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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What was your favorite console last gen. Were you a fanboy?

My favorite console was the ps2. I had so many games for it and it was just sweet. I liked the gamecube ,but the ps2 beats it by a little. I didn't have an original xbox ,but I'm catching up on the games with my 360. I didn't really consider myself a sony fanboy since I liked nintendo more back then when they were in a hard time.

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"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

ioi + 1

WHere is the words? Your post is empty.

Edit: Oh never mind didn't see that.  

I was an idiot last gen.

I had a PS2 only. I had about 10 games in the entire lifespan after getting it in 2001, 4 of those were hockey games. I knew jack shit about consoles and spend most of my time playing Starcraft.

PS2 - Preferred Sony to the other companies because they got me into gaming.

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I used to be a nintendo fanboy, so gamecube it is.



ps2, most games, all friends had it, started gaming with playstation.
well, my first bought console was playstation,
my first gaming experience that i can remember was nintendo.
n64 ftw

I had a bunch of PS2's and over 150 games for PS2. But I also had a Gamecube and Xbox, I'd say for the first 2 years of the generation I liked the PS2 best, but went to PC gaming.

Username2324 said:
I had a bunch of PS2's and over 150 games for PS2. But I also had a Gamecube and Xbox, I'd say for the first 2 years of the generation I liked the PS2 best, but went to PC gaming.

 Same for me except I went to pc gaming about 3-4 yrs in.

I missed last gen consoles, so PC fanboy I guess.

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