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Protendo said:

Those people are usually PC gamers like myself. We like modding things. We find getting the most out of a system to be satisifying. I tamper with my consoles, my PC's have liquid cooling, I overclock etc.

I'm starting to wonder why this need to justify PC superiority even exists. If it is the best version, get it and enjoy it. I'm a gamer! While I prefer the PC, I know that it's not always the best place to game. PC titles aren't always superior either....  *cough Batman*

The thing is I do get my games and I do enjoy them but to say you cannot talk about the differences between games on different systems is baffling, especially when you see DF vids between all 3 systems. I for one love watching benchmark vids to see perf gains from game to game and patch to patch because I like being informed about what I'm buying into rather than ignoring everything perf/visual wise and diving in blindly while ignoring everything anyone says about any game. I mean I'd rather know about what the game can do on my system and at elast be able to talk about said performance than simply thinking everyone knows what it runs like (we aren't all psycic though so there's that).

The other thing is that we all know both systems aren't perfect but they also aren't so even, this is the point I really want to make clear, you say PC titles aren't always suprior and I'd likely say the same for consoles but there is always going to be differences, I mean one creates and plays games while the other just plays them, one is open and the other closed.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"