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Forums - Politics Discussion - What is your opinion on the "Ashley Madison Hack"?


What is your opinion on the Ashley Madison Hack?

Website is at fault 10 3.36%
Website and users are at fault 34 11.41%
Everyone subject to hacking is a victim 44 14.77%
All cheaters should get screwed 75 25.17%
Cheating is no big deal, ... 8 2.68%
I hope I am not among the names leaked 11 3.69%
I keep my Love Pillow awa... 1 0.34%
Hackers, cheaters and the... 30 10.07%
The people cheated on and... 41 13.76%
I don't care. 44 14.77%
JRPGfan said:
RubberWhistleHistle said:

So if you got cheated on, you would be just fine never knowing about it. You would rather continue being with this person who can cheat on you at any moment as long as you're happy. I find that to be very dubious 

Honestly yes.

I even think I could forgive a girl I loved, if she came out and said "im sorry I cheated, it wont happen again".

Id prefer not to know ofcourse, if it didnt effect our relationship and she stopped on her own before getting caught.

Fair enough, I'll take you at your word on that. If it was guaranteed to be a one time thing, I can see your point, but the honest truth is that.. it never is that simple. People who have the capacity to do something like that cannot be trusted. It may be possible that they will never cheat again, but again, there is always something inside them tugging them to do it and it is going to be somethjng that they have to constantly battle against. It's a struggle for these people

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Im usually against hackers but this is the one exception. I have no sympathy for the pieces of filth that joined the website to commit such selfish acts they are not victims their villains and the guy who started the website even said he would be "devastated" if his partner cheated on him. Hes making money by promoting this horrible act so I hope he loses a ton of money from all the lawsuits.
If I was a millionaire id give the hackers some money or a medal brilliant brilliant move I say.

All actions have consequences. If you cannot deal with the potential outcome, don't commit the action.

LivingMetal said:
All actions have consequences. If you cannot deal with the potential outcome, don't commit the action.

Exactly. Karma is a bitch. 

RubberWhistleHistle said:
Mr_No said:

I don't know in what way cheating has affected your life, and I don't want to know either. But when a wife sees her husband's name on a Ashley Madison leak, and all her friends, acquaintances, work partners know about it, it affects the wife, the children (if they have), and the immediate family, and not the cheater exclusively. I'm not defending cheaters at all, and I'm not asking for them to get pity, but a separation/divorce should be dealt in a proper way with the cheater and his/her spouse dealing with it accordingly, not with the news blowing up in their faces.

All those people were being affected anyway, and by who?? THE SCUM FUCK CHEATER. All of this shit is their fault. They are the ones causing this. If what they have done gets blown up, it's their fault! The family, children and spouse were already being affected by their selfish actions. When you do this completely SELFISH crap, it affects people. And you want to give these same people who are causing all this some kind of reprieve? That is ridiculous

The cheater is to blame 100%, no doubt, as they are hurting their family who's none the wiser. But if this Ashley Madison leak happened, the hackers are to blame separatedly since they made this information public, thus blowing up the news on everyone's face. Vigilantism like this only brings suffering for a lot of families, when a discreet divorce and the wife not seeing the cheater again would've sufficed. To have cheaters get their deserving, this should've happened in a way where only the cheaters had their deserving, not where the family has to hear it from the news and suffer. What good are the hackers doing with this, anyway? When one goes to look at an Ashley Madison list, they get that crappy malware from those sites.

Again, I am not asking for the cheaters to get any pity, but all this situation was handled on the worst way possible.

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i think its karma

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RubberWhistleHistle said:
CladInShadows said:

I've seen what it can do as well. A male friend of mine was cheated on a few years ago. And then he met a woman who was infinitely better and more suited for him.  And they just got married 2 and a half weeks ago.  And the person who cheated is now engaged to the one she cheated with.  If she didn't cheat, they might still be together, in their "tolerating each other" kind of marriage. My point isn't that the cheating was a good thing.  My point is that everyone's circumstance is different.  And we don't get to decide the punishment for these people just because we've deemed them morally inferior. Nobody has the right to make that judgement except the people involved.  Period.

People shouldn't be living a life where they are tolerating eachother. I agree with you there, and I understand that you're not condoning cheating even though it was the tool that made for a happier ending. I understand all that. Some people could even be happy about it because it means they don't have to stay with that person anymore; everyone's situation is different. Your point is completely understood.

I have already made my points and I'm still going to stick with them despite the fact that everyone's situation is different. The true victims deserve to know what is going on. People living secret lives, it needs to be blown up so the actual innocent people can stop being hurt and abused by their actions. So therfore, I'm still glad it happened. Maybe we can at least understand eachother a little bit better now.

I understand where you're coming from.  I definitely don't condone cheating.  But this hacking incident wasn't the way to "punish the wrongdoers."

Not every victim of cheating is going to appreciate how their partner's indiscretions were revealed to the entire world. Some would prefer it to be private, even if it meant they never found out.  And I don't think it's fair to paint every single user of that site with one brush. Cases have already come to light that have demonstrated it: swingers, homosexuals looking for discretion, marriages where one partner is unable to fulfill their sexual duty and has given consent to seek sex outside the marriage, etc.  All of these people now have their privacy out there for everyone to see. Despite the fact that they did nothing wrong.

In general, I'm against people using their own moral standards to carry out vigilante justice.

I'll quote my own Facebook comment to sum up how I feel.

"Some lying cheating scumbags are going to hire other lying cheating scumbags to sue a whole company of lying cheating scumbags who themselves will be defended by lying cheating scumbags.

This has to be one of the few countries in the world where someone who's been outed as a lying cheating scumbag can call themselves a victim."

Check out my art blog:

I loathe cheating but I loathe self proclaimed"moral" hackers way more. There have been already two confirmed cases of suicides following this hack and sell extortion cases. So what these hackers did was to cause even more pain and despair. What if one of these suicides was a person in a miserable relationship who just wanted a way out? These hackers should get many, MANY years behind bars.

Hackers have blood on their hands as far as I'm concerned as far as causing those two suicides and should be found and put in prison for a long, long time.

No one has the right to play "morality police" and disclose information like that even if cheating isn't a virtuous thing to do, it's not illegal.

What if someone signed up just as a joke? What if someone signed up because their wife/husband is a b*tch but never followed through in the end? Did they think about those people?

Did they consider the people that commited suicide might have kids? Those kids may have to grow up now not knowing their parents. I would still want to know my mom or dad even if they had infidelity ... so what? So do like 40% of other couples. 

It's bullsh*t blow hard moral pandering if you ask me being cheered on my insecure people who are worried that they might get cheated on.