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Forums - Movies & TV - Revival of F was pretty bad m'kay

I actually think Battle of the Gods was a better film, and Revival of F simply had more of the faults from Battle of the Gods.

I think the only thing I liked in the movie, was the training segment in the beginning, and Frieza before he got to Earth.

We got more Pilaf, worthless minion fights, the entire Goku portion of the frieza fight was basically a Warmup, they basically poorly explained how golden frieza started losing, also he transforms right after Goku does, which was literally a a ha trap card moment. Vegeta came in after Frieza was basically done, and tossed him around.

Remember when Goku gave cell a Senzu bean? Sure it was stupid, but not only was it in character, but it gave us a decent Gohan vs Cell fight.

Frieza then, in base form blows up the Earth in seconds, a feat that he took longer to do with the destruction of Planet Vegeta. Hell, if Frieza did to Earth what he did to Namek, then Whis's wouldn't be able to pull that crap with his abitrarily limited Deus Ex Machina power, Goku comes in and steals it from Vegeta anyway.

I just hope Dragonball super does it better cause imo Revival of F was pretty bad, not Tree of Life bad, but Star Wars Prequel level Bad, maybe even Chewie Christmas special level bad.

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I agree with a number of points that you made, but it was still an enjoyable movie.

Battle of the Gods was an utter piece of crap. I have not seen revival of F yet, so I hope you are wrong.

Opinions, I enjoyed it though.

Wii U NNID:  CWegzz
3DS Friend Code:  4210-5277-5484
PSN:  Ronnoc4
Steam:  CWegz

Both movies are bad IMO


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Opinions. I didn't like Battle of Gods much. Also Tree of Life was a great movie

"Say what you want about Americans but we understand Capitalism.You buy yourself a product and you Get What You Pay For."  

- Max Payne 3

DBZ would be a lot better if it had at least a drop of complexity. I mean I feel as if i've outgrown this series.

Mike321 said:
Both movies are bad IMO

You expect better than Star Wars Prequel quality from a DBZ movie?

It was a pretty bad movie.

My main gripes:

Virtually no build-up
The fights felt rushed
Some inconsistencies and absences (Where were Trunks and Goten? How did Frieza become that strong in 4/6 months when Goku and the rest of the Z warriors didn't get anywhere near that strong in over a decade? How did Piccolo, a character that's at least as strong a Super Saiyan and possibly as strong as a Super Saiyan 2 by the end of the Buu Saga, have a hard time against a solider of Frieza, especially since Frieza was less powerful than Super Saiyan Goku at the end of the Frieza saga?)

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