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ganoncrotch said:


I honestly wouldn't doubt that there are others on here too who don't wave the flag of PC gamer for this reason, it doesn't mean they don't have a lovely gaming rig, (nice one in the sig btw, wasn't a huge fan of the HD series myself just from a driver support point of view when it came to running WoW) but yeah I guess the same can be said about a load of the Ps4/X1 gamers on here, they don't have to mention the platform each time they talk about a game or something going on in the industry, they just talk about the games, I'm not sure, perhaps if we could monetize our posts on here and get a couple of cent every time we name dropped a console I would start to do it more (Altho I do mention Vita a lot because I literally sleep with it :o ) but yeah Just wanted to say I see where your mini rant comes from here.

Also @ your on topic part, ofc, money talks and bullshit walks... or in this case Kojima walked from the Bullshit at Konami :D

My rig has gotten old - so I'm actually planning a new one right now, which is quite fun. I'm aiming for a 6700K though, which had quite the price hike since Intel severly undershipped it (at least in Germany). So I'm still waiting for the price to drop to a decent level again.

I never knew that there were any problems with the HD series and WoW. I played a lot of WoW on that card and its predecessor (which was a HD4890) and never noticed any problems. Are you still playing WoW? Any thoughts on Legion? What hardware are you running?