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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Smash Ballot Charts *Updated* Completely Closed!



See Results (if you do really?) 5 100.00%

Alright poll closed!

Based on the collective votes, LLoyd ends up in debatable!


Next character will come shortly!

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Alright the next characterup is Lana from Hyrule Warriors!


...If I am to be absolutely honest, I want to put her straight into Just/No. To me there are many other characters that I find more deserving in the long running and growing history Legend of Zelda. What's more, much more often than not, I really only hear superficial reasons for Lana to be in. As I've stated before with Shantae voters as well, there are a lot of people who make these votes that have really shallow reasons that I do not appreciate.


Of course, none of that removes her vaildity as a viable character.


THAT ALL BEING SAID, I also will not vote Just No/Ridiculous because this about being as objective as possible; Not basing it off of other opinions or comparisons to other characters. So far that is what I have aimed to do.

Lana in fact does have a chance in being in Smash. The fact that the developers, Koei Tecmo, worked really strongly with Nintendo this gen, it may be a way for them to represent their own character for Smash.


However, she's far from perfect. Lana's moveset to say the least

is overpowered. That being said, in a Warrior's game, everyone is overpowered. Though I can't see her moves lending themselves to a downgrade in comparison to Link and Zelda. 

She's somewhere in between pretty reasonable and debatable for me. I haven't decided yet. When I do, I'll put it down.

EDIT: I have to go with pretty reasonable.

Not much to say for her, except she would be an interesting addition, though a debatable one

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30 minutes unti the Lana poll closes!


clearly gunning for debatable

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Dravenet7 said:
XanderXT said:

Where is that from?

A youtuber named Mowtendo just made this mashup. He makes a lot and many invovlve Terry Crews. Kinda like Slam Jam' with video. The gameplay is coming from Pirate's Curse. The music is just a Shantae music staple that was remixed. Hope that answered your question


Dravenet7 said:

Alright next up is Lloyd Irving!

I never played a Tales game (as this list grows the more I realize that I missed out on some massive games)

However, I remember playing an online demake of Smash called Smash Flash. He along with Megaman were characters in that game.

Their used to be a huge demand for him that I don't see anymore (maybe that's because I'm on a different part of the internet perhaps).

He seemed relatively unlikely. Though he has a game on the Gamecube, it has been ported to the Playstation platforms with more content and such, and is planned to release on steam last year.

However, and as weird as this msy seem, the mii fighter cosumt gives him hope.

It shows that Nintendo at the very least, Nintendo hasn't forgotten about him and the fact that Namco is the one developing Smash sweetens the deal. With that said, he's debatable in my opinion

Smash Flash isn't a Demake, it's a completely original game. I think you are confusing it with Smash Land.

Alright Lana poll closed!

Without a doubt, Lana heads to debatable. I don't know, mulling it over for a while, maybe I'm too bothered by her as a possible character in Smash. Well I know I chose pretty reasonable, but still.


Anyways next character to arrive shortly!

XanderXT said:
Dravenet7 said:

Alright next up is Lloyd Irving!

I never played a Tales game (as this list grows the more I realize that I missed out on some massive games)

However, I remember playing an online demake of Smash called Smash Flash. He along with Megaman were characters in that game.

Their used to be a huge demand for him that I don't see anymore (maybe that's because I'm on a different part of the internet perhaps).

He seemed relatively unlikely. Though he has a game on the Gamecube, it has been ported to the Playstation platforms with more content and such, and is planned to release on steam last year.

However, and as weird as this msy seem, the mii fighter cosumt gives him hope.

It shows that Nintendo at the very least, Nintendo hasn't forgotten about him and the fact that Namco is the one developing Smash sweetens the deal. With that said, he's debatable in my opinion

Smash Flash isn't a Demake, it's a completely original game. I think you are confusing it with Smash Land.

I had no idea what smash land is. It was really just poor wording because I couldn't think up the word off the top of my head and had to rush somewhere.

Dravenet7 said:

I looked through the thread for another character and I was glad to be see there was one left. (Though I doubt I can think of/find any more)


He's the estranged son of one of the most cunning and overpowered vampire who for the longest time controls the world for the longest time.

He's unlike his father, and is much more in line with his father's rival's long linege of descendants.


That's right Giorgio!

get cause Dio = Dracula; Giorgio =


I will say that I haven't been into the Castlevannia franchise. In fact, I doubt I will enjoy that much. However, there was a time I was really into reading up on it (mainly because of JoJo).

He's really different in terms of playstyles to the Belmonts and is always supporting them in stopping Dracula. In fact, he's sealed him himself iirc.

Nevertheless, I have to say he's controversial/unlikely for 2 reasons.

1. The Belmont family would have an easier push for the game. Though one could debate this because Alucard has spanned the timeline more as an individual

2. Now I messed this up and forgot this pount this in particular, because I was so out of it that day when discussing Simon, but Konami is a barrier that conflicts with many of their IP's 

In a non-canon Castlevanina game, the Belmonts were Alucard's descendants.