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Forums - Politics Discussion - What is your opinion on the "Ashley Madison Hack"?


What is your opinion on the Ashley Madison Hack?

Website is at fault 10 3.36%
Website and users are at fault 34 11.41%
Everyone subject to hacking is a victim 44 14.77%
All cheaters should get screwed 75 25.17%
Cheating is no big deal, ... 8 2.68%
I hope I am not among the names leaked 11 3.69%
I keep my Love Pillow awa... 1 0.34%
Hackers, cheaters and the... 30 10.07%
The people cheated on and... 41 13.76%
I don't care. 44 14.77%
Soundwave said:

Hackers have blood on their hands as far as I'm concerned as far as causing those two suicides and should be found and put in prison for a long, long time.

No one has the right to play "morality police"...

Nope.  if you're too ashamed of your own actions, then just don't do it.  Now, you're the one playing "morality police."  See how that works...?

Around the Network

Agree that the hack is the websites fault and hackers. Can't blame people for using their real detail because it ain't no different than any other online service. If caught using fake details you can be charged with fraud too, so it be more silly to use fake ones. Also you can' automatically say people are cheaters when you don't know when they signed up and for what reason.

only thing I will add is the idiots who are downloading the dump from torrent sites better prepare for hell in a cell as there is a fuck load of government and secret agency personnel on that list supposedly.

They will lock them up for life lol.



97alexk said:

I find it disgusting and cheating is probably one of the worst things a person could do. im fortunate enough to never have experienced that, but for obvious reasons xD

Really? One of the worst things a person can do? There's only a few things that are worse?

Puppyroach said:
metroidking said:
Mike321 said:
Hackers are to blame, what gives them the right to reveal personal information? even if they were victims they should have done what they did. Website is also to blame as they need to make sure they security system is on point because people are trusting them with important information.

Cheater are not to blame, hate them all you want (like me) but if cheating is the way they want to live their life no one other than themselves has the right to say if they cheat.

If you want to cheat then at least grow some balls and not be a pussy and come clean about it. The person youre cheating on has a right to know and the people who cheated they got whats coming to them.

I am glad the hackers have done it cause it has exposed alot of government officials for there sleazy antics, so now I know who not to vote for. There is no way the hackers will get caught if they dont follow up with more hacks but more than likely they will hack other websites and will eventually leave trails.

What if the cheater is a woman that has been beaten by her husband for several years and is basically afraid of her life?

There are these people called Police they usually assist in matters like these and if they are getting beaten why the hell stay with them. The Once Were Warriors movie shouldnt have to be the reaility for people in this situation.

metroidking said:
Soundwave said:

So if I push or even encourage someone who's in a fragile state and they end up killing themselves, I'm scott free of responsibility? Because after all it was all their responsibility right?

Boy must nice to be a hacker.

Yip thats right

Incorrect. If someone commits suicide because he is being blackmailed, the blackmailer doesn't have blood on their hands?

Around the Network

It is of course a private matter. But I will tell the adults in here the truth about this (being CosmicSex and all):
The real issue is that people don't know how to be honest. Period; to communicate their desires and needs.
You have to be willing to tell your partner what you need and hope that they can work with you to make that happen. Even if that involves another person or couple.

Stop shaming sex and learn to talk to each other. And, learn that their is a difference between sex and intimacy.

LivingMetal said:
Soundwave said:

Hackers have blood on their hands as far as I'm concerned as far as causing those two suicides and should be found and put in prison for a long, long time.

No one has the right to play "morality police"...

Nope.  if you're too ashamed of your own actions, then just don't do it.  Now, you're the one playing "morality police."  See how that works...?

Except hacking is against the law. There is no law against cheating (sorry), so legally that has no basis. It's your moral outrage about it, but it's not against the law, if it was like half the population would be in jail. Humans are not by their nature a monogamous species. Sorry if that breaks the Hallmark card image of what a relationship should be. 

Puppyroach said:
I loathe cheating but I loathe self proclaimed"moral" hackers way more. There have been already two confirmed cases of suicides following this hack and sell extortion cases. So what these hackers did was to cause even more pain and despair. What if one of these suicides was a person in a miserable relationship who just wanted a way out? These hackers should get many, MANY years behind bars.

There is something called divorce. Far better than suicide.

LivingMetal said:
Puppyroach said:
I loathe cheating but I loathe self proclaimed"moral" hackers way more. There have been already two confirmed cases of suicides following this hack and sell extortion cases. So what these hackers did was to cause even more pain and despair. What if one of these suicides was a person in a miserable relationship who just wanted a way out? These hackers should get many, MANY years behind bars.

There is something called divorce. Far better than suicide.

Which is ridiculously slanted in favor of women. A man basically stands to lose half his net worth and at best probably can get partial custody of his kids (ie: gets to see them on the weekends), even if his wife is a loveless, nagging vamp of a person. 

What about couples who decide to work through infidelity too? Do they deserve to have their details made public? Do their kids deserve to go through that?

For what reason? Because this hacker's girlfriend probably was fucking some other dude (likely because he himself is a pussy). To me it doesn't square. You don't get to play moral police to thousands of couples because your own insecure ego was hurt, which is likely exactly what happened here. 

Lawlight said:
metroidking said:

Yip thats right

Incorrect. If someone commits suicide because he is being blackmailed, the blackmailer doesn't have blood on their hands?

What do you mean blackmail someone to kill themselves? lol thats an extreme example

If someone said to me "kill yourself or I will kill your family, I would be like F*** you ill kill you buddy." I wouldnt be like "okay guess i better kill myself to save my family, cause who knows they wont kill them anyway?

even in this case where the hackers are like "pay us $450 or we will expose you" Id still be like f*** you "and just come clean about it LIKE THESE IDIOTS SHOULD OF DONE IN THE FIRST PLACE RATHER THAN CHEATING AND TRYING TO HIDE IT.  Then Id write a rap song dissing the hackers and ashley madison put it on spotify and itunes and get some money out of it haha.