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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Twilight Princess HD Screenshots (High quality)

theRepublic said:
curl-6 said:

^ What he said.

One of Skyward Sword's best moves was to fill the areas land areas surrounding dungeons with puzzles, traps, etc, so that they serve as almost a blend of overworld and dungeon.

And there was plenty to make its world seem alive; there were four distinct non-human races, scattered collectables, birds and insects to catch...

I almost said that exact thing in my post, but deleted the line.

Great minds think alike. ;)

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curl-6 said:
Nuvendil said:

On a side note, Skyward Sword holds up dang well.  

It's funny, when I first played Skyward Sword in 2011 I loved the game, but found its graphics ugly. I guess it was cos all through the Wii's life, "Zelda Wii" was talked about as the game that would truly push the system's limits graphically.

However, when I replayed it earlier this year, I actually appreciated its graphics more than I did 4 years ago, despite the passage of time and moving on to the Wii U in the interim

Yeah, it's a very unique art direction.  There's a lot of games that go for a "painterly" art style, but few go as all in or get it as right as Skyward Sword.  It's very cool most of the time.  Personally, while I get SS is built around its motion controls and that's part of the reason they chose Twilight Princess, I personally think SS would hold up better as a remaster than TP.  Upping the texture resolutions, improving the shaders, and increasing the draw distance for the highest detail level and then upping the resolution to 1080p would result in a gorgeous game.  Twilight Princess really needs a more ground-up rebuild graphically, replacing many meshes, textures, and other major adjustments.  Not saying the remaster couldn't look better without going that far, but it would still suffer from obvious 2006 design flaws

Nuvendil said:
curl-6 said:

It's funny, when I first played Skyward Sword in 2011 I loved the game, but found its graphics ugly. I guess it was cos all through the Wii's life, "Zelda Wii" was talked about as the game that would truly push the system's limits graphically.

However, when I replayed it earlier this year, I actually appreciated its graphics more than I did 4 years ago, despite the passage of time and moving on to the Wii U in the interim

Yeah, it's a very unique art direction.  There's a lot of games that go for a "painterly" art style, but few go as all in or get it as right as Skyward Sword.  It's very cool most of the time.  Personally, while I get SS is built around its motion controls and that's part of the reason they chose Twilight Princess, I personally think SS would hold up better as a remaster than TP.  Upping the texture resolutions, improving the filters, and increasing the draw distance for the highest detail level and then upping the resolution to 1080p would result in a gorgeous game.  Twilight Princess really needs a more ground-up rebuild graphically, replacing many meshes, textures, and other major adjustments.  Not saying the remaster couldn't look better without going that far, but it would still suffer from obvious 2006 design flaws

As I've said before, I think the main thing that TPHD needs but isn't getting is a lighting overhaul.

It's Direct X 7 level lighting looks very flat and dated in this day and age; the addition of per-pixel illumination, HDR, atmospheric scattering, etc would work wonders in terms of smoothing over its rough edges.

curl-6 said:
Nuvendil said:
curl-6 said:

It's funny, when I first played Skyward Sword in 2011 I loved the game, but found its graphics ugly. I guess it was cos all through the Wii's life, "Zelda Wii" was talked about as the game that would truly push the system's limits graphically.

However, when I replayed it earlier this year, I actually appreciated its graphics more than I did 4 years ago, despite the passage of time and moving on to the Wii U in the interim

Yeah, it's a very unique art direction.  There's a lot of games that go for a "painterly" art style, but few go as all in or get it as right as Skyward Sword.  It's very cool most of the time.  Personally, while I get SS is built around its motion controls and that's part of the reason they chose Twilight Princess, I personally think SS would hold up better as a remaster than TP.  Upping the texture resolutions, improving the filters, and increasing the draw distance for the highest detail level and then upping the resolution to 1080p would result in a gorgeous game.  Twilight Princess really needs a more ground-up rebuild graphically, replacing many meshes, textures, and other major adjustments.  Not saying the remaster couldn't look better without going that far, but it would still suffer from obvious 2006 design flaws

As I've said before, I think the main thing that TPHD needs but isn't getting is a lighting overhaul.

It's Direct X 7 level lighting looks very flat and dated in this day and age; the addition of per-pixel illumination, HDR, atmospheric scattering, etc would work wonders in terms of smoothing over its rough edges.

