only complicated if you have been living under a rock and not know a single ounce about technology. Its the same case of the Wii and WiiU - people have no idea what they are looking at or buying.


You say PC requires upgrading and is costly as if consoles arent like that. Yeah sure, all those new consoles that come out every 5-7 years you have been getting it for free or the replacements for controllers and any peripherals that get damanged, you get those for free too. Not to mention that the prices for console version games are much more expensive due to the pull that Retail has and the amount of discounts/sales are far less than what you would see for something that is digital or through online DD.

If you look at the right places and at the right time for both consoles and for PC Parts - you can find them at a very low price and not the exaggerated amount most people brag/complain about.


In Australia console games are much cheaper than buyign games of steam, there's also the thing of reselling, buy a game brand new at $70 resell soon as I finish get $55 back, buy the game back when its $20. No matter what you think console gaming is much cheaper.

Can you explain to me why they are more expensive over in Aussie?, I mean it's not just because Valve wants more money from Australia, I think there is far more to it than that, I think the real issue isn't Steam charging more money but due to the way AUS works, the same goes for Germany and their censorship of games, that's not the fault of Valve and the same for Japan when they decide to censor or the US/UK, I have to pay 20% extra VAT on practically anything I import to the UK, that's not the fault of the companies, that's the UK that's doing that to me.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

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DeduS said:

All I can say is: WTH happened to the PC gaming community?!

I mean, I've been a PC gamer my whole life. I've been gaming on PC since before I could read. I built my first PC when I was 10.

I love building a cool machine. I love overclocking and tuning to get more performance out of my system. I love optimizing my PC's cooling to get it cooler and quieter. I even love fiddling around with graphics options to get the best out of my hardware. But most importantly: I love gaming.

However, despite my love for PC gaming I feel ashamed of the community nowadays. Most of the time I don't even want to out myself as a PC gamer anymore because it would mean associating with a bunch of elitist pricks. Many PC gamers seem to spend most of their time ridiculing consoles and belittling console gamers for daring to enjoy gaming on something else than a crazy-overpowered-$3000-monster-machine of a PC. Why don't you spend your time gaming on your "crazy-overpowered-$3000-monster-machine of a PC" instead of pestering the rest of the gaming community with your nonsense?! Everybody would be better off.

Sorry for the little rant but it's been bothering me for a while and after reading some of the typical pcmasterrace-posts I had to get it off my chest.

Oh... and a bit more on topic: It's a business - whoever pays, makes the rules. It can suck sometimes, but we'll just have to deal with it.


I honestly wouldn't doubt that there are others on here too who don't wave the flag of PC gamer for this reason, it doesn't mean they don't have a lovely gaming rig, (nice one in the sig btw, wasn't a huge fan of the HD series myself just from a driver support point of view when it came to running WoW) but yeah I guess the same can be said about a load of the Ps4/X1 gamers on here, they don't have to mention the platform each time they talk about a game or something going on in the industry, they just talk about the games, I'm not sure, perhaps if we could monetize our posts on here and get a couple of cent every time we name dropped a console I would start to do it more (Altho I do mention Vita a lot because I literally sleep with it :o ) but yeah Just wanted to say I see where your mini rant comes from here.

Also @ your on topic part, ofc, money talks and bullshit walks... or in this case Kojima walked from the Bullshit at Konami :D

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

Chazore said:
Nem said:

I agree its a perfectly good objective to want the best performance. But i dont agree with PCmasterrace. Consoles run your games without problems for many years a PC is a much more complicated machine that requires mantenance and upgrading. Its more time consuming and costly to mantain.
A console you turn on and you're playing. Theres no fuss. And time is money. Its a perfectly good objective to want the best entertainment value per available free time. PCmasterrace is delusional. Either one is an acceptable choice.

How is PC an acceptable choice though?, the way you just described it made it sound utterly pointles where only a super small handful of people would see it being viable.


Its acceptable for those that don't mind the maintenaince aspects i mentioned.

BasilZero said:
Nem said:

PC is a much more complicated machine that requires mantenance and upgrading. Its more time consuming and costly to mantain.


Its only complicated if you have been living under a rock and not know a single ounce about technology. Its the same case of the Wii and WiiU - people have no idea what they are looking at or buying.


You say PC requires upgrading and is costly as if consoles arent like that. Yeah sure, all those new consoles that come out every 5-7 years you have been getting it for free or the replacements for controllers and any peripherals that get damaged, you get those for free too. Not to mention that the prices for console version games are much more expensive due to the pull that Retail has and the amount of discounts/sales are far less than what you would see for something that is digital or through online DD.

If you look at the right places and at the right time for both consoles and for PC Parts - you can find them at a very low price and not the exaggerated amount most people brag/complain about.

I dont think it makes any difference trying to belittle those who don't enjoy those hassles and saying they live under a rock. Its actually a very narrowminded PoV. We know most people don't like computers and can hardly handle them. We here on this website are probably a minority. But alot of people simply don't enjoy it. If it isnt a hobby, its time you would rather spend doing something else. A console is a no hassle proposition. That is why its sucessful.

And the masses are ignorant. Its just how it is. But, they can be surprisingly honest aswell.

ganoncrotch said:


I honestly wouldn't doubt that there are others on here too who don't wave the flag of PC gamer for this reason, it doesn't mean they don't have a lovely gaming rig, (nice one in the sig btw, wasn't a huge fan of the HD series myself just from a driver support point of view when it came to running WoW) but yeah I guess the same can be said about a load of the Ps4/X1 gamers on here, they don't have to mention the platform each time they talk about a game or something going on in the industry, they just talk about the games, I'm not sure, perhaps if we could monetize our posts on here and get a couple of cent every time we name dropped a console I would start to do it more (Altho I do mention Vita a lot because I literally sleep with it :o ) but yeah Just wanted to say I see where your mini rant comes from here.

Also @ your on topic part, ofc, money talks and bullshit walks... or in this case Kojima walked from the Bullshit at Konami :D

My rig has gotten old - so I'm actually planning a new one right now, which is quite fun. I'm aiming for a 6700K though, which had quite the price hike since Intel severly undershipped it (at least in Germany). So I'm still waiting for the price to drop to a decent level again.

I never knew that there were any problems with the HD series and WoW. I played a lot of WoW on that card and its predecessor (which was a HD4890) and never noticed any problems. Are you still playing WoW? Any thoughts on Legion? What hardware are you running?


Nem said:
Chazore said:
Nem said:

I agree its a perfectly good objective to want the best performance. But i dont agree with PCmasterrace. Consoles run your games without problems for many years a PC is a much more complicated machine that requires mantenance and upgrading. Its more time consuming and costly to mantain.
A console you turn on and you're playing. Theres no fuss. And time is money. Its a perfectly good objective to want the best entertainment value per available free time. PCmasterrace is delusional. Either one is an acceptable choice.

How is PC an acceptable choice though?, the way you just described it made it sound utterly pointles where only a super small handful of people would see it being viable.

Its acceptable for those that don't mind the maintenaince aspects i mentioned.

It's just the way you talk about it makes it seem like it's entirely not worth anything to care about and has so many cons stacked against it.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Chazore said:

It's just the way you talk about it makes it seem like it's entirely not worth anything to care about and has so many cons stacked against it.

For some people it is. These people don't get gaming PCs. 

I for one wasted a bunch of money on my laptop to game on it cause, I couldn't validate owning a PC in College. But now, I can build a PC proper.

Also this trainwreck of a thread is hilarious.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank