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Hackers have blood on their hands as far as I'm concerned as far as causing those two suicides and should be found and put in prison for a long, long time.

No one has the right to play "morality police" and disclose information like that even if cheating isn't a virtuous thing to do, it's not illegal.

What if someone signed up just as a joke? What if someone signed up because their wife/husband is a b*tch but never followed through in the end? Did they think about those people?

Did they consider the people that commited suicide might have kids? Those kids may have to grow up now not knowing their parents. I would still want to know my mom or dad even if they had infidelity ... so what? So do like 40% of other couples. 

It's bullsh*t blow hard moral pandering if you ask me being cheered on my insecure people who are worried that they might get cheated on.