The lighting is one major thing, and would help a lot.  But you still have other problems that come from age.  One is obviously polygon counts, it was built with the GameCube in mind.  Obvious weakpoints there are character models and definitely architecture in and around Hyrule Castle.  Interiors hold up well enough.  But then you have landscape and vegetation.  Landscape is just desperately lacking is details like grass of some kind and polygons at cliffs and rock formations.  Wouldn't be a big deal except it's going for realism.  And then there's the trees, which is a problem of the game just not using any modern techniques; they remind me of Morrowind trees.  They need replacing as well.  Skyward Sword's art style circumvents a lot of these and also benefits form being designed by a more experienced Nintendo and only for the Wii.  That's what I was getting at.  Yes, this remaster would be improved greatly from new lighting.  But it would still clearly look like a 2006 game with a very good new coat of paint.  

Nuvendil said:
curl-6 said:

As I've said before, I think the main thing that TPHD needs but isn't getting is a lighting overhaul.

It's Direct X 7 level lighting looks very flat and dated in this day and age; the addition of per-pixel illumination, HDR, atmospheric scattering, etc would work wonders in terms of smoothing over its rough edges.

The lighting is one major thing, and would help a lot.  But you still have other problems that come from age.  One is obviously polygon counts, it was built with the GameCube in mind.  Obvious weakpoints there are character models and definitely architecture in and around Hyrule Castle.  Interiors hold up well enough.  But then you have landscape and vegetation.  Landscape is just desperately lacking is details like grass of some kind and polygons at cliffs and rock formations.  Wouldn't be a big deal except it's going for realism.  And then there's the trees, which is a problem of the game just not using any modern techniques; they remind me of Morrowind trees.  They need replacing as well.  Skyward Sword's art style circumvents a lot of these and also benefits form being designed by a more experienced Nintendo and only for the Wii.  That's what I was getting at.  Yes, this remaster would be improved greatly from new lighting.  But it would still clearly look like a 2006 game with a very good new coat of paint.  

Geometry does date the game, but not to the extent of the lighting in my opinion. Good shading can help hide polygon joints also.

I'll give them this much though; the weakest links (har har har) of the original game's graphics were its textures and image quality, and those have been addressed in the remaster.

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....................................... oh hey I remember this guy

theRepublic said:
I must have missed the announcement thread, so I will post my thoughts here.

Who is this for? Was there really such a clamoring for a remaster of Twilight Princess? The game is only 9 years old, and was on just the previous console. It was still playable on the current console due to backwards compatibility too.

I understand the Ocarina and Majora's remakes. Those games were pretty old by that point, and several generations back as well. They were only playable via virtual console, so it made sense. The Wind Waker was 11 years old and not playable in any current format.

Is this really where Nintendo is making the best use of its resources? I can only hope it was cheap and didn't take much time.

Before I was certain that NIntendo will not done TP HD port on Wii U because backwards compatibility. But now when they announced it, I understand why they done that. First in 2016. game will be 10 years old, than today TP Wii looks terrible, fans were very loud in asking of TP HD, next year will 30th Zelda anniversary and Nintendo wanted to have mark anniversary with two games,HD port of very popular Zelda game in first half of year and completely new Zelda game at end of the year.

Alkibiádēs said:
Miyamotoo said:
Alkibiádēs said:
spemanig said:
Miyamotoo said:

I dont have hi expectations, but in WW HD the correct some big flaws like speed of sailing and Tri Force Hunt, so I think they maybe could similar with TP HD too.

WW had one very simple problem with a very simple solution. Has a lot of problems with absolutely no simple solution. Making Epona run faster isn't going to make TPs barren overworld any less of a chore and a bore to traverse through, as one small example. They'd need to redesign the entire game, which they've already proven they aren't doing.

WW has the most empty overworld of any 3D Zelda game. It's also the most rushed 3D Zelda game and it's very noticable in the second half of the game. In fact, every 3D Zelda games had an empty overworld with the exception of Majora's Mask (although that's mostly confined to Clocktown as well).

WW's overworld consists of 90% water that all looks the same. There's nothing worth doing in the ocean.

Dont agree, most empty overlord definitely has TP, huge and very empty world. WW at least has islands on which you can do some things, TP basically don't have nothing in overworld.

Most of the islands are filled with nothing as well... TP has quite a few more dungeons/temples.

WW has literally nothing to do in the overworld.

Nope, on almost evry island you have something to do or find.

I don't consider dungeons in overworld, because they are dungeons. And what do you have between those dungeons in TP!? Nothing. TP overworld is so big and empty, without almost anything or any details. 

And that's why of main reasons why TP is for me least favorite 3D Zelda. In 3 last year I played/replied TP, SS and WW HD, and I think TP by far has most empty overworld, while WW in my opinion only lacs only on more bigger island. Also, TP overworld for me is far more boring than WW HD.

Wow im impressed looking forward to it




I can't wait for new informations about this HD port.