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RubberWhistleHistle said:
CladInShadows said:

I've seen what it can do as well. A male friend of mine was cheated on a few years ago. And then he met a woman who was infinitely better and more suited for him.  And they just got married 2 and a half weeks ago.  And the person who cheated is now engaged to the one she cheated with.  If she didn't cheat, they might still be together, in their "tolerating each other" kind of marriage. My point isn't that the cheating was a good thing.  My point is that everyone's circumstance is different.  And we don't get to decide the punishment for these people just because we've deemed them morally inferior. Nobody has the right to make that judgement except the people involved.  Period.

People shouldn't be living a life where they are tolerating eachother. I agree with you there, and I understand that you're not condoning cheating even though it was the tool that made for a happier ending. I understand all that. Some people could even be happy about it because it means they don't have to stay with that person anymore; everyone's situation is different. Your point is completely understood.

I have already made my points and I'm still going to stick with them despite the fact that everyone's situation is different. The true victims deserve to know what is going on. People living secret lives, it needs to be blown up so the actual innocent people can stop being hurt and abused by their actions. So therfore, I'm still glad it happened. Maybe we can at least understand eachother a little bit better now.

I understand where you're coming from.  I definitely don't condone cheating.  But this hacking incident wasn't the way to "punish the wrongdoers."

Not every victim of cheating is going to appreciate how their partner's indiscretions were revealed to the entire world. Some would prefer it to be private, even if it meant they never found out.  And I don't think it's fair to paint every single user of that site with one brush. Cases have already come to light that have demonstrated it: swingers, homosexuals looking for discretion, marriages where one partner is unable to fulfill their sexual duty and has given consent to seek sex outside the marriage, etc.  All of these people now have their privacy out there for everyone to see. Despite the fact that they did nothing wrong.

In general, I'm against people using their own moral standards to carry out vigilante justice.