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Alright the next characterup is Lana from Hyrule Warriors!


...If I am to be absolutely honest, I want to put her straight into Just/No. To me there are many other characters that I find more deserving in the long running and growing history Legend of Zelda. What's more, much more often than not, I really only hear superficial reasons for Lana to be in. As I've stated before with Shantae voters as well, there are a lot of people who make these votes that have really shallow reasons that I do not appreciate.


Of course, none of that removes her vaildity as a viable character.


THAT ALL BEING SAID, I also will not vote Just No/Ridiculous because this about being as objective as possible; Not basing it off of other opinions or comparisons to other characters. So far that is what I have aimed to do.

Lana in fact does have a chance in being in Smash. The fact that the developers, Koei Tecmo, worked really strongly with Nintendo this gen, it may be a way for them to represent their own character for Smash.


However, she's far from perfect. Lana's moveset to say the least

is overpowered. That being said, in a Warrior's game, everyone is overpowered. Though I can't see her moves lending themselves to a downgrade in comparison to Link and Zelda. 

She's somewhere in between pretty reasonable and debatable for me. I haven't decided yet. When I do, I'll put it down.

EDIT: I have to go with pretty reasonable.