Qwark said: Nintendo may have saven the industrie but Sony Let the industrie to bloom again and continue doing this. Diversity is Key even now Sony comes with until dawn and Dreams and creates New genres. In which they are kind of unique, unlike Nintendo which is operating mostly in there safe zone of 2d platformers, partygames, sportgames and games From an era where Nintendo had bigger balls, like Zelda, Metroid and Starfox and Pikmin aND rarely a new IP. Whereas Sony dares to write of succesfull IP's as uncharted Jack and probably GOW after GOW 4 to create something New like TLOU. |
On the last 15 years Nintendo has created and/or published:
- Pikmin
- Animal Crossing (28 milion sold)
- Chibi Robot
- Advance Wars
- Golden Sun
- Wii Sport (best selling game ever)
- Wii Fit
- Xenoblade
- Brain Age (35 milion sold)
- Rythym Paradise
- Nintendogs ( 30 milion sold)
- Picross
- Inazuma Eleven
- The last Story
- Pandora´s Tower
- Nintendoland
- Todomachi Life
- The wonderfull 101
- Splatoon (already the most popular online shooter in Japan history)
All new Ips and I´m leaving some out, there are still more, so your argument about new Ips is invalid. But not only that, Nintendo has taken risks changing their own a IP on radical ways instead of being the same all over again, compare games like Mario sunshine, Mario galaxy and Super Mario Maker, or Zelda Wind Waker, Twilight Princess and a link between worlds, or Kid Icarus vs Kid Icarus uprising and you see HUGE changes, they also convert their Ips in new stuff like in Luigi´s Mansion or Captain Toad, same ips, totally different games. Now compare that to the changes on Jak and daxter, Uncharted, GOW etc, they are almost no difference, and no risk.