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RubberWhistleHistle said:
Mr_No said:

I don't know in what way cheating has affected your life, and I don't want to know either. But when a wife sees her husband's name on a Ashley Madison leak, and all her friends, acquaintances, work partners know about it, it affects the wife, the children (if they have), and the immediate family, and not the cheater exclusively. I'm not defending cheaters at all, and I'm not asking for them to get pity, but a separation/divorce should be dealt in a proper way with the cheater and his/her spouse dealing with it accordingly, not with the news blowing up in their faces.

All those people were being affected anyway, and by who?? THE SCUM FUCK CHEATER. All of this shit is their fault. They are the ones causing this. If what they have done gets blown up, it's their fault! The family, children and spouse were already being affected by their selfish actions. When you do this completely SELFISH crap, it affects people. And you want to give these same people who are causing all this some kind of reprieve? That is ridiculous

The cheater is to blame 100%, no doubt, as they are hurting their family who's none the wiser. But if this Ashley Madison leak happened, the hackers are to blame separatedly since they made this information public, thus blowing up the news on everyone's face. Vigilantism like this only brings suffering for a lot of families, when a discreet divorce and the wife not seeing the cheater again would've sufficed. To have cheaters get their deserving, this should've happened in a way where only the cheaters had their deserving, not where the family has to hear it from the news and suffer. What good are the hackers doing with this, anyway? When one goes to look at an Ashley Madison list, they get that crappy malware from those sites.

Again, I am not asking for the cheaters to get any pity, but all this situation was handled on the worst way possible.